Фрилансеры (314)
  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 200 руб. за час

    Работаю в сфере фриланс 1,5 года Умею: html верстка, стандарты W3C (HTML5, XHTML 1.1, XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS3) ; кроссбраузерность ; адаптивная верстка; идентичность макету (pixel perfect) ; разработка jQuery ; наполнение контентом ; поддержка и обновление сайта ; обновление существующих решений‚ исправление ошибок и т.п. ; Опыт работы с Figma и About Photoshop Ссылка на портфолио: https://github.com/NikitaKir?tab=repositories

  • R50 9649b37286480a39316f9d4ee241d892
    +0 / -0
    Ivan Morozov
    Fullstack developer
    от 500 руб. за час

    Что касается Разработки, то имею знания и опыт работы с: Frontend skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Sass, Bootstrap 4/5, React, TypeScript, Redux Backend skills: Python, GO , SQL(SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL), MongoDB, Django, Flask, FastApi, SQLAlchemy Other : Linux, Docker, Nginx, GIT , Wordpress, Что касается Дизайна, то имеются хорошие знания Figma, Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator. Так же хорошо умею обращаться с MS OFFICE. Образование: МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, направление "Информатика и...

  • R50 80f7c0cfcba6968240f6c6dc95fef836
    +5 / -1
    Ольга Роде
    Тексты, презентации
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    IT-райтер, ИТ-копирайтер. Хорошо адаптирую ваши мысли к восприятию другими людьми. Преобразую ваши идеи и разнородные исходники в экспертный контент. Что пишу: - Статьи для тематических и корпоративных блогов (в том числе на Habrahabr). - Имиджевые тексты: главные страницы сайтов, about (О компании, О нас), pr-статьи, интервью. - Пресс-релизы. - Тексты для Landing Page и краудфандинговых платформ. - Описания товаров и услуг, побуждающие к покупке. - Копирайтинг полного цикла (тексты...

  • R50 418945976b34a80cdc5d304c8f9d485c
    +0 / -0
    Кирилл Борщев
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    2018 - 2022: Southern Federal University, specialization “Software engineering” Skills ● Good understanding of HTML/CSS/JavaScript (ECMAScript 6) ● Understanding of OOP design patterns ● Broad experience with React/Redux ● Experience with MUI, ANTD, Bootstrap CSS frameworks ● Familiar with flex-box ●Familiar with jQuery ● Experience with RESTful API (axios, postman) ● Direct communication with the customers ● Apps managing ● Broad experience with Node.js, MongoDB, sequelize and...

  • R50 b5f42c56dcf46b8e8d85ddb3f09a262b
    +0 / -0
    Polina Kandaurova
    Web design, UI / UX DESIGN
    от 300 руб. за час

    My name is Kandaurova Polina. I specialize in UI/UX design, website design, design of landing page, online store,corporate, news design, and graphic design. In my work I appreciate the wishes of the customer, so that any assignment is in detail coordinated and I advise on correcting the customer. In addition, I am a very punctual person and strictly relate to deadlines, so that you can don' t worry about the timeliness and quality of your project. Main skills in design: - ui/ux design - digital...

  • R50 f588df6f274adbd8e66df6e287600f32
    +0 / -0
    от 500 руб. за час

    I'm practicing Python and Django about two years. For me Python is on one of the programming languages that is easy to use, with great ecosystem and i understand the logic of the language quite well. I want to improve my skills in IT sphere. I'm looking for a professional team to become a part of it. Technology - Django/Django-rest-framework/PostgreSQL/Gunicorn/Nginx/Linux Ubuntu/Tmux/Git

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Михаил Бык
    Разработка ПО с базами данных
    от 700 руб. за час

    I can take the job since I have about 2 years of experience developing on the platform asp.net and I can design and write a database on the SQL Server platform for about 3 years.

  • R50 e56f380ab1d554f611dcd0c57c5a56dc
    +0 / -0
    Леонид Замрий
    SEO, таргет, ASO
    от 15 000 руб. за проект

    SEO Full SEO sites optimization (keywords optimization included);SEO copywriting services for website landing pages;SEO audit services and technical site correction;Improving site pages visibility in search results;Semantic core development and clustering. SOCIAL NETWORKS Targeted social media ads;Promotion of pages on Facebook;Youtube channel promotion;Social media remarketing.ASO Advanced App Store Optimization for Google Play and Apple Store;Improving User Engagement &...

  • R50 e71bb59d04fab9aabcc7021a29e80d99
    +0 / -0
    Vladimir Bondarenko
    Software Enginner
    от 500 руб. за час

    Software Engineer (Front-end, JavaScript) Employment: project work, work placement, part time, full time Work schedule: remote working, flexible schedule, full day, shift schedule Work experience 6 years 2 months October 2021 — currently 5 months EPAM Systems Inc. (Россия) www.epam-group.ru IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more Trainee Stack: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React Job Position: Front-end developer (ReactJS) Project Roles: Project Manager, Key...

  • R50 ca1e47263296f883cb732072afb0db8b
    +0 / -0
    Никита Хан
    Front-End Developer
    от 300 руб. за час

    Привет, занимаюсь написанием front-end части одностраничных сайтов. Некомерческий опыт около полу-года. Использую такие технологии, как HTML/SCSS/JS. Сайты естественно адаптивны под мобильные устройства. Мой профиль на GitHub - https://github.com/KhanZet. Мой телеграм - @UmbraZet -------------------------------------------- Hello, I am writing the front-end part of one-page sites. Non-commercial experience for about half a year. I use technologies such as HTML/SCSS/JS. Websites are...

  • R50 ade13eab939cc257d2e76c8c89a06e05
    +0 / -0
    Адыль Ибрагимли
    Frontend разработчик Angular
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    • Meticulous web developer with over 2 years of front end experience and passion for responsive website design and a firm believer in the mobile-first approach • Knowledge and diverse experience in creating interactive web applications and websites, integrating with third-party services and providing them • Understands all stages of the Angular web-application development lifecycle, has experience with Agile methodology • Passionate about learning and development with a desire to apply skills...

  • R50 48bce2a179fdb89292a5e7df2df42402
    +0 / -0
    Yurii Tarasenko
    UI/UX Designer, Web Designer
    от 350 руб. за час

    About me in one sentences Specialize in creating Landing Pages, Online Stores, Web application, Online Delivery website and mobile apps. ## In five sentences Created designs for online stores in various fields such as cosmetics, electronics, agricultural products. He also participated in the development of design for online restaurants, namely the delivery of sushi, pizza and other dishes. Developed landing pages for various fields (lawyers, product advertising, franchise advertising,...

  • R50 b50565dc7ba4983ef113adbb087fc6bc
    +0 / -0
    Yoshiro Morino
    Full Stack Development
    от 3 000 руб. за час

    Hello! For about 5 years, I've been working as a Full-stack Developer. In the early years of my work experience, as there weren't too many libraries allowing for rapid development, it was required for me to build a lot of things from scratch. That experience gave me quite a good understanding of how things work and I've developed solid Front-end & Backend skills. Nowadays I am trying to follow the newest trends in development, using modern libraries and the best recipes. As the modern...

  • R50 ca8359fdfedddd640c8d56d95e0bc027
    +0 / -0
    Liza Mordukhovich
    UI/UX Designer
    от 100 руб. за час

    Hi! I'm UI/UX Designer, can design your ideal Website, Landing page or Mobile App design. I work with Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Power Point, Canva Here is my working experiance: Furniture store The aim of the project was to create an online store selling furniture items and a mobile adaptation. The ckeak-list was to create: main, product and payment pages, a card and some additional pages (favourite items and ect.) The company produces furniture items in a minimalistic style,...

  • R50 d2330f7c17fca62e53f0e22550c137f6
    +0 / -0
    Антон Потапенко
    Android developer / Андроид ра
    от 880 руб. за час

    I have been developing games and applications on android for about two years. Including I have successful experience of working at Freelance and working in a team. Programming is my hobby and my attitude to it as an art. I strive to develop and learn new skills and experience of others, including foreign programmers, I try to apply the knowledge gained and implement it in my work. I am interested in complex tasks that require a certain amount of time. I am able to give my best 100% to meet the...

  • R50 90929bdd0fcd963f034f33eead1905b4
    +0 / -0
    Igor Zinov
    Python development
    от 100 руб. за час

    Hi, I have experience in working with Telegram bots, API, SQL databases, I am also familiar with web layout. I will do everything quickly and in the best possible way.

  • R50 315173b414b66f858048d3017711b71f
    +0 / -0
    Эдуард Цысь
    Unreal Engine, Unity Developer
    от 500 руб. за проект

    I've been developing games for about 6 years, 3 of which were spent learning, the last 2 years I've been actively developing my own project. I chose Unreal Engine as my main engine, but I've been making a game on Unity for about a year. I have a team of 8 people, as well as hands-on experience in game development and presenting it to publishers. Game development takes up all my free time, it's not a hobby, but rather part of my life.

  • R50 574dd1d98b100b63db8e12f0e7bd4355
    +0 / -0
    Alisa Liashova
    English Translator, SMM, English Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing
    цена договорная

    I am an experienced member with a demonstrated history of working in Social Media Management. I am skilled in HR Consulting, Digital Marketing, Communication, and Multilingualism. Strong business development professional with a Master of Business Administration - MBA and Bachelor of Arts - BA in Applied Psychology, minoring in Business from Carson-Newman University. Besides, I was born in Ukraine, then at the age of 16, I moved to the United States (studying there for about six years now),...

  • R50 91efa8aafe27b3448f14659b25987377
    +0 / -0
    Pavel N
    QA engineer manual/automation
    от 650 руб. за час

    Hello. I am looking for new projects to participate in them. About myself: I can be very useful and interesting for your team as an QA manual/automation engneer , a specialist who knows the Python programming language, understands the JavaScript programming language, understands the HTML and CSS, works with MySQL databases, speaks English at the B1. You can contact me by phone +7 985-758-1508 or by e-mail: hat7581508@gmail.com Thanks

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Виктор Семенов
    Веб Разработчик
    от 30 000 руб. за месяц

    Я Семенов Виктор являюсь веб мастером, разработчиком, помогу Вам определиться с форматом и платформами, бережно относясь к вашему бюджету. Ведь по мимо сделать сайт красивым и функциональным его ещё и нужно продвигать "SEO" и в этом у меня тоже хороший опыт. Ссылки на проекты которые я веду https://beriremont.ru/ сайт ремонт квартир бюджет на создание 30 тр сейчас хорошие показатели по посейщаймости и высокие позиции в Поисковых системах.Второй проект https://lagovitsa.ru/ здесь очень много...

  • R50 a2313082881ea0adf6c7e5ceab724020
    +0 / -0
    Michael Galiew
    Разработка сайтов, преложжнтй.
    цена договорная

    I represent the company IT CAPITAL, we represent services.... what service Website development Integrated development sites of any complexity landing page, multi-page or online store) On Software development Development of a complex software02 IOS Android Mobile development applications on operating systems iOS and Android OS, Al - Intellect Development of artificial intelligence, its training and implementation, Marketing Setting up so, coition Google Ads, VR / AR -...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Миша Вишневский
    Разработка игр
    от 800 руб. за час

    I am a self-taught programmer engaged in the design and development of digital projects and computer games. I've been writing code since I was 11, and I created my first 2D game when I was 14. I am interested in the technological component of AAA games, and since my youth I have been obsessed with creating game engines. I am an absolute perfectionist and therefore I work through the smallest details of everything I create. Design, unify, iterate, refactor. I love performance and minimalism....

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    цена договорная

    Here's Nikita Egelskii speaking. My objectives are prescribed by top values: Motivation. I want to wake up with fire in my eyes and go to bed thinking about how I will pursue my tasks in the morning. Achievements. I want to clearly know what I can be proud of and what I have achieved in this life. Commitment. I want to take on important tasks that affect the lives of the people around me. Independence. I want to spontaneously break into travel and not depend on the schedule. Thus, my goal...