Фрилансеры (195)
  • R50 b9d9163d2e5beeadc605548505e8842d
    +2 / -0
    Алина Зеленская
    Fullstack developer
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    I am a fullstack developer with a focus on frontend technologies and growing experience in backend development. With over 4 years of commercial frontend experience, I have developed a wide range of applications, and recently, I have been expanding my skill set to backend development, including API design and microservices using Python and FastAPI. Additionally, I have hands-on experience building Telegram bots, automating tasks, and integrating external services. Technologies I use: Hard...

  • R50 8f8e083263905729eb198805566ff614
    +0 / -0
    Best Dev > 15 years of exp...
    php, json, javascript, api
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    Услуги по доработке сайтов, приложений IOS – исправление ошибок, SPAM защита, УСКОРЕНИЕ загрузки, ОЧИСТКА ОТ ВИРУСОВ, парсеры, API, Bot. Подключаю любые системы оплаты к любой системе сайта. PHP, Swift, MySQL, JavaScript. Доработка любых решений. Сложность любая!

  • R50 e12970c41424bc0130a4ff421daa471e
    +0 / -0
    Ogabek Orziyev
    Рекламу и другие работы смотри
    от 250 руб. за час

    Hi! I am a passionate and dedicated freelancer specializing in video editing and front-end development. I bring a unique blend of creative and technical skills to every project, ensuring visually stunning and highly functional results. Skills and experience: Video Editing: Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and other leading video editing programs. I excel at creating engaging, high-quality videos that captivate audiences and tell compelling stories. Front-End Development:...

  • R50 bc8d79e5c59b0e962797c05f42e3c70e
    +0 / -0
    Иван Чукаев
    Разработка на C#/.Net/GoLang
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Software engineer with 15+ years in IT industry. Experienced in working with international companies and teams. Proficient in FinTech, E-commerce and FoodTech areas, with legacy, monolithic and microservice systems. Specializes in backend development for high-load systems including internet banking, cashier systems, loyalty systems and other e-commerce platforms. Proficient in building robust backend systems, applications and services using .NET Core/C#, Azure cloud. Skilled in application...

  • R50 8b8ef2e69bf7ad159b75912578f58d4b
    +2 / -0
    Игорь Кондауров
    Разработка сайтов, CRM
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    UX/UI UX best practices, Figma, Axure, Adobe PS AI XD, VisualEyes. Frontend HTML5, CSS3, LESS, Bootstrap, БЭМ, JS, Jquery, VanilaJS, ES6+, WebPack, VUE.js, React.js. Backend Битрикс, Битрикс24, Laravel, PHP8, MySQL, RestAPI, WSDL, 1С, Json, Soap, MVC, Node.js. 1С-Bitrix – Золотой Партнер. www.1c-bitrix.ru/partners...

  • R50 f652cbf5fd9ea37902bce05193436721
    +0 / -0
    Danil Nikolaev
    Разработка Android приложений
    от 450 руб. за час

    С 18 лет работаю Android разработчиком. Начинал с фриланса, где познал прелести работы в команде и недопонимания между заказчиком и исполнителем и разработал стартап по поиску друзей-спортсменов и организации встреч и турниров. После работал на частное лицо, где в процессе работы успел разработать курьерское приложение для ТСД Атол Smart.Slim, которое сканировало любые QR и баркоды и выводило информацию о товаре с бэка. Также успел поработать над сервисом LIR - всё-в-одном приложении для...

  • R50 2b9be25bb48f7c783f7595215534e0e6
    +0 / -0
    Роман Валерьевич Духанин
    Микросервисы/боты, Go, PG, PHP
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    Для начала рекомендую пообщаться с моим ИИ-секретарем/менеджером в Телеграм: https://t.me/PGodbBot Он ответит на все ваши вопросы по сотрудничеству. Могу сделать вам такого же Могу в 100500 раз более навороченного, если есть потребность и бюджеты. Tldr: Неспешно ищу постоянную работу в дружелюбном IT-коллективе с налаженными рабочими процессами (помогу наладить постановку задач и пр.) и адекватной зарплатой. Можно Part-Time и/или проектно. Ну а пока берусь за фриланс-разработки ПО,...

  • R50 148f9f8e2b7e5bb7b949213c9267105d
    +0 / -0
    Dmitry Bulatov
    Backend Developer
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    https://github.com/T0R0NT0T0KY0 https://career.habr.com/dmitryab Good partOfDay(); I am a (Backend) Software Engineer. Here are my stacks: Back-end: NodeJS => [NestJS, Express, Fastify, TS] DB => [PostgresSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch, ClickHouse] => [TypeORM, PrismaORM] ci/cd => [Docker, Docker-Compose, GitHub action, GitLab ci/cd] Transport => [http, https, gRPC, WebSockets, RabbitMQ] Analytics...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Oleg Aleksashov
    Fullstack dev
    цена договорная

    I am continuously learning and staying updated with the latest industry trends and best practices. I enjoy collaborating with cross-functional teams, and I am always open to new connections and communication opportunities.

  • R50 291313b670cda8e10005644885be6576
    +0 / -0
    Georgy S
    UX/UI Design
    от 4 500 руб. за час

    Lead Product Designer with over 5 years of experience in designing UX/UI for Web, iOS, and Android platforms. Proven track record in banking / dating / healthcare industries, focusing on improving user experience and product metrics. Solving business problems by providing the best customer experience in the product is my #1 priority.

  • R50 6c3dc2f7f2a21818f878eee13d43feee
    +0 / -0
    Магомед Гаджиев
    Системный аналитик/разработчик
    от 700 руб. за час

    3 года в области IT в крупных международных компаниях (Leroy Merlin, X5, Best Doctor) - Подготовка ТЗ - Разработка ПО и веб-сервисов - Сбор и формализация требований - Python + SQL для анализа данных

  • R50 cd0b6fb9885a66b1f1411aae9a1eb0e6
    +0 / -0
    Никита Учайкин
    от 100 руб. за час

    ФИО: Учайкин Никита Сергеевич Город проживания: Екатеринбург Навыки: * Базовые навыки языков программирования: Visual Basic, Delphi, C#; * Средний навык программирование Python * Высокий уровень навыка: Обработка фотографий, обработка видео; Примеры: * Делаю обработки в фотошопе в основном в аниме стиле мои лучшие работы: https://telegra.ph/Best-works-in-Photoshop-07-17 * Примеры обработки видео: - YouTube * Примры программирования: https://github.com/iSolikin/RollerCoin

  • R50 94d21c5a2bd903631ed0be5f46c3cfa9
    +0 / -0
    цена договорная

    As a UI/UX designer, I am excited about the opportunity to create innovative and user-friendly designs that can make a difference in people's lives. With a strong background in design principles and best practices, I am committed to delivering engaging and effective designs that meet the needs of users while also aligning with business goals and technical requirements. One of my key strengths as a UI/UX designer is my ability to conduct user research and analyze data to inform my design...

  • R50 fc4f57a07c0419ed91515caf1e71cd48
    +0 / -0
    Eugene Allenov
    Front-end development
    от 2 500 руб. за час

    Hello! With 9+ years experience of Javascript development, I would consider myself as the right guy to build scalable production ready architecture. I have passion especially for React, Typescript, GraphQL and blockchain as the latest interest. Though I love to build complex features, I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty with anything required like fixing bugs, CI/CD integrations, writing tests or proper planning and product brainstorming. Experienced in WEB3 - building dAPPS, DEX....

  • R50 c96c587fd3ca454d7786425e6b1bc2df
    +0 / -0
    от 3 000 руб. за час

    Hi! My name is Valeriia Penkivska, I am the Sales Manager of ITCAPITAL. We are a friendly team of professionals, and our main goal is to make the best products for our customers on time or earlier. I would like to offer you the following services: - Development of sites of any complexity. - Development of programs for Android, IOS.

  • R50 a97132ae046ea62d08ed47d1ead04db2
    +3 / -1
    Дмитрий Журавлев
    Android, IOS разработка, Spring
    цена договорная

    Некоторые мои работы IOS BestDiscount - скидки, купоны, карты, места - разработка клиента https://apps.apple.com/us/app/best-discount/id1212992460 IOS BestDiscount Cashier - разработка клиента кассира https://apps.apple.com/us/app/best-discount-cashier/id1399848253 IOS TopbBrains - фриланс биржа - разработка клиента IOS, участие в разработке сервера и Android клиента https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/topbrains/id1487850033 Android, IOS - FreeCell - разработка клиента личного кабинета...

  • R50 24c53b7f813b1a36c4dcef753d502aab
    +0 / -0
    Мурад Ахундов
    Бэкенд Разрабокта (Python)
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Инженер-программист и инструктор по Backend-разработке. Имею опыт работы с различными типами архитектуры и технологий. В настоящее время тщательно изучаю архитектуру программного обеспечения и Data Engineering. Работал над системами управления обучением, платформами интернет-маркетинга, интеллектуальными системами управления рекламой и так далее. В свободное время я работаю над своими проектами с открытым исходным кодом. Готов к интересным и сложным задачам. ...

  • R50 f5f53b7537787e2a841e6cd9df2f9d04
    +3 / -0
    Александр Юдин
    Тестирование, системный анализ
    от 3 000 руб. за час

    Current position team QA lead in Subsquid GMBh Over 6 years precise Quality Assurance technical/hands-on Engineer and executive leadership delivering significant improvement in quality. Proficient in all QA operations, policies and procedures. Experience hiring and developing individual team members. Committed to thoroughly assessing product quality and manufacturing processes to achieve excellent results and customer satisfaction. Career Highlights SDLC: Agile with SCRUM/Sprints,...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Сергей Игнатов
    цена договорная

    Работаем в команде, дизайнер, разработчик (верстальщик), маркетолог Делаем сайты под ключ любой сложности Примеры последних работы: https://plankv.ru/ https://best-tobacco.site/ https://totalclinic.ru/ http://morozova.design.tilda.ws/

  • R50 366f99321cda72952404d41b65d26177
    +0 / -0
    Yeghishe Hovhannisyan
    full stack developer - React
    от 1 800 руб. за час

    Hi! Welcome to my profile! I'm an expert Web Application Developer with more than 6+ years of web and web-app development experience in various platforms and languages. Front-End Development: For the last 4 years, I've been heavily engaged with SPA (Single Page Application) and Front-End development with React.js, Redux, JavaScript (ES6/ES5), TypeScript, CSS3, HTML5. Back-End Development: I also have good experiences with Node.JS, Express.js, MongoDB to develop the back-end. I am an...

  • R50 9fe37d8fc0438d91bc5d9c02e5eaa30f
    +0 / -0
    Yuri Kadykov
    от 999 руб. за час

    Greetings, I'm the full stack developer who have been loving work in the best programming language about of the world – Python. Because simplicity is a sign of genius and simplicity it is the Python! I'm better like backend than frontend. I have skills in SQLing, Machine Learning, Pintesting, TelegramAPI, Parsing data, (HTML, CSS, JS – I'm silent about it because it's obviously)

  • R50 3c840708a6a160ef580818a33a459af8
    +0 / -0
    Umid Xasanov
    Telegram bot Developer
    от 10 000 руб. за проект

    Hello, I am Umidjon. I have been working on Telegram bot development for many years and I always strive to provide the best service to my clients. I have extensive experience in Telegram bot development and can provide customized solutions tailored to the needs of my clients. Additionally, I always keep my clients' bots up-to-date with the latest technologies to help them achieve their goals. Working with me has many advantages. Firstly, I take the time to understand my clients' needs and...

  • R50 6299b763d96885355203cefb78e6f5cc
    +0 / -0
    Maxim Revin
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Greetings, I'm the full stack developer who have been loving work in the best programming language about of the world – Python. Because simplicity is a sign of genius and simplicity it is the Python! I'm better like backend than frontend. I have skills in SQLing, Machine Learning, Pintesting, TelegramAPI, Parsing data, (HTML, CSS, JS – I'm silent about it because it's obviously)

  • R50 37188fb667674cf5ab66a334854329a2
    +0 / -0
    Alexander Mossejtschuk
    C++ Разработчик
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    I am a C++ Developer at Bertrandt AG, a leading engineering service provider in Germany. I have over six years of experience in IT, including 2.5 years as a Unix Administrator at COC AG, a consulting and IT service company. I have a Coursera C++ Certificates, an ITIL Foundation Certificate, and a LinkedIn Red Hat Certified System Administrator Certificate. I am proficient in Linux, Linux System Administration, Ubuntu, and other Unix-based systems. I work with a team of engineers to develop,...