Hello! I’m a senior web developer living in Nizhniy Novgorod. Currently I spend my days working as freelancer. I’m available for big, interesting projects, feel free to get in touch if you have an idea I might be interested in. Get in touch using this form or feel free to email me at vadim@kozlov.pro. I spend my days with my hands in many different areas of web development from back end programming (PHP, Django/Python) to front end engineering (HTML, CSS, and jQuery/Javascript), user experience...
Вадим КозловПрограммистот 2 000 руб. за час
Андрей Ермиловфирменный стиль, логотипот 1 500 руб. за час
С 2005 года занимаюсь разработкой логотипов и фирменных стилей. В 2007 году закончил Британскую Высшую Школу Дизайна. Работал арт-директором в ведущих брендинговых студиях России – DDVB, BBDO Branding, Tomatdesign
Alexei Karataiвебразработчикот 350 руб. за час
Hello! I am working in Belhard. I have been working for more than 6 years as a software developer. The developer of the front end - 5 years. I have more than 2 years of experience react redux and similar libraries. Work on agile methodologists. Higher education 2007-2012 Grodno State University named after. Y. Kupala, faculty Mathematics and Informatics (full-time / budget) specialization: Information Technology Software (POIT) Skills: javascript es5-es6, reaction, shortening,...
Валерий ЗахаровWeb-разработчик / Тимлидот 1 350 руб. за час
Seven years of experience in web-oriented successfuly projects as a developer, project manager and team leader. My approach to work is always high quality and deadline-oriented. Last long term contract was about the binary options/forex software provider. Backend API, Backend CRM, Frontend, Risk Managment System, Affiliates sdk's, CI/CD, services, devops, orchestration, management - more than 50 repositories in different languages was developed by me or under my control. Backend PHP, Laravel,...
iSpreadNews Teamapp promotion, marketingот 1 000 руб. за проект
It's all about iSpreadNews. iOs, Android, iPhone etc.
Марат ДаллинBackend разработчикот 30 000 руб. за месяц
Оказываю услуги по разработке веб-приложений на CakePHP. Диагностирую и устраняю неисправности в рабочих проектах. При необходимости, провожу обновление CakePHP и его компонентов. https://dallin.uz/p/about
Студия RAmonkaСайт под ключот 800 руб. за час
Каждый член нашей команды — высококлассный специалист в своей сфере. Именно благодаря этому и образовалась студия «RAmonka» — клиенты настолько были довольны проделанной работой, что не хотели расставаться и желали «продолжения банкета» в виде предоставления услуг из смежных сфер. Так дизайнер стал искать программиста, программист копирайтера, копирайтер менеджера, ну а менеджер, как ему и положено, всех остальных. Опыт работы нашей студии: 10+ лет. Мы не фирма-однодневка, мы никуда не...
Gotta DoСистемный администраторцена договорная
More than a job for about 10 years.
Станислав БогатырёвАвтоматизация, IaaCот 666 руб. за час
Женя МаксименкоGO DEVцена договорная
I’m a solutions architect focused on building highly scalable native applications with a special in APIs, Microservices, containerized applications, and distributed systems. I’m passionate about building scalable backend systems and Microservices in Go. I’m pragmatic minimalist who focuses on realworld practices for architecting solutions. Worked with Erlang, Prolog, PHP and Java. Now Golang i my way.
Игорь ТарасенкоРазработчикот 500 руб. за час
5 years of experience in developing on PC and mobile platforms. Ability to conduct business, the right time optimization, always online, constant reports about the current status of the workflow. Experience in development of turnkey websites, participation in the development of highly loaded projects and mobile applications on various subjects. Provide high-quality and well-optimized code.
от 500 руб. за час
iOS-developer с соотвествующим опытом и парочкой больших заверешенных проектов. Люблю свое дело.
Nikita BelovDesignerот 2 500 руб. за час
Some words about me
Alex IvanovWeb development, QAот 16 000 руб. за месяц
Python experience - 2,5 years. jQuery experience - about a year
Oleg SobchukRuby on Railsот 320 руб. за час
We are developers team with 5+ years experience. We have excelent knowledge in HTML, HAML, Slim, CSS, Bootstrap, RubyOnRails, jQuery, JavaScript, Devise, Rspec, Cucumber, Capybara, Selenium, Git and many else interesting features. We guarantee speed and quality More info: http://cookinglake.net/ Our hourly rate is about $10-20, depending on the complexity. You can add me to skype: oleg.sobchuk and we will discuss all questions!
Sergey Goldyaev.NETцена договорная
Sergey Goldyaev Phone: +7 926 598 72 41 Email: sgoldyaev@gmail.com LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sgoldyaev Skills Programming Languages: C# (up to 4.5), UML, XML, SQL, WPF, WCF, Linq, Winforms, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 2, jQuery, Web Services, .NET Remoting Frameworks and Tools: NHibernate 3, Entity Framework, Wix Toolkit, MS Enterprise Library (Application Blocks), SCSF, WCSF, Naked Objects, Telerik, Expression Studio 3 (Design, Web,...
Тарас Гешвидеодизайнцена договорная
обо мне здесь
Serhio PascaleFront-End Разработчикот 60 000 руб. за месяц
Верстка сложных дизайнов. Разработка мобильных версий сайтов. Нативные web-приложения под iPhone, Android и другие платформы. P.S. Ниже текст для иностранных заказчиков. I work in the web industry since 2008. I have participated in many projects, mainly as a freelancer and started only with PHP. In those years, I realized that the development of friendly user interface for web sites and native applications will become an integral part of most services. Since 2010, I began to...
Дмитрий Золотаревphp, webот 640 руб. за час
ps. about me: I am web programmer, have about 10 years of expertise as freelancer and at outsource work. - developing custom sites from scratch, using different technologies, - have experience in creating php/mysql/flash sites with help of frameworks, sites with cms, e-shops, other different types of sites. You can check samples of my work and feedbacks from clients at my elance profile: http://www.elance.com/s/amstudio/portfolio/ My CV and skills...
Неманович АнтонТестированиеот 400 руб. за час
Ручное и автоматизированное тестирование: интерфейсное, нагрузочное, api веб-сервисов. Занимался тестированием одной из крупнейших торговых площадок Рунета - pulscen.ru
Азер АбдуллаевВекторная графика, sysadminот 1 000 руб. за проект
Обо мне Резюме
Maxim TkachSoftware Engineerцена договорная
I'm Software Engineer (PHP & GO) with a lot of experience. My personality type the logician (INTP-A) and I'm business oriented programmer. I like PHP7, NoSQL Databases, ZMQ, Docker and create asynchronous applications. I know how work WebSocket, and I wrote RFC6455 library on PHP. My best project it is poker (fully written in PHP7 on server side). On server side I used Reactphp, ZMQ, Redis, Pthreads. The server part uses a docker, and the all is divided into 8 containers (6 services and 2...
михаил нетфамилиипрограммистот 250 руб. за час
Русский, 32 года. Программист с 2001г. Подробнее Тут - http://mihail201.ru/about
Назарий ШереметRuby on Rails developerот 1 400 руб. за час
Hi, my name is Nazar. In my portfolio, are a few of the projects that I've developed. I believe my strong points are my Creativeness and Punctuality. My #1 goal will always be to meet your needs and deadline. When working on a project, I like to speak with the client, so that I can have a clear understanding of his/her needs and vision of the project. Since 2014, I'am programmer in Investment platform for companies and investors. Developing Frontend (CoffeeScript, JS, Sass, Bootstrap) and...
Роман ЧумакFlash/Javascript программистот 500 руб. за час
Разработка веб-приложений на flash и javascript: интерактивные flash карты; интерактивные javascript карты: - карта поселка Верховский (openlayers); казуальные игры: - игра жанра match3; - игра жанра hidden objects; - игра жанра hidden objects. Образование: высшее, прикладная математика. Профессиональные навыки: - Adobe Flash/AIR; - ActionScript 3.0; - Starling framework; - XML; - HTML; - CSS; -...