Фрилансеры (238)
  • R50 726f6f7f035b0bbd0ae5a8dc52c56c11
    +0 / -0
    Евгений Васильев
    от 800 руб. за час

    Окончил МГУ Печати по специальности "Информационные технологии в дизайне". Защитил на "отлично" дипломный проект на тему "Разработка и программная реализация игровой механики двухмерной компьютерной игры". Имею опыт рисования и создания анимаций и спецэффектов на Flash, работе с git, разработке полноценных приложений, в том числе использующих сетевые технологии. В свободное время занимаюсь разработкой flash-игр, в данный момент постепенно перехожу на Unity. Создавал на Flash/AIR приложения,...

  • R50 664d894ed804a06c16522a263829b0cc
    +0 / -0
    Дмитрий Кузнецов
    Разработка и поодержка сайтов
    от 500 руб. за час

    Приветствую. Работаем командой, быстро и ответственно. Выполняем все виды веб разработок и айдентики. raketa.agency Занимаемся/знаем/умеем: CSS3, HTML5, PHP, photoshop, illustrator, python+django, 1c Bitrix Our experiences ranged from building responsive mobile sites that work well cross-browser to building scalable sites and services. We like working on projects creating beautiful and usable interfaces. We also like to do landing pages with good and nice designs. we like to develop...

  • R50 31ee33c97dde907b8117435e7f8f3bc0
    +0 / -0
    Kreida group
    mobile, web applications
    от 500 руб. за час

      Kreida is a software development company that is specialized in mobile, web applications and presentation materials development for smartphones and tablets based on Windows 8 and Android operating systems.Kreida Group provides custom software development services such as:   -  customized software development for mobiles ;   -  design and web-design of mobile applications;   -  cloud computing (the development of cloud based business applications);   -  creation of the websites and Internet...

  • R50 cf6333eb979c0fc80899f8cea138dc84
    +0 / -0
    Алек Звонков
    Frontend develop
    от 400 руб. за час

    Верстаю быстро, качественно, с помощью препроцессоров (stylus/less/sass slim/jade) и webpack (при желании могу использовать grunt/gulp) Занимаюсь css анимацией, скриптами на js Отлично знаю jquery Делаю SPA-приложения на react

  • R50 51ff925ad3aee47d0d859869067cd2c7
    +0 / -0
    Andrey Ctkn
    .net/js developer
    от 350 руб. за час

    Experience My experience is based on writing web applications (over three years) on asp.net platform. Also, I have experience in develop web application on js server side framework (as like as express.js and sails.js).I like to use TDD and BDD style in develop application. Skills Language: С#, JavaScript, Ruby, bash Back-end: asp.net (web froms, mvc, web api, nancy), node.js (express.js, sails.js). ·Testing: nunit, moq,...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Богдан Чайка
    от 500 руб. за час

    I begin programming and earn money by it in may 2005 year. Now i'm a strong adept of Erlang. But my first language was C++ and Java. At first time i develop desktop application for Win32 : spying system and "work list reports" for building company. After that i took part in startUp project kupui.com and ukrmoney.com on perl - ukrainian analogs of ebay.com and paypal.com. This projects were unsuccessful. In 2007 i begin develop audit system for financianal bank also on perl. During this time i...

  • R50 4a3d56e024a3e1bff75a65296067872a
    +0 / -0
    Игорь Зеттич
    Server administrator, develop
    от 600 руб. за час

    Имею семилетний опыт работы в области администрирования Linux-серверв и баз данных. Решение сложных и срочных проблем. Большой опыт разработки крупных проектов на PHP/MySQL.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Дмитрий Ломакин
    Senior PHP & SQL developer
    от 500 руб. за час

    My skills: • Strong practical knowledge of PHP5 (inc. v5.3 and v5.4) • Excellent OOP skills including design patterns understanding and applying • Ability to build complex MySQL queries, optimize queries and tables for performance • Knowledge and experience in Apache, Nginx, Memcache, Linux • Solid experience in professional PHP and SQL (Oracle, MySQL) programming since 2005 • Knowledge in system design around scalability • Practical usage of third party sites APIs (Facebook, Flickr, etc) and...

  • R50 a6a036a9835d764fdaf6f4edc9d367bb
    +0 / -0
    Gleb Tsyrulnikov
    Senior Web Developer
    от 2 000 руб. за проект

    Hi, I'm Gabe. Well everybody calls me like this, don't even know why. :) About me: I'm a web developer with more than 3 years of experience. I was lucky to develop the new version of webtheory — the most popular website for learning HTML5, CSS3, Design and so on in Russia. I also wrote several articles about the Ruby language on the website. As a project of webtheory, I created a back-end structure of the game called Hackable, which we tried to develop in a hackathon mode. Currently I work...