Фрилансеры (300)
  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Nikolay Kamenyuk
    от 460 руб. за час

    2000-2005 - Odessa National Polytechnical University, graduated with diploma of Computer Science Specialist, speciality - System Programming. Languages: Russian – native. Ukrainian – native. English – almost fluent spoken. On DevGAMM Moscow 2014 my quest puzzle game "Knightie Tale" took 2 awards - "Excellence in Narrative" and "Best future mobile game". Game made completely by my own (except the graphics) - idea, story, logic, programming. Two unique puzzles were invented. Own...

  • R50 8bdf5e01d05733980407f348afa30d2e
    +0 / -0
    Сергей Той
    Front-end Developer
    от 120 000 руб. за месяц

    Проектирование и разработка интерактивных пользовательских интерфейсов на HTML5 и JavaScript, программирование на Ruby on Rails. Разработка интернет-приложений для мобильных устройств, а также приложений для социальных сетей. Подготовка, организация и проведение маркетинговых мероприятий. Любые виды рекламной деятельности, проведение маркетологических исследований. Бренд- и веб-дизайн. Представляю интересы компании Any Creative

  • R50 88bb9bb8745f1241964c9ba99116f819
    +0 / -0
    Иван Тиликин
    веб-программирование, верстка
    цена договорная

    - отличное знание HTML, XHTML, CSS; - JavaScript, jQuery; - PHP базовый, Parser; - Photoshop; - SVN, GIT, MySQL, Apache; - XSLT - когда-то работал.

  • R50 8885fbc79ea45fdeb069de81f77f2bf1
    +0 / -0
    GentTech | PHP, ROR, C++, Java
    Dev for Website, Mobile App.
    цена договорная

    GentTech - we are web development outsourcing company with experienced and qualified team of designers and web developers. We deliver creative and professional web design services to individuals, small businesses as well as large organizations. GentTech company is located in Eastern Europe,Ukraine. Our working hours are convenient and we can work with any clients timezone so we can provide web development services to companies all over the world. Having entered the IT market...

  • R50 e2ce43b596142120d01c79cce248a55d
    +0 / -0
    от 450 руб. за час

    Who I Am Art Director Graphic Designer Art consultant UI/ UX/ GUI Designer Product Developer Photographer What I can do for you Graphic Design Product Development Branding & Copywriting Art Direction & Visual Design Interaction Design & Prototyping Front-end Development Back-end Development Logo & Other graphic design Media planning and promotional services in Ukraine and beyond Сostumers consulting Write to me with any questions or...

  • R50 31312f77963e32fb23bb98b9a0d7124b
    +0 / -0
    Alexander Belonogov
    Senior Android Developer
    от 900 руб. за час

    Alexander is an experienced Android developer. With over a dozen completed apps in his portfolio, he has the proven ability to develop efficient applications of any kind. He is highly goal-oriented and has experience with all stages of development.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Игорь Гладун
    Project Manager
    от 450 руб. за час

    Creating HTML5 / CSS3 web Front-end. Responsive web design for mobile or any display resolution. Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, SCSS, HAML. Always - across all popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE7-IE9, Safari, Opera) - pixel per pixel like a mockup - rightly structured and SEO friendly markup - HTML / CSS W3C valid - highest quality scalable CSS code Quality Guarantee - 5+ years experience with professional teams on real projects - perfect knowlege of...

  • R50 1c0db15510b462ed3ea0779572596324
    +0 / -0
    Serhio Pascale
    Front-End Разработчик
    от 60 000 руб. за месяц

    Верстка сложных дизайнов. Разработка мобильных версий сайтов. Нативные web-приложения под iPhone, Android и другие платформы. P.S. Ниже текст для иностранных заказчиков. I work in the web industry since 2008. I have participated in many projects, mainly as a freelancer and started only with PHP. In those years, I realized that the development of friendly user interface for web sites and native applications will become an integral part of most services. Since 2010, I began to...

  • R50 032b488d2ec2a96b68f105c664ba9723
    +0 / -0
    Ринат Габдуллин
    Fullstack iOS developer
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    I have over 5 years of software development experience, and for 3 years I have been fully focusing on iOS platform. My aim is to create great applications that meet all clients' requirements. Feel free to text me with any questions. I'm a fullstack developer: - Mockups. I can help you to think over and bring your ideas into interactive prototype. - UI/UX design. I can provide the best UI solutions according to your aims and can explain why it is so. - Software architecture and...

  • R50 542743a47789c9b02445af717bd2896d
    +0 / -0
    Maxim Tkach
    Software Engineer
    цена договорная

    I'm Software Engineer (PHP & GO) with a lot of experience. My personality type the logician (INTP-A) and I'm business oriented programmer. I like PHP7, NoSQL Databases, ZMQ, Docker and create asynchronous applications. I know how work WebSocket, and I wrote RFC6455 library on PHP. My best project it is poker (fully written in PHP7 on server side). On server side I used Reactphp, ZMQ, Redis, Pthreads. The server part uses a docker, and the all is divided into 8 containers (6 services and 2...

  • R50 29eb9b1e8bf93a2218581d837f876f54
    +0 / -0
    Dmitry Gordienko
    web developer
    от 450 руб. за час

    Professional Web Application Developer in a wide variety of web applications. Always interested in job opportunities, interesting projects, as well as close interaction with any web-related areas. Particularly interested in building large web 2.0 community portals.

  • R50 68af9c518893df13771908a7ca3fce2c
    +0 / -0
    Юрий Несмиян
    Joomla, дизайн, верстка, Java
    от 640 руб. за час

    Java: Experience: 5 years Areas: J2SE (Java 1.4–1.6), J2EE, Servlets/JSP, EJB, JSF, JDBC Developed web-based applications and took part in challenging heavy-duty server-side development, proficient with modern development techniques, such as test-driven development, agile, pair programming and others. Frameworks/Tools: Seam, myFaces, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, JTA, Apache commons, Ant, Maven, JUnit, Unitils, JBoss, TomCat, Eclipse, IDEA, Antlr, Google App Engine, Apache CXF, Jboss...

  • R50 995dda5abd2aea4363889d8dbbb513e9
    +0 / -0
    от 100 руб. за час

    Студент 3/5 (Защита информации); Эникейщик в небольшой IT-аутсорс фирме; Книжки читаю, телевизор не смотрю.  Ищу интересный и легкий фриланс для расширения IT кругозора.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    M. Sh.
    Programmer in PHP, Perl, MySQL
    от 3 000 руб. за проект

    I'm freelancer from 2000 on many freelance .com firms. Specialize in db managment/design (MySQL, PostgreSQL, other SQL and noSQL), script (PHP, Perl) writing/mods/bugfixing - for any Internet tools and commerce, forums, etc. Best in migration from old site/system to new. 

  • R50 485a509eddf8f07b9b3e6f08c39163eb
    +0 / -0
    Игорь ExcelVBA.ru
    Макросы Excel, парсинг сайтов.
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Разработка программ любой сложности для Microsoft Excel. Парсинг сайтов на базе универсальной надстройки «Парсер сайтов». Опыт - 10 лет. Нерешаемых задач в Excel нет! Огромный опыт разработки макросов (надстроек) под Excel: обработка прайс-листов, заполнение документов по шаблонам, мониторинг цен конкурентов, анализ данных, формирование отчётов, парсинг сайтов, сбор данных из файлов, и многое-многое другое. Оформить заказ можно на нашем сайте http://ExcelVBA.ru/ Заказы на парсер...

  • R50 4b3f1724336c99ba07d61b50f8973dd6
    +0 / -0
    Дмитрий Приходько
    Разработчик ПО
    от 500 руб. за час

    Занимаюсь программированием с 1998 года. Разработкой сайтов - с 2006 года. Писал программы на basic, pascal, delphi, assembler, flash/flex, maxscript, java (j2me, j2se), javascript, php.  Основное направление на данный момент - html + css + javascript + php + mysql.Любимый фреймворк - yii.

  • R50 a6a036a9835d764fdaf6f4edc9d367bb
    +0 / -0
    Gleb Tsyrulnikov
    Senior Web Developer
    от 2 000 руб. за проект

    Hi, I'm Gabe. Well everybody calls me like this, don't even know why. :) About me: I'm a web developer with more than 3 years of experience. I was lucky to develop the new version of webtheory — the most popular website for learning HTML5, CSS3, Design and so on in Russia. I also wrote several articles about the Ruby language on the website. As a project of webtheory, I created a back-end structure of the game called Hackable, which we tried to develop in a hackathon mode. Currently I work...