![R50 7adcd39b20c7f821b4545d4e0dff1cf0](https://habrastorage.org/getpro/freelansim/users/avatars/122/1225/1225427/r50_7adcd39b20c7f821b4545d4e0dff1cf0.jpg)
Objective: Technical Skills: - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript; - jQuery, Bootstrap, Vuetify; - Vue.js, Vue 2, Vue 3, Composition API; - NuxtJS, Nuxt3; - Vuex, Pinia; - Vue CLI, Vite; - MsSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL; - SASS, SCSS; - Git, GitHub, npm, yarn. Languages: - English – Intermediate; - Russian – Native Speaker; - Belarussian – Native Speaker. Education: - 2018 – 2021, College of Business and Law, Information technology software (software...