Более пяти лет занимаюсь разработкой ПО для встраиваемых систем и для десктопа. Пишу ПО различной сложности. - языки программирования: asm, C, C++, Bash, Python; - фреймворки: Qt, buildroot; - микроконтроллеры: stm32f4, atmel, stellaris lm4s, msp430; - интерфейсы: i2c, spi, uart, can; - операционные системы: linux, windows, FreeRTOS; - системы контроля версий: git,svn,mercurial; - системы управления проектами: redmine,asana; - опыт реверс-инжиниринга приложений; - опыт разработки многопоточных...
Георгий Охохонинвстраиваемые системыот 500 руб. за час
Elena AzizovaИллюстрации, лого, сайтыот 1 000 руб. за час
C 03.11.2005 – 01.10.2006 ESCADA – работала в компании, которая занимается продажей женской одежды и аксессуаров. Выполняла обязанности визуального мерчендайзера, декоратора – оформителя, а также помогала в обучении продавцов магазина. Проходила обучение в Мюнхене по визуальному мерчендайзингу, который проводила Ярмилла Конвика ( главный визуальный мерчендайзер Escada ). В 11.10.2017- 02.01.2018 работала в ИП Хачатрян А.С. «АММИ» компания занимается продажей цветов, книг в розницу,...
Kristina Shubinaвеб-дизайнот 550 руб. за час
I have more than 4 years of experience in UI/UX design, web design. I can help you with: – User Interface & User Experience design – Responsive web design – Web applications design – Wireframing & prototyping – Front-end (HTML, CSS, Sass, Pug, Gulp, Bootstrap) – Photo editing Tools I use: – Adobe Photoshop – Adobe Illustrator – InvisionApp – Axure RP – SketchApp
Георгий СтеряIT-специалистот 20 000 руб. за месяц
Здравствуйте. Сопроводительное письмо на должность "Наборщик текстов"/Оператор ПК: В настоящее время я нетрудоустороен, т.к. до этого работал по контракту на объем выполнения работ, а у нас в маленьком городе тяжело с хорошими работами. В связи с этим могу предложить Вам удаленную полную занятость. Относительно данной вакансии несколько слов о себе: - Быстро набираю тексты. Уверенный пользователь ПК. Хорошо знаю Exell для отчетности. Дома мощный ПК и скоростной кабельный Интернет. -...
Aleksei Popovich.NET Fullstack Developerот 2 000 руб. за час
I'm professional in C# language and I have a strong background in .NET Core and .NET Framework. I can create a web-application for you and deploy when it finished on Linux or Windows server (or Azure, if you want). Likewise, I'm a big fan of the Domain Driven Design (DDD) architecture, and I use it in my projects. My Full-Stack is: .NET or .NET Framework via C#; Razor or Blazor pages; Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core ORM;MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL and PostgreSQL; Native JavaScript or...
Асатур ОганянFrontend Developerот 500 руб. за час
Hello! I have 1 year of experience in Web Development and can deliver your project on time meeting all your expectations. Below please find the area of my expertise. Front End Development: - JavaScript / jQuery. - HTML/HTML5. - CSS/CSS3. - Bootstrap Fraemwork. I have good communication skills and English knowledge. That helps me to set right expectations on both ends for project/customer success.
Aleksei KuzminFull-Stack WEB Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Let me introduce myself. My name is Alex. I'm a Full-Stack WEB Developer. I have been developing on Python\Django over 7 years; on Angular JS over 3 years. I have a good experience to build ASP on Python\Django on back-end and AngularJS on front-end. Honestly, I like back-end with the same passion like front-end. I'm a Full-Stack developer, so these are my strongest skills. Therefore, I can contribute in project with this skills. You can have a look at examples of my code on GitHub:...
Taras HnidetsWeb Developerцена договорная
Hi. I am a web developer. At work I use technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, LAMP stack, CMS MODX, Node.js with Express.js and BEM methodology.Moreover, I have practical experience of web design and internet-marketing, a proven ability to design Information Architecture, and UI/UX. I am always ready to deal with problems and difficulties. I am also highly motivated when I can help others and use my key skills to achieve goals and good results. Thank you in advance for your time and...
Александр НиколаевАвтоматизацияот 300 руб. за час
Основное направление работ - автоматизация технологических процессов и производств. Опыт работы - 5 лет Опыт работы со следующими программируемыми логическими контроллерами: GE, Siemens, allen bradley, fastwell. овен.
Arsen MartirosyanWeb Developerот 500 руб. за час
Hello ! I have 3 years of experience in Web Development and can deliver your project on time meeting all your expectations. Below please find the area of my expertise. ------- PHP5*/7, JavaScript, JQuery, MySql, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap* Photoshop
Hayk KarapetyanFull Stack web developerот 800 руб. за час
Hello ! I have 5 years of experience in Web Development and can deliver your project on time meeting all your expectations. Below please find the area of my expertise. Back End Development - PHP - Codelgniter; Yii 2.0; CakePHP; Phalcon; Zend - Node JS - Express; Sails.js; Hapi.js - Databases - MySQL; PostgreSQL; MongoDB - Libraries / APIs - Facebook; Google; PayPal; Stripe Front End Development - JavaScript - Angular JS; jQuery; Backbone; React JS - HTML/HTML5 - CSS/CSS3 -...
Karo HakobyanFront end web developerот 500 руб. за час
Hello my name is Karo I'm from Armenia, Yerevan. I'm front end web developer. I know HTML 4.01, XHTML, HTML5, CSS2, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap Responsive design Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON PHP, MySQL, OOP ( principles ) Adobe Photoshop, FILEZILLA, I have 2.5 years experience ( as front end developer ) I can speech three languages Armenian, Russian and English.
Геннадий РыбалкинReverse Engineerцена договорная
I'm a reverse engineer specializing in Apple iOS mobile applications as well as reverse OS X applications. I can offer: binary-level reverse engineering,reverse engineering custom protocols.Proofs of concepts can be in: c/c++, objective-c, python, php, into Sequence Diagrams
Евгений Никифоровпрограммистот 650 руб. за час
Программирование микроконтроллеров семейства Microchip PIC16,18,24, ARM типа STM32F3xx,F4xx. Под STM писал программы управления внешней памятью RAM , ROM ,Nand, программы считывания данных c внешнего устройства по сети CAN 2.B, программы вывода картинок и управления TFT монитором. При программировании использовал FREE RTOS.программирование на базе WinFORMS или WPF знания HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery. Предпочитаемая платформа для работы - ASP.NET на базе mvc. Возможна работа с php кодом....
Rinat EnikeeviOSот 1 400 руб. за час
Hello, I majored at Swift for iOS app development and am using Objective C since iOS 4 was published. I love to challenge new technology! My major is: - Swift - Objective-C - Java My faculty is: - iPhone & iPad Native App Development - REST APIs (JSON, XML, SOAP) - Third party frameworks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google plus, etc.) - Java backend (Jersey, GAE). - Rich GWT web apps. I love: Swift, Typhoon, Java, Git, RESTful, Jersey, HTTP, SSL, JSON, Maven, GCD, SQL,...
Олег МихалёвSoftware Engineerцена договорная
On a daily basis I use C++ and Go. Have some grasp of Python, Elrang and Java. I can get familiar with high-level system architecture, patterns in usage and specifics of domain quite quickly.
Sergey Kalashnikovweb-developerот 800 руб. за час
Hey, I’m a experienced web-developer. I can help you with your projects.
Станислав СоболевSoftware architectот 1 руб. за проект
Software Developer with 6+ years history of diverse industry experience. Technical startup founder with experience of bootstrapping and scaling SaaS product without external investments to profitable company. Highly organized and independent; able to effectively coordinate tasks to accomplish projects with timeliness and creativity. Innovative, enthusiastic, and uncompromising work ethic. Functional programming - Rank 1 @ HackerRank Skills - Software Engineering: Javascript, TypeScript,...
Владимир РотинPHP/Perl-разработчикот 900 руб. за час
15 years of experience in Web development. Experienced with high-load, high-trafficked sites Proven expertise in the following technologies/platforms/skills: PHP 5, outstanding OOP, OOA and OOD, prefer to use strict mode Perl, Activeperl, modperl. Frameworks: YII, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, jQuery, Bootstrap and many more. JavaScript (prefer jQuery, but can use MooTools and DoJo) versatile in XML solutions (along with XSLT and XPath) HTML (XHTML, W3C compliance, strict mode, CSS) MySQL 5,...
Илья КуликовWebsite and webappцена договорная
My best skills: I like to have the job done and to be proud of the results. So I am precise in important details. I am looking at my job from the business point of view. So I need to understand what the client needs and why. I like to be effective and avoid useless staff. That’s why I think the process and environment should help you do your job. I prefer simple and logical solutions and avoid not obvious and complex ones. I prefer to ask a quick question rather than spend hours searching for...
Андрей АBack-end разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
Mostly my experience is based on Java and related technologies: - Java SE (6,7) - JavaEE (6) - Spring Framework (Data, Security, MVC ...) - Hibernate I'm pretty good with PostgreSQL and can write complex SQLs. Had some experience with Javascript: - jQuery - KendoUI - node.js NoSQL: - CouchDB - MongoDB - Redis (a tiny bit of it)Currently I'm very interested in Javascript and trying to cognize it when I have spare time (meaning not really often).
Oleg IvanovИнженер-программистот 500 руб. за час
Являюсь ведущим инженером одной крупной фирмы, специализирующейся на разработке сложных электронных устройств. В свободное от работы время готов помочь в выполнении Ваших проектов. Разработка различных аналоговых схем, в том числе силовой электроники (импульсных преобразователей напряжения). Реальный опыт работы с прямоходовыми (полумостовыми, мостовыми) и обратноходовыми преобразователями, корректорами коэффициента мощности и др. Разработка цифровых схем, в том числе с использованием...
Сергей ВысоцкийFront-end разработкаот 1 000 руб. за час
I am a Front-end developer who likes writing clear, elegant, beautiful code. 5 years of experience in Front-end development. I have experience in responsive web interfaces development and writing elegant and semantic HTML/CSS code. Some of my works you can see on my website.
yan soklakowwebdesignerот 10 000 руб. за проект
I am a web designer, but it happens often work with code html css js. I use photoshop, and paint by hand. Doing illustrations, UI and graphic design. I work freelance and agencies. Build a comfortable work site to interact with customers. Develop a modern web design with an intuitive interface. Everything that I create is given a lot of time. Each design element. content. structure and design of the code. I get pleasure from the work done, if you have an idea, no matter what the leave...
Andrey Sharapovnode.jsцена договорная
Development of node.js/io.js modules (javascript or coffeescript), including problem analysis, writing documentation, unit testing, adapting existing solutions to customer requirements. Example modules (aka portfolio) can be found on github or npm.