Фрилансеры (588)
  • R50 3f86267318c7ca3f58c2f067fa5848b7
    +0 / -0
    Maks Dvorak
    Fullstack web developer
    от 600 руб. за час

    - PHP (Laravel, Phalcon, Yii) - MySQL, MongoDB, Redis - JavaScript ( jQuery) - Node.js, (LoopBack.js, Express.js, NW.js, Electron.js) Vue.js (with SSR, Vuex, Router, Vuetify) - Python (started level) - RabbitMQ - Docker + docker-compose - HTML5 - CSS3 (Bootstrap4, Sass) - Git - bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, ethereum smart contract(started level) Навыки администрирования Linux (Apache2, nginx, mysql)

  • R50 6bc7298b2aa48fa63dc582a00e393388
    +0 / -0
    Alexey Zlobin
    Java Developer
    от 1 700 руб. за час

    2018 – present: PMBP LTD ( Russia, Moscow ), Java Developer Developing game server (microservices REST/HTTPS, WebSockets) for multiplayer online game. Back-end (Java8, Akka, PlayFramework, Vaadin,Postgresql, Spring Security, Spring JPA), front-end (Unity 3D). 2017 – 2018: Optisor LTD (Rehovot, Israel), Full-Stack Developer Participation in the "CV bank" project. System for an applicants' management data. Registration, authentication, editing data,...

  • R50 45679b866bf0eb04d0e8b97caee920d5
    +0 / -0
    Виктория Конакова
    Пишу,анализирую,владею анг.яз.
    от 50 руб. за час

    Experience: Held various positions from cashier to Manager of furniture company Mebelik, have experience as a freelancer (making the course work in various areas of management, and sometimes projects in Appen). Some experience in making landing page and google Adwords. At this moment one of the SMM managers in Vkontakte, group. Опыт: Занимала различные позиции от кассира до менеджера в мебельной коммпании, присутствует опыр работы фрилансером в написании курсовых работ по...

  • R50 9d350696534a1bcbe4159cc7e977e564
    +0 / -0
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    Mobile, Web & Software Developer Hello everyone! I'm a freelancer from Ukraine. I specialize in Web, Mobile, Soft development. I can offer you Mobile and Web design development, 2D, 3D-art and game development as well. The main technologies I'm working with are PHP/Yii, .NET\C#, Android-SDK, Objective-C\SWIFT. So I can develop mobile applications, web-sites, e-commerce projects, different kinds of software, ERP\CRM-Systems and many others. Please see my history profile and...

  • R50 eb478a46ca83d941631e680183049fdd
    +0 / -0
    Anton Vertyporokh
    Сайт под ключ
    от 2 500 руб. за час

    I am a professional web developer. I have been working in IT industry for more than 4 years now and have thorough experience in such technologies as PHP, MySQL, Javascript. Technical skills: PHP (Yii2, Laravel, Slim, Codeigniter) (Opencart, Wordpress, SimplaCMS) Codeception, Selenium WebDriver JavaScript (Vue, Angular, Sencha Extjs) Ansible, Docker Git, SVN MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis

  • R50 53624edb7481e70d495e59b1d4e93b5a
    +0 / -0
    от 500 руб. за час

    Drupal Theming Building custom Drupal themes from scratch to be pixel perfect,improving or customizing your existing custom theme,customizing a contributed theme from the Drupal community to your needs,changing the theme of your current website with a new custom theme,making your existing Drupal theme responsive to mobile devices,and Front-End Development PSD to HTML,I am experienced in Bootstrap framework,working with other people's code,and creating email templates.I have excellent knowledge...

  • R50 1c4b9c111ccf24285fc4f6e77747c30a
    +0 / -0
    Алексей Кураков
    Парсинг, API, криптобиржи.
    от 700 руб. за час

    Здравствуйте. Моей основной деятельностью является написание программ для сбора различных данных с веб ресурсов и сохранение их в фалы различных форматов. Впервые с программированием я столкнулся в школе и после продолжил обучение в университете и различных курсах. На данный момент являюсь python разработчиком в Минске. Спасибо, что посмотрели мой профиль и прочитали информацию обо мне и моей работе. Languages: Python OS: Windows, linux. Key skills: Scrapy, Selenium, pandas, requests. Web...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Nart Tok
    програмист shopify
    от 1 250 руб. за час

    Experienced E-commerce Web Developer (WordPress, Shopify) Shopify Certified expert. My expertise includes. ====================================== - Complete Store Setup - Custom Theme Design & Layout - Mobile Responsiveness - App Installation - Functionality Customization - Update your existing Store - 3rd Party integration - API integration - Payment System integration - Product Variations - Custom reporting I am able to work in below...

  • R50 9af78df8efbdf35488faac2362dc3a37
    +0 / -0
    Михаил Алимпиев
    Drupal, интеграция, аналитика
    от 400 руб. за час

    Полный стек интернет-технологий. Команда высококлассных специалистов. Разработка сайтов и сервисов любой сложности с упором на безопасность (Drupal + Symphony в приоритете). Администрирование серверов, собственная серверная инфораструктура, хостинг в лучших дата-центрах мира и в лучших облаках. Разработка облачной инфраструктуры. Системная интеграция продуктов крупнейших мировых вендоров. Собственные наработки в области защиты данных. SSL и лицензии. Big Data и AI на базе AWS, IBM и Google....

  • R50 da8d991275add1bf3f7ae27a017a52e0
    +0 / -0
    Алеся Пархоменко
    Efficiently coding websites
    цена договорная

    Translate designs to front-end code, estimate time and costs, determine developer requirements and specifications. Write maintainable, scalable, responsive, and crossbrowser code. Write support documentation, provide training to internal and external users.

  • R50 5aaddb7a76a8de448aad5631fd79e3de
    +0 / -0
    от 700 руб. за час

    Привет, меня зовут Костя, я профессиональный JS разработчик работающий в крупной компании, основной мой стек работы это фронт и бек, люблю ковыряться и спереди и сзади :))) Имею огромный опыт работы с JavaScript (5+ лет) как на фронтенде так и на бекенде, мне очень нравятся сложные, интересные задачи с самым передовым стеком технологий. I am a JavaScript Developer with 5+ years of experience. I'm focusing on creating good-structured, cross-browser html and responsive backend (Node.js). Why me?...

  • R50 02cd15c6d0f7953adaf513f50b16cb55
    +0 / -0
    Aleksey Dolgih
    Обеспечение качества ПО
    от 800 руб. за час

    Achievements: > Quality assurance for customers interested in high competitiveness and reliability of their software and uninterrupted automated operation of all business processes. > Parallelization of all existing and new auto user behavior scenario. > Development of cross-platform and cross-browser auto-validation (horizontal and vertical). > Improvement of user behavior by means analysis of BDD scripts. Use skills: • Strong Software Quality Assurance (Reliability engineering,...

  • R50 f90933819460604a6125122545ced9d6
    +0 / -0
    от 3 000 руб. за час

    Senior UI/UX Artist Experienced in: UI/UX, Landing Page Design, Wordpress Design, iOS/ Android App Design I'm a senior product designer and developer with a passion for creating intuitive, simple, and beautiful designs that delight users. I will suggest you the best way, best price, and solutions into web development. Don't risk your time or reputation, get a web developer that is proven in achieving high levels of success. Your project deserves it! Independent UI/UX Designer and Developer: -...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Sevak Sahakyan
    Html code
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    <!-- Created by Madhav--> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>CAESAR CIPHER</title> </head> <body bgcolor="cyan"> <div id="info"> <div class="icon" id="see" onclick="document.getElementById('ab').style.visibility='visible',document.getElementById('see').style.visibility='hidden',document.getElementById('nosee').style.visibility='visible'"><i class="fas fa-info"></i></div> <div class="icon"...

  • R50 16d4565e3c0b8bac19622e56a8debe3b
    +0 / -0
    Lyov Margaryan
    Web development
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    I am a Web Developer and 2 years of web development experience I am experienced in a Web and Ecommerce developments I have a working experience with Magento, I have also designed and developed web user controls, master pages, CSS files using technologies like AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript,HTML. When working on a new project, I like to speak with my clients so that I can have a clear understanding of their needs and vision of the project. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I look...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Андрей Сендер
    FullStack Web-Development
    цена договорная

    Summary I’ m a talented, responsible, professional and creative software engineer with 11+ years of professional experience in web development field. I am seeking a competitive and challenging environment where I can use all my abilities. If you need a developer with extensive experience, excellent leader, result-oriented, hard-working , highly productive, quality-oriented – I’ m the one you are searching for. Also I’m multiple winner of Ukrainian competitions in computer science. Successfully...

  • R50 0d562deb04b4a427579299fc9d31b46a
    +0 / -0
    от 900 руб. за час

    EgoSecure EMM Agent (not in market) 2012.06 – 2015.02 EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) Agent. Technologies: REST, GCM, XML, Samsung KNOX API. Android app registers on remote server (REST), server can send commands through GCM, setup security policies, setup/reset device password, request list of apps installed, make remote wipe. Developer (one of two) Masterplat payment terminal (not in market) 2013.03 – 2013.10 Payment terminal,...

  • R50 5af8331d1fb6613dc37d18391e53c27e
    +0 / -0
    Alexander Peredarenko
    Programming, web-development
    от 600 руб. за час

    Languages and Tools: C#, VB.NET, WPF(XAML), C\C++, Java, Delphi XE 7, MS Visual C++ (Win32 API, MFC, .NET), ASP, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, PHP 4.0/5.0/7.0, Perl, ActivePerl, Python, Cold Fusion 8.0/9.0, HTML\CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, T-SQL, MS Access (VBA), MS Visual FoxPro, SWI Prolog, Fortran 77 Javascript and CSS tools: jQuery, AngularJS(v6), VueJS(v2), Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, Kendo UI, ExtJS, Highcharts, RazorFlow, etc. Database Systems: MS SQL 7.0/2000/2005/2008/2012/2016, ORACLE,...

  • R50 d7e2e1c641387372e2d949a7fa3919e1
    +0 / -0
    Антон Кузнецов
    Мобильные приложения, дизайн
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    I am an iOS developer with more than 4 years experience. I live in Omsk, Russia. Have a lot of experience developing native iOS apps with XCode, Swift and Objective-C, as well as cross-pladform development with Xamarin and React Native. Frameworks/Libraries: Foundation, UIKit, Auto Layout, Core Animation, Core Graphics, Core Data, MapKit, Core Location, Core Bluetooth, REST, AVFoundation, Core Image, Multithreading, Core Audio. Other: Git/GitHub, Trello, Taiga, Slack, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop. ...

  • R50 c331121c21ec011feced0d28ddd44e86
    +0 / -0
    Андрей Бала
    iOS developer
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Summary I'm highly-skilled mobile developer with 2+ years experience in the iOS mobile development. I have proper knowledge of Swift and I have built several apps, so have an experience in Protocol-Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming. I like my work, so I am attentive to details and result-oriented person, responsible and hardworking. I am interested in developing my personal and professional skills. Technical Skills • Swift • iOS Guidelines • MVC, MVP, MVVM, VIPER...

  • R50 de5db7f877b94f7c738f60c2409db3ec
    +0 / -0
    Roma Chuprina
    App, Виджеты, Веб-App
    цена договорная

    Я full-stack разработчик, пишу App разной сложности, Web-App, Верстка. Принимал участие в разработке Крипто-Мультивалютго Кошелька!! Skills Programming languages: C#, Java, JavaScript, Html, js, CSS, SQL, node.Js, PHP. Frameworks: Asp.Net MVC, Xamarin, bootstrap 4, .Net DataBase: MySql, Redis, MsSql Methodologies: Scrum Version control systems: Bitbucket, Git CI: TeamCity Skill testing: AT, UT, MStest, SeleniumAT IDE: Visual Studio, Eclipse, WebStorm, PhpStorm, IDEA, Sql MQ. Projects 1.News...

  • R50 c781043df63a0bdc6cf862fd2372967d
    +0 / -0
    Gaziz Tursynbek
    Разработка Android приложений
    цена договорная

    Work Experience : • (May 2017 - December 2017) Zero To One Labs, Almaty.Android developer. BI Clients (Android application) Developed and maintained the «BI Clients» Android application during 3 months. Used frameworks & technologies: Architecture of components (MVVM), Room database, Retrofit library, Dagger 2, BI-group API’s, JIRA, Trello. Portfolio : MathWorld (Android application). http://bit.ly/2jv0VvP ...

  • R50 5e6a09b9b8d5dcc0b35723472e53d216
    +0 / -0
    Олег Северин
    Сбор и обработка информации
    от 300 руб. за час

    Data mining, Web scraping, Web data extraction, Web harvesting -Data Entry / Data processing: Data conversation, product uploading in CMS websites -Data mining: Web scraping, data extracting... -Research: Web research and hunt data from other online sources. Crawling web sites, parsing, scraping, extracting data and any type of data mining from any sites converting information to different formats and feeding Databases.