frontend developer
Ed Galstyanprogrammingот 22 руб. за час
Ярослав ПодмогильныйJS Engineerот 1 500 руб. за час
Full-Stack engineer with 5 years of proven experience. Architected from scratch 3 front-end projects. Working with React world for 3 years and know all its good and all vulnerable parties. With my current background for me is easy to set-up with new technology, framework or programming language. University background as software engineer helping me a lot when I am working with different complexity algorithms, patterns or designing SQL tables. Big lover of automating monotone processes, CI/CD...
Lyudvig GrigoryanЯ никогда не сдаюсьот 500 руб. за час
Thank you for your interest. My name is Lyudvig. I am middle Front-end developer from Armenia. As an experienced web developer, I have a powerful and extensive experience and web development concept. I have 1+ years of good experience with web developer. Especially JavaScript is my best programming language and I'm well acquainted with this language. My goal is to provide pixel perfect, clean, semantic, flexible and efficient PSD to HTML service. Since 2021, I added responsive HTML5 | CSS3...
Павел РогулевХудожник-программистот 90 000 руб. за месяц
Привет! Меня зовут Павел Рогулев, я являюсь специалистом в области 3D-графики. Специализируюсь на персонажах, которых вырубаю топором от Wacom, в виртуальной глине Zbrush. А вот оружие, автомобили и другие полезные аксессуары для своих персонажей, я моделирую в старом-добром 3dsmаx. У меня есть своя страничка, где я оригинальным образом публикую некоторые свои творения: Только геометрия, ничего лишнего. :) Еще у меня есть почта: С удовольствием...
Денис ЛитвякC/C++ Developer. Front-end devот 75 руб. за час
Whole my life I have been interested in creating. My first "Hello, World!" was written in Pascal at school. That was the time when I started loving programming. Nowadays, I am a third year student of computer science at Lublin University of Technology. My passions are Data Analysis, AI and Game Making. I'm freely using C, C++, Java, Python, HTML5/CSS3/JS in my projects.
Александр КупаваРазработка приложений для IOSот 1 000 руб. за час
I am a successful native iOS mobile applications developer. More than 2 years I am working for people all over the world, as well individual developer in the app store of own projects. I started programming for IOS when the Swift is released, I spent every spare moment for writing code for iPhone and iPad and learning to develop mobile applications in this new language. In addition to developing new applications, a lot of work, I'm doing this for maintenance of existing applications. iOS...
Taron KalashyanMobile/Software Engineerот 3 000 руб. за час
I am a Modern Mobile/web Developer based in Armenia and I have more than 6 years of web app development experience. Further I have good experience in test automation integration like unit testing for both frontend and backend. Also, I have experience with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), C++, and Library Programming. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in Computer Software...
Андрей БалаiOS developerот 1 500 руб. за час
Summary I'm highly-skilled mobile developer with 2+ years experience in the iOS mobile development. I have proper knowledge of Swift and I have built several apps, so have an experience in Protocol-Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming. I like my work, so I am attentive to details and result-oriented person, responsible and hardworking. I am interested in developing my personal and professional skills. Technical Skills • Swift • iOS Guidelines • MVC, MVP, MVVM, VIPER...
Дмитрий Бабанскийprogrammingот 600 руб. за час
Более 8 лет опыта, профильное образование, понимание принципов работы движков/фреймворков. PHP (ООП), JS, MySql, JQuery, AJAX-запросы, HTML+CSS (в пределах необходимости, чистой версткой не занимаюсь). Движки: Joomla, Wordpress, Opencart 1.x/2.x, Prestashop, DLE, Shop-script различных версий и многое другое... Есть опыт доработки самописных движков.
Serikzhan KazhievAndroid Developerот 500 руб. за час
Android Developer. Разработаю качественное мобильное решение под Android OS. Опыт работы от 2-ух лет. Имеются также навыки написания приложений под iOS.
Alexander Akachutsin.NET/Java/Unity3d developerот 95 000 руб. за месяц
About Myself I am 24 years old. I am a graduate of Belarussian state university the faculty of physics. The reason why i became a programmer is interest in computer games. I spend almost all my free time in learning and self-development. I am interested in computer vision , machine learning computer graphics and game-dev. The couple words about my experience in IT. First of all, Epam gave me a strong knowleadge in OOP programming and particularly in .NET platform. I participated in...
Владимир ГерасимовWeb programming; devopsот 60 000 руб. за месяц
Have 1.3 years experience as a QA engineer in Intel corp. Have 2 years experience as infrastructure engineer in Intel corp. (build/test automation, automated monitoring etc.) Have 0.4 years experience as integration engineer in Harman Connected Services. Work on own project (php7, laravel, mvc)
Roma ChuprinaApp, Виджеты, Веб-Appцена договорная
Я full-stack разработчик, пишу App разной сложности, Web-App, Верстка. Принимал участие в разработке Крипто-Мультивалютго Кошелька!! Skills Programming languages: C#, Java, JavaScript, Html, js, CSS, SQL, node.Js, PHP. Frameworks: Asp.Net MVC, Xamarin, bootstrap 4, .Net DataBase: MySql, Redis, MsSql Methodologies: Scrum Version control systems: Bitbucket, Git CI: TeamCity Skill testing: AT, UT, MStest, SeleniumAT IDE: Visual Studio, Eclipse, WebStorm, PhpStorm, IDEA, Sql MQ. Projects 1.News...
Артем УтовDjango framework developerот 1 000 руб. за час
10 лет опыта в программировании (basic, pascal, c++, c#, php, python, javascript). Более 7 лет опыта в: Django framework (full stack веб разработка). Предпочитаемые технологии Django Rest Framework, jQuery, AngularJs, React+Redux, PostgreSQL. Инструменты: git, ansible, pycharm, gitlab (GitHub analog), chrome dev tools, etc. Хобби: администрировании и настройка серверов, решение ИТ проблем. Debian любимая серверная ОС. Значок Top Rated на upwork (вышлю ссылку на профиль за запросу). ...
Gaziz TursynbekРазработка Android приложенийцена договорная
Work Experience : • (May 2017 - December 2017) Zero To One Labs, Almaty.Android developer. BI Clients (Android application) Developed and maintained the «BI Clients» Android application during 3 months. Used frameworks & technologies: Architecture of components (MVVM), Room database, Retrofit library, Dagger 2, BI-group API’s, JIRA, Trello. Portfolio : MathWorld (Android application). ...
Ilia ILinykhProgrammingцена договорная
Farkhad KhanTo Design and Code the Web >от 2 000 руб. за час
AREAS OF EXPERTISE HTML E-commerce Graphic Design Website Design Photoshop & Illustrator Video Designing and Editing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) PROFESSIONAL Diploma for Web Design and Web Developer with Professional Programming Skills PERSONAL SKILLS Web Designing and Multimedia Projects. * CMS Systems (WP etc.) * Web Designing * Video Editing * Audio Editing * Video Games Dedicated...
Елизавета БойкоПрограммирую, моделируюот 250 руб. за час
Всегда стараюсь найти правильное и оптимальное решение любой задачи.
Zik TeeElectronicsцена договорная
Николай ШульгаПрограммированиецена договорная
Software, Engineering, programming for web sites
Марат СултангузинUX/UI Designот 1 500 руб. за час
My Portofolio on Behance - My competencies: • Customer journey map, wireframing, interactive prototyping, visual design; • High level of skills in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD and Axure; • Designs of Web-sites, Web Apps, Mobile Apps; • Basic skills in front-end programming (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap). My main aim – creating of qualitative design product in deadline.
Влад ШаповаловFull-Stack Developerот 650 руб. за час
Не боюсь сложностей Берусь за любые задачи Четко соблюдаю сроки
shirlim undefinedFront-end/Full Stack developerот 600 руб. за час
Hello, I'm entry level Front-end web developer and a 3rd-year student of Bachelor's degree in Computer science in DIT. I have 1 year of experience, working in 2 different companies, one of them, Lazada is top online shopping company in Southeast Asia where I worked for 9 months as Intern Front-end web developer. I always like to learn new things and improve my knowledge, I have a passion for problem-solving and new technologies, reasoning and programming where I can be creative and express my...
Maxim Stukolovразработка бизнес-приложенийот 1 500 руб. за час
• Design and development of information systems (Internet of Things) • Writing technical documentation • Development Management SKILLS: • Programming languages: Go, Java, ECMAScript, C++ • Backend: Java, GoLang,Node.js, • Frontend: Express ,ReactJS, Jade, EJS, Angular, VueJS, Meteor • Cloud Platforms: IBM Bluemix, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud • Distributed data processing: Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, MQTT-Brokers(IBM Bluemix Broker, ApacheMQ, Mosquitto, RabbitMQ) • Applications server:...
Alex PapshevProgrammingцена договорная
Программист-разработчик программирование на языках С++, C#, Java с использованием языков серверного взаимодействия PHP, также JavaScript & Python. Работа с фреймворками React.js, AngularJS, .NET framework. Разработка Swift /приложений для платформы Apple/ Использование GitHub в моей работе. Верстка /HTML/5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL/