Фрилансеры (155)
  • R50 98341c9f15ff49e03f1f0060c27b7e65
    +0 / -0
    денис скрипниченко
    Мобильные приложения IOS
    от 1 700 руб. за час

    НАВЫКИ: Архитектуры/паттерны: MVVM/MVP/MVIReduxRIBVIPERClean Architecture+SwiftUI+CombineRxSwiftCoordinationМногомодульностьЗнания основных SDK: UIKitFoundationMapKitAutoLayoutPhotoKit, работа с камерой и галереей изображенийCoreLocation, работа с геолокацией в открытом приложении, так и в background Apple PayFaceID/TouchIDIn-App Purchase, встроенные покупкиДополнительные(сторонние) SDK: Firebase (A/B Testing, Remote database), Google Analytics, AWS cloud storage, Google Maps, Stripe SDK,...

  • R50 fb8f013643e767b9a70c65ec68592775
    +0 / -0
    Эмиль Кучумов
    Flutter разработчик
    от 400 руб. за час

    Позитивный, ответственный и целеустремленный парень. Занимаюсь разработкой мобильных приложений около 11-ти месяцев. Проходил 3-х месячную стажировку в «Belikov Dev» и работаю с начала этого года. Коммерческими проектами занимаюсь около 7-ми месяцев. Теперь в кратце про опыт с проектами: За всю карьеру занимался с разными видами проектов, от мелких до относительно крупных, в общей сложности их было порядка 7-8. Из них могу выделить 2 проекта, над которыми я занимался минимум 4 месяца. Пример...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Ян Траулько
    Java Software Engineer
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Software developer with 3+ years of experience. Good knowledge and practical experience with Spring. Knowledge of the common design patterns and Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban). Experience in working with cloud-based solutions. Easy and quick learner. Very keen to obtain new knowledge and different experiences. Good communication skills. Team player. Programming languages Java, Groovy, Kotlin Frameworks Spring Framework, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, String AOP, Spring Security, Spring...

  • R50 fa0792dd39fdc359ebbfffda8bc20580
    +0 / -0
    Александр Соколов
    Backend Python Developer
    от 2 500 руб. за час

    As a Backend Django Developer with over 10 years of experience in information technology, I have a solid understanding of the Django framework and its components. I am proficient in Python programming and have a good understanding of relational databases. Additionally, I have experience with Django REST Framework and can build and integrate APIs effectively. I possess basic experience with cloud technologies, specifically AWS and Google Cloud, and understand the fundamental concepts of cloud...

  • R50 63310cf1bf8dcd5bb79fddc52c0c0e37
    +0 / -0
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Frontend junior вот примеры моих работ: https://semenkr.github.io/AntoninaKrekotunCoach/dist/home.html https://semenkr.github.io/Cruises-to-Antarctica/build/ https://semenkr.github.io/keksobooking/ https://semenkr.github.io/SUPERGYM/build/ https://semenkr.github.io/KnifeProject/dist/ https://semenkr.github.io/Drink2go/

  • R50 fd5de22e1c8a6c3cf7f1e584c0cd51d7
    +0 / -0
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Github: https://github.com/belikcost Languages: Javascript/Typescript, python. Common: Git, git flow in team, CI/CD experience. Frontend: react, redux, redux-saga, functional programming, unit tests(jest), integration tests(hermione); Build: Webpack, babel. Styles: sass, scss, BEM methodology. Backend(python): schemas on pydantic, develop backend on aiohttp, asyncio. Docker. Nodejs. Relational databases: mysql, postresql

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Arun Tyagi
    Making 3D model, Design
    от 55 руб. за час

    RESUME Name - Arun Tyagi Field of work - metal processing industry, injection molding of plastic and aluminum parts. Technical skills 3D design using CAD software Create solid models, surface models from any available image, sketch, physical part measurement or 3D scan, etc. Design molds / design stamps, jigs / design devices. Creating workshop drawings for machinist or operator. CNC machining with CAM software _ _ _ Creating CNC programs...

  • R50 782e95ebebd50d5ff05d48cb94b8cf80
    +0 / -0
    Margarita Popova
    UX/UI Designer
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    UX/UI Product Designer with 4 years of professional experience. Take responsibility and carefully build design processes to work productively. I'm passionate about providing design solutions for the most enjoyable customer experience. Communicate equally well with all team members, It is easy to cooperate and deal with me. Design web and mobile applications from scratch and also dive into existing projects with a fresh look to optimize and extend existing functionality. Develop wireframes, UX...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Ka Bav
    web developer
    от 306 руб. за час

    I have no experience in this area, I want to earn experience and build a portfolio on this platform

  • R50 7a46b61e3b2fd04005985e6355a013c3
    +0 / -0
    Василий Жданов
    Автоматизированные системы/бот
    цена договорная

    I use modern and powerful technologies to build web applications for client-server environments. Updates functionality based on customer requirements to ensure an excellent user experience. I always improve my skills to move forward only. https://github.com/ByPaprika

  • R50 0a988cd4be06f66b2ddb47ad358e4722
    +0 / -0
    Stepan Roze
    Frontend developer
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    I have 4+ years of experience in front-end development. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS), JavaScript and jQuery. I make a valid (in accordance with the standards W3C), semantic, 100% responsive code. Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future, and allows co-workers to quickly work with it. My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Bower, and yarn to speed up development. ...

  • R50 6639fe5c50d6d36d4945de531e864b31
    +0 / -0
    Stas Ivanov
    UX/UI Design
    от 1 600 руб. за час

    Resume / Motivation letter Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/skrjinsky My design experience started with small freelance jobs in 2017. My work was in demand, and I decided to build a professional career. In 2018, I got a job at Header&Footer as a UI designer. I had to work hard to develop professional skills in complex instruments. The result of my work in the company was the development of a website for Ekaterina Gordon (lawyer, presidential candidate), which ensured the growth of...

  • R50 f4c097262c4c951cce6d6de7e8867765
    +0 / -0
    Evgeny iOS
    iOS Разработка | Zennoposter
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Hello dear Friend! Thank you for your interest in my profile page. I'm really like iOS Development and learning something new every day. I'll be happy to help build you with your mobile app. I'm a programmer with many experiences automating action in the web browser. Usually, I'm using Zennoposter with C# and requests POST GET, but sometimes I use other technologies. I have skills with Zennoposter, Xcode, Android Studio. I know C# and Swift Languages and I'll be happy to work in...

  • R50 30597381661c75f04838870b0323232e
    +0 / -0
    Алексей Муратов
    Frontend developer
    от 300 руб. за час

    JUNIOR FRONTEND DEVELOPER Основная профессиональная деятельность: Frontend & Верстка сайтов, интернет магазинов, лендингов (фиксированная, резиновая, адаптивная). На чистом HTML/CSS и JS, а также c использованием фреймворков и препроцессоров. Опыт работы с 2013 года. Постоянно развиваюсь в своей профессиональной сфере и всегда открыт новым идеям. Всегда ответственно подхожу к любому вопросу и не обещаю того, чего не могу сделать. Со мной всегда можно связаться и обсудить все детали в...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    I can build that feature that your users have been asking for for months. I can take your best idea and turn it into an app on the Apple App Store, or It doesn't matter what it is, if it's iOS, I can do it. I have 4+ years of experience developing with Swift. One of the main qualities of development is speed (without sacrificing code quality and application stability).I prefer to layout UI in code (I can do it in storyboard if needed). The architecture doesn't really matter in my work, I...

  • R50 da99531f3aac40874db4b562ff487410
    +0 / -0
    Витор Хан
    FullStack, Blockchain Engineer
    цена договорная

    I am a blockchain specialist with over 5+ years experience in blockchain architecture. Development of a cryptocurrency wallet, smart contract, development of a cryptocurrency exchange, development of a Substrate and Polkadot. My experience ranges from building responsive mobile sites that work well across browsers to building scalable sites for the financial services industry. I enjoy working on projects with a team that cares about creating beautiful and user-friendly interfaces. It is...

  • R50 d569838a5b48e9ebba4b2fa32b32a205
    +2 / -0
    Владислав Ткачев
    цена договорная

    Добрый день. Я Unity3D разработчик и я могу помочь вам создать игру мечты. Коммерческий опыт разработки - 4 года. Также я обладаю степенью бакалавра в области разработки программного обеспечения. Помимо Unity, у меня есть опыт работы с: - смарт-контрактами Ethereum на языке Solidity (и Nethereum Web3); - android-приложениями на Java; - небольшой опыт работы с node.js; - разработками на Enfusion Engine; - другими технологиями, которые я не могу вспомнить сейчас :) Мой опыт в Unity включает в...

  • R50 2b9adfd982318e31398294316cb63150
    +0 / -0
    Денис Козлов
    Senior ASP.NET MVC/JS Develope
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    I'm well-qualified Microsoft Certified .NET Developer with over 13 years of experience spanning ASP.NET 2.0 to ASP.NET 5 (vNext) and MVC in C# including transactional enterprise-level applications, e-commerce solutions, medical applications and scientific projects with team leadership end mentoring experience. Experienced in Agile software engineering processes and methodologies, Test Driven Development practice and I have depth knowledges of Object-Oriented Design and Object-Oriented...

  • R50 1f8ca393f3fb961fe6eaadc634b4f8e7
    +0 / -0
    Илья Литвинов
    HTML, CSS, Javascript
    цена договорная

    Здравствуйте Готов реализовать проект по вашему тз и до полного утверждения. Использую технологии html/css/js, scss+gulp. (картинки минифицированы и сделаны под .webp. Svg иконки в виде sprite.svg. + адекватный, корректный адаптив страницы. Практикую методологию БЭМ Готовый проект передаю в виде архива (build версию + исходник) Обращайтесь. Что могу: https://ilitv.github.io/ https://ilitv.github.io/aim-game/ https://ilitv.github.io/board/ https://ilitv.github.io/slider/...

  • R50 ca5c3869f681eee699b36d321399145f
    +0 / -0
    sarvar akbarov
    backend developer
    от 300 руб. за час

    i am 23 old junior backend developer that just learn php mysql and yii2. i want to practise and earn and learn more technologies of course :) And i Can build telegram bots for your business portfolio: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~019c31394e34ea...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 500 руб. за час

    - October 2021 – https://freetutorials.ru/. - May 2021 – Present time: NDA, QA-engineer: testing the web portal and mobile applications for this portal (functional, performance, usability, smoke, build verification, sanity, regression, installation, UI, UX, API testing); creating checklists, test-plans, test documentation; testing requirements for new features; creation of test scripts in Postman; analysis of site design and design of web applications; cross-browser and...

  • R50 b50565dc7ba4983ef113adbb087fc6bc
    +0 / -0
    Yoshiro Morino
    Full Stack Development
    от 3 000 руб. за час

    Hello! For about 5 years, I've been working as a Full-stack Developer. In the early years of my work experience, as there weren't too many libraries allowing for rapid development, it was required for me to build a lot of things from scratch. That experience gave me quite a good understanding of how things work and I've developed solid Front-end & Backend skills. Nowadays I am trying to follow the newest trends in development, using modern libraries and the best recipes. As the modern...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Artem Metra
    цена договорная

    Планирование и разработка интернет сервисов с упором на безопасное хранение данных. Администрирование Unix, Linux, Windows серверов. Создание инфраструктуры с учётом потребностей. Аудит безопасности web проекторов на предмет критических уязвимостей с реализацией последующих патчей для их устранения. Программирование на python, php(backend). Услуги в сфере OSINt(поиска требуемой информации). Профиль довольно широкий имееться подмастерье так что при отсутствии требуемого "skill build" имеет...

  • R50 ff6d1bb4ca66774abd629df72ecb7a6e
    +0 / -0
    Vrezh Unanyan
    Mid 2 mobile developer
    от 2 500 руб. за час

    APPs: Daego(iOS), Lidl(iOS), Salt(iOS), QuickLine(iOS) Personal data Name Vrezh Unanyan Phone number +374 77 79 05 32 email vrezhunanyan@gmail.com Current position Software Engineer at “Instigate Mobile” CJSC Profile Full stack mobile development C++ AI Yolo framework Skills Programming Languages Swift, JAVA, C++ Database MySQL, SQLite(with Core Data) Tools Git, GCC, VIM, JIRA, Jenkins, Github, Xcode, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, Maven,...