My name is Olzhas, and I'm 19 years old. I am a student studying to become a programmer, actively honing my skills in this field. A drive for professional growth and the creation of innovative solutions form the foundation of my journey. Currently, I am successfully juggling between my studies, work, and freelance projects. Education and Skills: I am deeply engaged in expanding my knowledge in programming while concurrently refining practical skills through freelance projects. My ongoing...
Olzhas YergaliSoftware devloperцена договорная
Кирилл (Kirill) Александров...Web-разработкацена договорная
Меня зовут Кирилл Александрович, у меня есть опыт 3 года в контент-менеджменте, тестировании и разработке web-сервисов (в особенности в этой сфере). Некоторое время на данной платформе МОИ УСЛУГИ БУДУТ СТОИТЬ БЕСПЛАТНО, так как я на этой платформе впервые. Единственная плата за услуги в этот период - отзыв о хорошо проделанной работе. My name is Kirill Alexandrovich, I have 3 years of experience in content management, testing, and web service development (especially in this field). For a...
Pash SlatwyezckyFrontend Developerцена договорная
I am a frontend focused web developer with experience since 2020. I have a passion for creating attractive and functional websites. Check out some of my works. Despite having core experience in frontend, I am always eager to expand my skillset and enjoy diving into building full-stack projects, architect and build backend. As a passionate web developer I am constantly driven by my love for creating innovative solutions and learning new technologies. I am open to job offers, so if my skills...
Софья КирсановаАналитик данных, инженер данныот 2 000 руб. за проект
Projects: WPF App for the Big Data Analysis Oct’21 - Feb’22 ○ Developed a WPF application that allows presentation of the large arrays of data in a convenient format, sort them by any attributes, and highlight patterns in the data ○ Implemented the application for the presentation and operation of electronic docu- ment management datasets at Labaratory of Programming Technologies Command Line Interpreter May’20 - Sep’21 ○ Developed from scratch a command-line interpreter based...
Александр СурковPython back-end разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
I enjoy solving programming problems in my free time and would love to turn my hobby into a career. Though my skills are limited, I am eager to learn and grow as a junior software engineer
Михаил РожковIT, Программированиеот 1 500 руб. за проект
Закончил высшее учебное заведение, факультет ИВТ (Информатика и вычислительная техника). Пишу на языке C#. Владею такими платформами, как WinForms, WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Forms, MAUI, ASP.NET. Ссылка на подробный стек технологий - Reactive Resume | A free and open source resume builder (
Николай ПолевГеймдизайнерот 1 000 руб. за час
Я опытный геймдизайнер с большим опытом разработки Free-to-play проектов для мобильных устройств и персональных компьютеров. Обладая более чем трехлетним опытом работы в отрасли, я работал на различных должностях, в том числе в качестве менеджера сообщества и руководителя отдела в течение двух лет, а также в качестве гейм-дизайнера более года. Мой опыт заключается в создании и реализации фичей, от документации до фактической реализации и постоянной поддержки. Я обладаю высокой квалификацией в...
Владислав ИвановUnity developerот 600 руб. за час
Games made by me, and published at store: Ojotirs Space gem - idle miner Tank N Run: Modern Army Race Unity developer Unity developer Reworking ios-android games: -Optimization for weak devices -Introduction of new mechanics, processing of old ones -Workbench UI in unity...
Ivan NashakhalovПоиск и анализ информацииот 1 000 руб. за час
Начинающий вэб-дизайнер и вэб-разработчик ( ,, а так же 3d-modeller ( ,, ,, Переводчик самоучка, более десятка тысяч перевода слов и предложений, что я так же могу в...
Андрей Нестеренкоandroid, flutter, firebaseот 1 000 руб. за час
Мой профиль на
Elena Baklakovagraphic designer/ illustratorцена договорная
Friendly, simple, and unique. Ready to help you realize your "dream design" feel free to contact: polynawhite at gmail dot com
Anton PapazyanSenior Software Developerот 1 200 руб. за час
Hey there, ____________________________________________________________________________ I am a Senior Software Developer from Yerevan. I have 4 years of experience in software engineering mainly 3 in backend. ____________________________________________________________________________ My stack >> Node/Express | MongoDB/Mongoose | Postgres | Microservices | Docker | AWS | Linux | Bash | Postman/Swagger | Git....
Акылай СадыбакасоваUX-UI Designerот 500 руб. за час
Hello everyone My name is Kayla, and I am a UX-UI designer. I am a graduate of the Neo bis Programming and Design Club and have been working as a product designer for the last 3 years. Most of my experience has been related to the development of web interfaces, mobile applications and complex systems in the field of fintech, e-commerce. To get such an experience, I need to be creative zen solving problems, and for this I love my job. I hope you enjoy spending time here, and please feel free to...
Ислам ГашимовQA Engineerот 700 руб. за час
Humans QA Engineer Тестирование веб-приложений на разных устройствах и в разных средах. Сайт / Внутренняя CRM / SDK компоненты - Тестирование API с использованием Postman - Регистрация ошибок и контроль исправления - Проводить регресс/функциональное тестирование - Взаимодействие с командой разработки и менеджерами - Изучение документации и подготовка тестовых данных -Принимать активное участие в улучшение продукта Free servers Lineage 2 QA Engineer (GameDev) -...
Владислав Василенкоdesign | video edittingот 200 руб. за час
Hi everybody! here I want to find experience, at the initial stages I take orders for free. Installation, graphic design. I want to gain experience, if you need a small installation or adjustment - please contact) Good luck!
Наталья НащекинаСоздаю сайты с удобной,продумацена договорная
Курсы от Moscow Digtal Academy Тренинг от PRO FREE WORK Личные качества: Мобильность Гибкость Инициативность Адаптивность Умение работать в команде
Dima TrushkinMontageот 1 500 руб. за час
Ani HovhannisyanUI/UX Graphic designот 1 500 руб. за час
I'm a UI/UX and Graphic designer. I take every project to the greatest concern and make designs that communicate well. Feel free to contact me anytime :)
Лейла МагомедоваManual QA Engineerцена договорная
Middle QA Hi everyone!) I'm QA Engineer with: - 2+ years of related work experience (standalone applications mainly, but also web); QA Lead at charity fund, work with social worker's CRM for free - Postman - SQL - B2 English - Jira, Confluence LinkedIn
Достон РустамовiOS разработкаот 1 000 руб. за час
Software Engineer with over two years of experience in the 5eld of application development for the iOS platform. My primary goal is to create software with a user-friendly and intuitive user interface, along with well-readable and easily maintainable source code. I am constantly striving to learn new technologies and looking for ways to develop in this area to give users the smoothest experience in applications developed by me. In my free time, I study the market and try to improve my skills in...
Iren KoltUI/UX designот 120 000 руб. за месяц
SKILLS interaction (web, UI/UX) 3D (architectural visualization, object visualization) photo retouching & collages presentation PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, LIghtroom Autodesk 3ds MAX MarvelAPP, Figma Prezi, Slides, PPT Feel free to contact me:
Алина Енушкевичменеджер блогераот 300 руб. за час
привет! я Алина) И я новичок, но не пугайся, я обучалась в школе у Натальи Винер “ONE TWO FREE” я очень добрая и отзывчивая) в мои обязанности входит: отвечать на сообщения в директ, отвечать на комментарии, отвечать на предложения по рекламе, составлять план
Эдуард ЦысьUnreal Engine, Unity Developerот 500 руб. за проект
I've been developing games for about 6 years, 3 of which were spent learning, the last 2 years I've been actively developing my own project. I chose Unreal Engine as my main engine, but I've been making a game on Unity for about a year. I have a team of 8 people, as well as hands-on experience in game development and presenting it to publishers. Game development takes up all my free time, it's not a hobby, but rather part of my life.
Миша ВишневскийРазработка игрот 800 руб. за час
I am a self-taught programmer engaged in the design and development of digital projects and computer games. I've been writing code since I was 11, and I created my first 2D game when I was 14. I am interested in the technological component of AAA games, and since my youth I have been obsessed with creating game engines. I am an absolute perfectionist and therefore I work through the smallest details of everything I create. Design, unify, iterate, refactor. I love performance and minimalism....
Денис ПриписновАдминистраторот 1 500 руб. за час
Опыт работы 19 лет+ - mysql, postgres, oracle (sql, pl/sql), mongo; - сложные запросы, explain plan; - php разработка в Laravel, Kohana; - Modx, CMS MS; - html, css, tailwind css, vue.js, jquery, JavaScript; - Linux, postfix, dovecot, bind, asterisk, ceph, open nebula, nginx, apache, squid, isc-dhcp, free radius; - cisco, dlink; - delphi; - flutter;