I develop interfaces for mobile applications, as well as for web projects: online stores and landing pages, portals. Thinking over the logic of interaction with users. I am looking for an ambitious team in which I can create excellent interfaces for products, as well as friendly logic for applications and websites.
Юлия ДенщикMobile UX/UI дизайнерот 700 руб. за час
Катерина ШуваловаВеб разработкаот 1 200 руб. за час
Hi there, I am a Project Manager in The IT Decision web development team with 5+ years of experience in IT. Have an understanding of the development process and experience in managing development teams. Core Skills: - Team Management, - Requirements gathering, - Business and requirements analysis, - Project planning, - Technical writing. Our tech team can solve your problem related to web development. We are a holistic-thinking team that is very attentive to the details. Our...
Семён БутенкоDevOps, Software Developmentот 3 000 руб. за час
Experienced and qualified IT Specialist. Extensive knowledge in various fields enables me to succeed in maintenance and troubleshooting of IT infrastructure. Custom thinking in combination with experience and fast learning allows me develop and implement effective solutions for constantly changing business needs.
Никита ЕгельскийData scienceцена договорная
Here's Nikita Egelskii speaking. My objectives are prescribed by top values: Motivation. I want to wake up with fire in my eyes and go to bed thinking about how I will pursue my tasks in the morning. Achievements. I want to clearly know what I can be proud of and what I have achieved in this life. Commitment. I want to take on important tasks that affect the lives of the people around me. Independence. I want to spontaneously break into travel and not depend on the schedule. Thus, my goal...
Денис ВишняковГрафический дизайнерот 500 руб. за час
The power of imagination is on my side. A designer who designs the client's path to the future. Follow me to be in the right place at the right time. WORK EXPERIENCE Graphic designer Freelance 03/2015 - Present Graphic Designer Advertising agency "Very well" 02/2020 - 07/2020 EDUCATION Graphic Designer, Industrial Designer Finance and Economics College 09/2018 - 07/2021, Red Diploma Courses Painting,Graphic Design,Design Projects,Industrial Design. CONFERENCES & COURSES ...
Виталий РудойPower BIот 25 000 руб. за проект
Работаю Senior Accounts Receivable Accountant в Nestlé Businesses Service более 6 лет. Proficient with PowerBI, Excel, SAP, PowerPoint. Able to work with big volume of data. Have excellent analytical skills, great communicative and organizational competencies, Capable of creative thinking, highly disciplined, demanding and responsible. Excellent leadership skills. Ability to lead GSTD, LEAN and DMAIC projects. Certified Six Sigma White Belt Coach. Свободно владею PowerBI, Excel,...
Vlad MiscProduct Designerцена договорная
Привет! Меня зовут Влад и я Продуктовый Дизайнер. Больше года работаю в mental health & dating стартапе — занимаюсь качественными и количественными исследованиями, строю дизайн систему и пилю красивый UI под нужды пользователей. Люблю разносторонние задачи и работу в команде, умею взаимодействовать с разработчиками. Нахожусь в творческом отпуске, для которого ищу интересный проект на 1-2 месяца :)
Влад УсатенкоUI/UX Designот 800 руб. за час
Опыт работы дизайнером - более 6-ти лет. В последние 3 года работаю то над MVP, то над продуктами. По большей части это мобильные приложения. Но так же и лендинги, веб ресурсы, иллюстрации, иконки.
Meet MorakhiyaContent Writing, Social Mediaцена договорная
Not much to tell. I enjoy reading, writing and anything that has to do with the written word. I am very good at writing and I always target the straight A's in English. I aspire to make a difference in this world through writings and helping people to think differently and live differently in all walks of life. I studied PGDM in Journalism from IIMC in Delhi, India. I was an intern at AndroidHeadlines and I'm the author/contributor of many high authority magazine websites including...
Давид МартиросянВеб-Разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
I'm ambitious professional with huge background in web development. I enjoy software development and provide business solutions to my clients with using innovative thinking and proven techniques. I can work on your existing websites and also can build for you from very start to an awesome end. Knowledge of HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, Jquery. Knowledge of Bootstrap. Advanced knowledge of PHP. Strong understanding of OOP principles. Excellent knowledge of Laravel framework. Ability to work...
Дмитрий УжваПриложения и алгоритмыот 1 200 руб. за час
I have 3+ years` experience developing native Android apps in Java and Kotlin. Also, I have some experience in writing cross-platform applications for mobile (Android/iOS) and desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux) operating systems using Kotlin Multiplatform, JVM, React Native, Flutter technologies. I program both professionally and as a hobby. I have critical thinking and an understanding of development principles and programming for diverse operating systems. I always write clean and...
Victoria KabanovaWeb developmentцена договорная
We are Leviossa IT - software development company can provide you with the various services - from creating simple landing pages to complex architectural solutions. We have worked with both large international teams and small startups - but the one thing our clients have in common is satisfaction with the excellent result. Our hard skills: ❂ Back-end development with Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Express.js, Python; ❂ Front-end development with AngularJS/2+, React.js, Vue.js; ❂ Database...
Артур ХайруллинPremium Web Developmentот 3 300 руб. за час
Not yet another skillset bragger. Instead - your helping hand in the world of Web Development. Cooperatively with my clients, we move towards a successful solution. And this is how the efficient working process should flow. In my craft I strive for the following principles: - End product needs to solve a problem - My client should feel safe and involved in the process (seeing intermediate results, getting instructions, etc) - To be independent as a developer and free my clients' brains...
Алексей ИвашкевичFront-endот 320 руб. за час
Начал я свой путь в программировании 3 года назад, с языка Java. В интернете наткнулся на сайт JavaRush и прошёл 10 бесплатных уровней. Паралельно читал такие книги как: - Thinking in java. Bruce Eckel. - Java 8. Шилдт Г. - Изучаем Java. Head First O'Reilly. Кроме книг просматривал курсы на youtube и читал статьи по интересующей меня тематике. В дальнейшем мой интерес сместился в сторону фронтенда. Практиковал верстку, из psd в HTML. Использовал различные препроцессоры...
Евгений МельникKnowledge of Swift, XCodeцена договорная
Professional skills: 1) Experience with Xcode 4x-8x, IOS SDK 6.0-12.0, Interfase Builder; 2) Good knowledge Swift , basic knowledge of C, C++, C#; 3) Knowledge of design patterns, the basics of working with memory, the basics of working with servers, parsers, integration with social networks. Networks; 4) Work with Cocoa, UIKit, CoreData, RestKit; 5) Ability to use libraries, as well as to understand them: 5) English language at the level of reading those. Documentation; Computer skills: 1)...
Валентина КурганJunior UI/UX designerот 190 руб. за час
Looking for Junior web designer job. Finished Beetroot Academy. I have higher education (philology). During educating got skills in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, InVision. I can create websites, icons, landing pages, banners. I differ in the creative thinking, sense of taste, by readiness to self-perfection and in-plant training, that compensates the lack of practical experience in the field of Web design.
Levon Yeganyanweb developerцена договорная
Надо быть лучше чем вчера.
Татьяна Давидюкfinding bugsот 300 руб. за час
I am a fast-learning, responsible, highly motivated person, focused on results. My seven-year experience in the permanent hard deadline mode will help me to quickly adapt to the rhythm of the team of testers. I am not afraid to ask questions and go deep into the heart of the problem in order to really understand the task. Flexibility of thinking and interpersonal skills allow me to adapt to any team. Project role: QA Engineer, team-lead Project description: testing of the web application...
Наталья Смирновадизайн интерфейсовот 500 руб. за час
В проектировании интерфейсов лендингов, сайтов, интернет-магазинов, мобильных приложений и программного обеспечения использую индивидуальный подход, базирующийся на нескольких китах. Изучаю нишу и провожу конкурентный анализ среды. Сегментирую целевую аудиторию и создаю пользовательские сценарии. Проектирую взаимодействие и представляю в виде интерактивных прототипов. Прорабатываю визуальную составляющую проектов. Осуществляю клиентскую поддержку
Владислав СпиридоновUI/UX designerот 600 руб. за час
Я Владислав, дизайнер-проектировщик и веб-разработчик, проектирую и рисую удобные и продуманные интерфейсы, сайты и приложения, разные пиктограммы, иллюстрации, иконки и другую графику. В мою компетенцию входит: Разработка дизайн концепции. Начиная от первичного исследования бизнеса заказчика, его конкурентов, сильных и слабых сторон; вторичного исследования бизнес ниши и выявления тенденций и визуальных трендов актуальных для данного сегмента. Заканчивая прототипами на основе собранной...
Дмитрий Дьяченкофрилансот 777 руб. за час
Full-stack Software Web Developer (Java, Go, Node.JS, Angular) Rehovot, HaMerkaz (Central) District, Israel Experienced Software Developer. Responsible and creative-thinking, always finding simple solutions in a complicated tasks. Collaborative and can get along well in any team setting.
Natalia RusevaQuality Assurance Engineerот 800 руб. за час
Over 5 years of experience in Quality Assurance Performed quality assurance for complex commercial systems used nationwide Experienced with both back-end and front-end testing of web and desktop applications Experience in business requirements analysis and test cases, test plans, test strategy design Strong analytical and interpersonal skills, critical thinking, determination to make testing process most efficient, ability to work independently as well as in collaboration within...
Anton CodesuperGo, Python, Rust, Swiftот 50 000 руб. за проект
My Resume and CV has some overlapping data because there are some situations when they (CV and Resume) distributing separately This Resume is a number of my provable skills. I placed keywords in separate sections for convenient search. I have a lot of interests except my full time work so do not feel yourself suspiciously with my list of knowledges. I am sorry. Contact info email: antononrails@gmail.com;skype: hkugapouah.Social github: lovesuper.Common skills \^_^ Procedural programming,...
Илья КуликовWebsite and webappцена договорная
My best skills: I like to have the job done and to be proud of the results. So I am precise in important details. I am looking at my job from the business point of view. So I need to understand what the client needs and why. I like to be effective and avoid useless staff. That’s why I think the process and environment should help you do your job. I prefer simple and logical solutions and avoid not obvious and complex ones. I prefer to ask a quick question rather than spend hours searching for...
Евгений КравцовAndroidцена договорная
Я - начинающий разработчик программного обеспечения для устройств на базе операционной системы Android. Обучался самостоятельно - вначале чистый Java (около 1,5 года по книге Thinking in Java и лекциям Стенфордского Университета, прошел курсы в Школе Программирования, получил сертификат начального уровня Java SE Associate Developer). Около года самостоятельно изучаю Android. Для этого использовал замечательную книгу от BigNerdRanch, а также онлайн-курсы Google и TreeHouse. на сегодняшний день,...