Фрилансеры (2737)
  • R50 9256a3ecf9fb1f326e2234a39c4a2ee4
    +0 / -0
    Nijat Garakhanov
    Middle .NET Back-End Developer
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    .NET Developer with almost 3 years of experience. High skills in developing the project from scratch, working on existing projects, etc. Strong experience with .NET programming. Strong experience in Back-End development. Good knowledge of design patterns, clean code principles, etc. Critical thinking skills, solid work ethic with flexibility, and willingness to take on new responsibilities, learn and work with new systems. Good interpersonal and communication skills.

  • R50 7fc1eac1925f5dfb54e72e1e2b84f651
    +0 / -0
    Дарья Серикова
    Frontend Development, верстка
    от 400 руб. за час

    Hello! I am a Frontend developer with work experience in a year and a half. I am creative thinking person and I'm able to motivate the team, which allowed me to become project manager since January 2024. Twice I won the IT hackathon, first: in Astana by creating an application with data display on map; second: the hackathon in Petropavlovsk by developing a telegram bot with integration to a form on the website. Received mentorship from Amazon engineers as a OpenSearch Project participant in...

  • R50 a94b34d7044a67b97d36a5e047a82400
    +1 / -0
    цена договорная

    UX/UI дизайнер, работаю с вебом, а также адаптивным дизайном под мобильные устройства. Мое портфолио - behance. Разработала редизайн приложения "My best colors" для определения цветотипа и использования цветовых палитр (приложение сейчас на стадии релиза). https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.colorwise.me.allseasons&hl=en&gl=US Также сделала редизайн сайта colorwise.me (сайт находится в разработке). Создала дизайн благотворительного лендинга для приюта животных...

  • R50 019dea93071f93815832911d5972174d
    +0 / -0
    Игорь И
    C#, .Net, .Net Core
    от 740 руб. за час

    .Net/C# Software Engineer With extensive experience in designing and developing applications backend and desktop software using .NET Framework .Net Core, C#, OOP, SOLID principles, ASP.NET Core Web API, ADO.NET, Entity Framework Core, LINQ, Rabbit MQ, WPF, Windows Forms, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Windows Services, Windows Internals (Registry, WIN API, etc.), TFS, Git, SVN, Microsoft server technologies.

  • R50 0c3e94a64e8bd1ec7e1baad36c4d12a4
    +0 / -0
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    Front-end developer with 8 years experience look for a company that needs his knowledge and experience to solve interesting and challenging tasks, which will be a good opportunity for further professional development and training

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
  • R50 e67321a7dd4c521923b666f7e13d6d5a
    +0 / -0
    от 1 000 руб. за месяц

    Добрый день! Меня зовут Алина - я иллюстратор с опытом работы (3 года): -Визуальная аниме-новелла (в разработке): художник фонов, персонажей и иллюстраций -Ирландская игровая студия ZeoWorks: на позиции главного художника окружения -Художник иконок персонажей в World of Sea battle (MMO) - создание более 60-ти иконок персонажей -Promo artist в BeeCreator studio(иконки, скрины, баннеры) -художник внутриигровых элементов окружения для всероссийского проекта "Пётр 1. Последний царь и первый...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 370 руб. за час

    ссылка на мое портфолио: https://www.behance.net/gallery/164965063/pokupka-i-prodazha-nedvizhimosti-Sale-of-real-estate -Профессиональные навыки работы с программами Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, figma и др. -Умение проектировать интерфейсы, создавать прототипы -Знание юзабилити, основ создания удобного интерфейса -Понимание, как пользователи взаимодействуют с сайтом. -Умение создавать удобные интерфейсы для разной по уровню навыков и знаний аудитории -Знание...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Sona Kasparova
    от 500 руб. за час

    I am an aspiring designer with a passion for creating unique and original artwork. While I lack professional experience, I am actively learning through online courses and independent practice to improve my skills. My ultimate goal is to work in a creative and dynamic team where I can continue to grow and develop my profession

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Mansur Khamerzaev
    Backend developer
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    I am a responsible and motivated person, that actively seeks and consuming knowledge. I am sure, that my skills, enthusiasm and motivation will make me a great candidate for any role that gives me challenge and lets me positively affect my job. ● More than 1 year of programming, more than a year of Python ● Working on Django and Flask frameworks ● Worked only on contracts ● Experience in Docker/Docker-Compose ● Understanding REST and Git, ● Knowledge at PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ ●...

  • R50 fd5de22e1c8a6c3cf7f1e584c0cd51d7
    +0 / -0
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Github: https://github.com/belikcost Languages: Javascript/Typescript, python. Common: Git, git flow in team, CI/CD experience. Frontend: react, redux, redux-saga, functional programming, unit tests(jest), integration tests(hermione); Build: Webpack, babel. Styles: sass, scss, BEM methodology. Backend(python): schemas on pydantic, develop backend on aiohttp, asyncio. Docker. Nodejs. Relational databases: mysql, postresql

  • R50 02f894de4927363add63acec38856ea9
    +0 / -0
    Yakov Petrov
    Product Designer/UI|UX
    цена договорная

    Hi there! My name is Yakov and I am a Product | UI/UX Designer I have a strong background in product design. Worked with apps in categories: Business, Health & Fitness, Weather, Utilities, Entertainment. I follow trends in design and always refer to guides and patterns. My main tool is a head on my shoulders. I love doing animation, so I am familiar with AE! Let’s discuss your crazy idea?

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Maks Vetrov
    от 300 руб. за час

    I am a Python developer and system administrator. I have been working with Python for over 10 years. I have experience with a variety of Python frameworks, including Django, Flask, and Pyramid. I also have experience with a variety of system administration tasks, including setting up and managing web servers, setting up and managing databases, and setting up and managing email servers.

  • R50 047e64ea930dc7d98e0614b9cc0e1b3e
    +0 / -0
    Dilshod Imomov
    от 150 руб. за час

    I am a front end developer. My career is 2 years. I work more with a team, but I can also work on my ownЯ фронтенд-разработчик.Моя карьера 2 года. Я больше работаю в команде, но могу работать и самостоятельно 저는 프론트엔드 개발자입니다.제 경력은 2년입니다. 팀과 함께 더 많이 일하지만 혼자서도 일할 수 있습니다.

  • R50 c2331d5c220ec82b7be5adff9b2f346a
    +0 / -0
    Alina Kiryshchanka
    UI/UX Designer
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Hi I'm Alina Skills: Figma, Adobe Photoshop UX: Personas, Empathy Map, User Story Map, CJM, User Flow, Information Architecture, Competitor Analysis, Conducting surveys, A/B testing. UI: Selection of corporate fonts and colors. Development of a set of basic elements of the site. Visualization of the mechanics of user interaction with the interface. Knowledge of design studies: Colors, Typography, Composition, Grids, Componets Wireframes and Prototypes Human Interface Guidelines and...

  • R50 5504f519d6e782c0b2870fda6f691efb
    +0 / -0
    от 1 000 руб. за проект

    I have a bachelor degree in Software Engineering. Experience in back-end development using Node and its frameworks such as Express and Nest. Familiar with SQL and NoSQL databases. Good communication and logical skills. Willing to learn new technologies and frameworks.

  • R50 079a565421a7b11469d461f21558d02c
    +0 / -0
    Дарья Варейко
    Графический / Бренд дизайнер
    от 400 руб. за час

    I have 7+years of Experience in the field specializing in Brand & Identity design, Print Design and Advertisements. I believe design is not just about creating elegant and proportional images; I think the approach to it should also be conceptual, where a designer incorporates the style, emotion, and narrative of the represented brand. My portfolio: https://www.behance.net/k3280889vd665f

  • R50 d531095fd1ff550e45c613211dba3090
    +0 / -0
    Кирилл Гузенко
    Копирайтер, рерайтер
    от 60 руб. за тысячу знаков

    Rewrote articles, blog posts, and other content to improve clarity, flow, and readability Ensured that all content was grammatically correct, properly structured, and adhered to the company's style guide Collaborated with writers, editors, and content managers to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality content Conducted research and fact-checking to ensure accuracy and credibility of content

  • R50 65cbd5e509121dfbdef55b95d5e6e6bb
    +0 / -0
    Davit Asatryan
    Software Engineer Flutter
    от 500 руб. за час

    I have 2 years of experience as a Flutter Developer. I have experience in publishing Android/IOS apps on Play market and App store. Worked with state management (BLOC, MobX, Provider), MVC, MVVM, MVP, Sqlite, Web3, Rest apis, Freezed, Dio, Firebase, Animatia... August 2021 Started to work in the company of InPoint as Flutter developer. September 2022 Started to work in the company of Ekey as Flutter Team Leader.

  • R50 8ad2e419369a25cc5637139fd19a0477
    +0 / -0
    Андрей Жикалов
    Полиграфия, логотип, ФС, сайты
    от 2 400 руб. за час

    Образование Текстильный институт Ивановского государственного политехнического университет: 1 Факультет дизайна и культурного сервиса 2002 — 2007 Британская Высшая Школа Дизайн: 1 Курс графического дизайна 2010 — 2011 Британская Высшая Школа Дизайн: 1 Интенсив UX/UI дизайн 2018 — 2018 bang bang educatio Дизайн цифровых продуктов 2020 — 2020 Работа Типография Агриф Дизайнер полиграфи Разработка полиграфии 2007 — 2008 Goodwill Merketing Графический дизайнер Графический дизайн,...

  • R50 f40708aba3a10b05b1c03a02ffc51fc8
    +0 / -0
    Evgeny Shmakov
    Team Lead • Principal Software Engineer
    от 2 200 руб. за час

    Over 7+ years of intensive work in the web / mobile development industry. Experienced with all aspects of building and supporting large-scale web based applications. Genuine interest in technology, attention to detail and analytical mind. Skills in all of phases of a project life cycle from analysis and development through documentation, presentation and engineer training and up to date with best practices and latest technologies at every level of development I collaborate with clients and...