Фрилансеры (586)
  • R50 542743a47789c9b02445af717bd2896d
    +0 / -0
    Maxim Tkach
    Software Engineer
    цена договорная

    I'm Software Engineer (PHP & GO) with a lot of experience. My personality type the logician (INTP-A) and I'm business oriented programmer. I like PHP7, NoSQL Databases, ZMQ, Docker and create asynchronous applications. I know how work WebSocket, and I wrote RFC6455 library on PHP. My best project it is poker (fully written in PHP7 on server side). On server side I used Reactphp, ZMQ, Redis, Pthreads. The server part uses a docker, and the all is divided into 8 containers (6 services and 2...

  • R50 68af9c518893df13771908a7ca3fce2c
    +0 / -0
    Юрий Несмиян
    Joomla, дизайн, верстка, Java
    от 640 руб. за час

    Java: Experience: 5 years Areas: J2SE (Java 1.4–1.6), J2EE, Servlets/JSP, EJB, JSF, JDBC Developed web-based applications and took part in challenging heavy-duty server-side development, proficient with modern development techniques, such as test-driven development, agile, pair programming and others. Frameworks/Tools: Seam, myFaces, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, JTA, Apache commons, Ant, Maven, JUnit, Unitils, JBoss, TomCat, Eclipse, IDEA, Antlr, Google App Engine, Apache CXF, Jboss...

  • R50 76276b6fdf061bd41283ff72e2b37b07
    +0 / -0
    от 1 300 руб. за час

    Hi ! My name is Vitaly. I work as Java Senior and Software Architect. Here is my common stack of technologies: Main Programming Languages: Java 14 Favourite IDE: Eclipse Favourite Operation System: Calculate Linux (KDE Plasma) AppServer: WildFly 18 Databases: PostgreSQL, Neo4J, Infinispan Http Server: NGINX Identity Security Server: Keycloak Building tools: Maven, Ant, Bash Testing frameworks: Arquillian, TestNG, JMeter Version control system: Git, Svn, Mercurial Web Server Side:...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Назарий Шеремет
    Ruby on Rails developer
    от 1 400 руб. за час

    Hi, my name is Nazar. In my portfolio, are a few of the projects that I've developed. I believe my strong points are my Creativeness and Punctuality. My #1 goal will always be to meet your needs and deadline. When working on a project, I like to speak with the client, so that I can have a clear understanding of his/her needs and vision of the project. Since 2014, I'am programmer in Investment platform for companies and investors. Developing Frontend (CoffeeScript, JS, Sass, Bootstrap) and...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    M. Sh.
    Programmer in PHP, Perl, MySQL
    от 3 000 руб. за проект

    I'm freelancer from 2000 on many freelance .com firms. Specialize in db managment/design (MySQL, PostgreSQL, other SQL and noSQL), script (PHP, Perl) writing/mods/bugfixing - for any Internet tools and commerce, forums, etc. Best in migration from old site/system to new. 

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Александр Луканин
    от 250 руб. за час

    Я хорошо умею делать две вещи: создавать программы для компьютеров и писать тексты для людей. Последние 8 лет я работал программистом в небольшой фирме в Екатеринбурге. Мы писали ПО на заказ для серьёзных компаний в Израиле и США (таких как Mellanox Technologies и Israel Aerospace Industries). Первоначально я специализировался на C++ и C#, затем полюбил Python; вообще, за годы работы мне довелось «пощупать» множество технологий, протоколов и API. В данный момент я хочу работать...

  • R50 c7a3af4de6f2dd49e11bc600c730fa2a
    +0 / -0
    Сергей Караженец
    J2EE Разработчик
    от 24 000 руб. за месяц

    J2EE Разработчик Skills: Application Servers And Middleware - Tomcat - Jetty - Apache 2.x Automation Testing - JUnit4 - Mockito - Selenium 2 J2EE Web Frameworks And Technologies - Apache Struts - Spring 3.x - JSF - JSP - JAX-WS - JAX-RS - Servlets - JSTL Java Database Frameworks and Technologies - Hibernate - JPA - JDBC - Spring Data MongoDB Java Frameworks And Technologies - Swing - AWT - JAXB - Log4j Build And Continuous Integration Tools - Ant - Maven - Jenkins - Nexus RDBMS And NoSQL...

  • R50 8ed34f834fb73a0500893158543dcb10
    +0 / -0
    Dmitry Savin
    iOS Developer
    от 800 руб. за час

    In the work I rely on several principles: • Architecture of application should be properly designed and must allow easily extend and change parts of a application. • Following the workflow, so that will be achieved maximally precise execution of the task within the given timeframe. • It is important to have a deep knowledge of applied technologies, to use all its features. • It is necessary to keep up with the latest technologies and innovations that will help solve essential problems the most...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Valercheg /dev/admin
    System Engineer, Highload
    от 120 000 руб. за месяц

    9+ years of Linux expierence; ddos protection, highload optimization; high skill of datacenters communication; virtualization and cloud computing; build backup technologies;i'm interesting: - increase skill for new and exist tech; - cisco, voip, cloud, bgp, highload; - can participate in build datacenter; - research and implement trends of IT; i don't interesting: - only windows administration; - helpdesk support for front line; - anykey admin or office user;

  • R50 743d6e63531939efbdc578e1b6c3df0b
    +0 / -0
    Максим Цыган
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Java Software Developer. Major programming lang: java, groovy; Good knowledge in  java reflection, class loader, garbage collector. Oracle technologies: javafx, javaws, java applet, jnpl. Backend skills and technologies: - RESTfull, microservices, data streams, event messaging; - tomcat, rabbitmq, spring-xd, spring-cloud; - spring framework (core, IoC, DI, mvc, data, batch, integration, security, amqp, hateoas, boot, shell); Perfect skills in mongodb: query, aggregations, repl sets,...

  • R50 f78771cb0d2c0db89602edf25d0b50b0
    +0 / -0
    Сергей Гребнев
    java программист
    от 60 000 руб. за месяц

    Sergey Grebnev (18.09.1981). Experience in the web projects: Description of the implemented projects: - CRM/Reporting systems, CMS/Web framework, E-commerce systems, Social network Used technologies: - database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcashe, Sphinx - java: Spring, Hibbernet, templates (Velocity, JSP), Ant, GAE, Android - php: fraimwork (Kohana/MVC), ORM (Doctrine), SOAP - javascript: Nodejs, prototype, jquery, ajax (full ajax app), comet technology - python: Django,...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Дмитрий Александрович
    Perl программист(jQuery, Ruby)
    от 1 руб. за месяц

    Ключевые технологии: PERL (MVC Catalyst), jquery (javascript), sql (mysql, pgsql), php, ruby (Ruby on Ralis), css3, freebsd/linux Опыт работы более 6 лет Perl+jQuery+FreeBSD Junior Ruby (Ruby on Ralis),   в процессе изучения, могу взяться за заказы Движки: Xfilesharing (sibsoft), OTRS Информационные технологии, интернет, телеком     Программирование, Разработка     Электронная коммерция     Системный администратор Профессиональные навыки: - Perl: OOP, Catalyst, Moose (базово), MooseX...

  • R50 188b3c5c8f99591425666388dbc334b8
    +0 / -0
    Юрий Чернышёв
    Клиентские приложения
    от 500 руб. за час

    Опыт Flash > 5 лет, Android / Java > 2 лет Работа в банке - неприемлема. Ищу работу заграницей. OS: Win/Linux/MacOS/Android; Programming Lang: Java, ActionScript 3.0, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, XML, CSS; Development Tools: Eclipse, Adobe, IntellijIDEA, SVN, Git; Technologies: TCP/IP; Client-side applications.

  • R50 acd459984c4c53c19921dce543a63507
    +0 / -0
    Sergey Seletsky
    Software Architect
    цена договорная

    Professional Profile:Software Architect with extensive experience in the IT Industry in a variety of innovative solutions of high-quality apps and services. Experience in SaaS, Cloud, Big Data, Mobility, Artificial Intelligence etc. projects on a scalable architecture. Good design sense and usability. Experience in planning, design, development, management and control interdisciplinary teams. Competencies:Architecture, Big Data, Business Analysis, Business Design, Business Development, Business...

  • R50 608558a3debaf5982b1fec150af5a617
    +0 / -0
    Maksym Marchenko
    Full Stack Web Developer
    от 300 руб. за час

    Hello, I am Maksym M., middle web developer. I started my career 2 years ago as PHP developer. I have developed a web apps using PHP, JS, HTML/CSS, WordPress, Joomla, Magento. Now I have great experience with front-end development and technologies like CSS3, HTML5, Less, Sass native JS, jQuery, Angular, Responsive Designs, Polymer, Material Design; back-end development PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, Joomla and Magento CMS. I am also familiar with some api web services, like google, facebook,...

  • R50 8250ab7b79260863a70c43238994f1f2
    +0 / -0
    Артем Ярыгин
    от 600 руб. за час

    Experience in UNIX administration for 2 years.    - Install, configure, and support for FreeBSD, CentOS and others UNIX distributions Experience in application programming a 1.5 year.    - Development of a torrent client for the sale of digital content    - Development of control systems by means of video Experience in developing web-sites 3 years    - Install, configure, and support bitrix, oscoomerce, wordpress, joomla and other CMS  - QT, C++, PHP/HTML/JS, SQL, WinAPI.

  • R50 6abecadb10456d3c515af402c487373e
    +0 / -0
    Bang Technologies
    Digital Marketing
    цена договорная

    "Мы группа молодых специалистов собранных с целью сделать интернет немного красивее, немного удобнее и на много интереснее.... "Обратитесь к нам за консультацией и мы с удовольствием поделимся нашим опытом в увеличении траффика и росте продаж. Анализ сильных и слабых сторон ресурса поможет вам, в скором времени, выйти на новый уровень в сети.