4+ years graphic and web (ui/ux) design. Skills: Web Design User Interface Design User Experience Design Graphic Design Logo Design Illusration Tools: Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator CorelDraw Projects: Kharkiv Tattoo Fest 2017 (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Land Rover (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Kyiv Flower Market (Kyiv, Ukraine), Kul't Prosvet Bar (Crimea), Wedding Awards (Khabarovsk, Russia) and more Почта: n.kalatur@gmail.com Сроки и цены индивидуальны. Работаю по предоплате.
Анастасия КалатурUI/UX & Graphic Designцена договорная
Анна Кузнецоваsw developerот 975 руб. за час
GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: Development of game applications for mobile platforms and desktops 8 year coding experience: Objective C, C/C++, C#, LabVIEW, JavaScript (client-server technology, structured programming, take a part in porting applications for Windows to MacOS and iOS,etc.) Extended experience in different projects for customers in the EU and USA In-depth knowledge of object-oriented development HARDWARE: iOS devices, Mac, PC. DAQ card, RedRat, Wireless: XBee RF...
Светлана МарченковаGraphic designerот 250 руб. за час
Website Designer 24/7 ready to work. Rich experience in logo design, business card design, website design. Web, UI Design, CorelDRAW X6, Adobe-photoshop CS6, xml, html5, css3 web 2.0 designs. I am available to communicate via Skype/email. Thanks, Svetlana.
Ivan Lavlinskiweb designот 1 000 руб. за проект
I am a professional web designer with Russian and English customers, specializing in HTML5 designs and dynamic interaction with FLASH, Java, SQL, etc.
Дмитрий КузнецовРазработка и поодержка сайтовот 500 руб. за час
Приветствую. Работаем командой, быстро и ответственно. Выполняем все виды веб разработок и айдентики. raketa.agency Занимаемся/знаем/умеем: CSS3, HTML5, PHP, photoshop, illustrator, python+django, 1c Bitrix Our experiences ranged from building responsive mobile sites that work well cross-browser to building scalable sites and services. We like working on projects creating beautiful and usable interfaces. We also like to do landing pages with good and nice designs. we like to develop...
Лариса ЯнущикДизайнерот 1 500 руб. за час
I am Graphic & Web Designer with 10+ years of experience, based in Chile, Santiago, working with the Corfo's government program Start Up Chile. Since 2003 I've been creating custom designs for writers, artists, businesses, and non-profit projects. In 2008-2011 I was a Graphic Designer of the festival @Belarussian Spring in Kiev, Ukraine I keen to build brand identities, websites and Graphic objects which effectively promote my clients work and services. I apply a process of ideation and...
Андрей ДубравушкинХудожник, иллюстраторот 600 руб. за час
Иллюстрации, персонажи, татуировки, иконки, графика для игр. Профессионально. Душевно. Мой сайт: http://jokermask.ru Услуги: Рисую черно-белые и цветные иллюстрации: скетч, реализм, лайн-арт, в стилях: фэнтези, мультяшные (cartoon), хоррор, эротика и др.; Разрабатываю персонажей (от персонажей компьютерных игр и веб-сайтов до персонажей торговых марок); Рисую графику для компьютерных игр: концепт-арт, скетчи, персонажи, локации, иллюстрации, иконки, разработка объектов игровых сцен в...
Max ZaitsevWeb-дизайнерцена договорная
Hi and welcome! My name is Max Zaitsev. I create custom designs based on your requirements & preferences. I CAN HELP OUT WITH: - GORGEOUS WEBDESIGN - CSS CODING - BEAUTIFULL LOGOTYPES
Maksym MarchenkoFull Stack Web Developerот 300 руб. за час
Hello, I am Maksym M., middle web developer. I started my career 2 years ago as PHP developer. I have developed a web apps using PHP, JS, HTML/CSS, WordPress, Joomla, Magento. Now I have great experience with front-end development and technologies like CSS3, HTML5, Less, Sass native JS, jQuery, Angular, Responsive Designs, Polymer, Material Design; back-end development PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, Joomla and Magento CMS. I am also familiar with some api web services, like google, facebook,...
Евгения ФилипповаGraphic, Web and 3D Designerот 30 000 руб. за месяц
Образование: Графический дизайн + художественное. Опыт работы в графике: 11 лет.I'm engaged in tattoo art, graphic, web and 3d interior design, visual art, painting, dream weaving :)Last job: Web Designer, The First Group - Dubai, UAE.Previous jobs: Graphic Designer, Molecules Events Management - Dubai, UAE.Freelance Designer, Dubai, Ukraine, Russia.