Представитель дизайн-студии "YesGroup". Создание сайтов любой сложности. Дизайн сайтов. Вёрстка сайтов. Программирование и связка с CMS (исключительно свои качественные разработки cms). Дизайн: веб, интранет, интерфейсы, презентации, баннеры (flash, gif)
Виктория Малышеваweb-programmingцена договорная
Юрий ЧернышёвКлиентские приложенияот 500 руб. за час
Опыт Flash > 5 лет, Android / Java > 2 лет Работа в банке - неприемлема. Ищу работу заграницей. OS: Win/Linux/MacOS/Android; Programming Lang: Java, ActionScript 3.0, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, XML, CSS; Development Tools: Eclipse, Adobe, IntellijIDEA, SVN, Git; Technologies: TCP/IP; Client-side applications.
Vitaly Vishnevsky3d modelling and animationот 1 000 руб. за час
I am founder of game development company based in Eastern Europe. We have 9 people team, and good advantage in C# programming, 3d modelling, animations, rigging and texturing. Actually we have full development team and working on creation of 3D MMORPG for Mobile and Tablets. Sometimes people from our team have lack of work, but we want to stay in one team, so we manage to use freelance to full-fill empty time and do some freelance work.
Сергей ФурмановProgramming-engener-studentцена договорная
Alexander IvanovWintel IS, Programmingцена договорная
Buckethead BucketheadVirtuoso guitaristцена договорная
In my free time (when I have no tour or concert-like events) I usually read some technical literature about modern programming languages and trying to write some useless tools. It's just a hobby, nothing more.
Sergey SeletskySoftware Architectцена договорная
Professional Profile:Software Architect with extensive experience in the IT Industry in a variety of innovative solutions of high-quality apps and services. Experience in SaaS, Cloud, Big Data, Mobility, Artificial Intelligence etc. projects on a scalable architecture. Good design sense and usability. Experience in planning, design, development, management and control interdisciplinary teams. Competencies:Architecture, Big Data, Business Analysis, Business Design, Business Development, Business...
Татьяна КириченкоТестирование веб-приложенийцена договорная
Тестировщик, способный, анализировать ситуацию и держать в голове много нужной информации.
Сергей ТомашовSoftware Testing Engineerот 250 руб. за час
Software Testing Engineer с2ух летним опытом работы. Знание основных методик тестирования. написание проектной документации связанной с тестированием ПО и web.
AnyKey ProСистемное администрированиеот 500 руб. за час
Здравствуйте! Представляю на freelansim.ru команду системных администраторов, предлагающих услуги ИТ-аутсорсинга. Опыт работы в области поддержки сетевых инфраструктур и серверов различных конфигураций - более 10 лет. Специализация: Unix-подобные ОС, сети, защита информации, shell-программирование. Работаем удалённо (SSH, Telnet/SSL, VPN, VNC, RDP, Teamviewer и т.д.). Возможен выезд к заказчику (обговаривается отдельно). Предлагаем следующие услуги: - настройка и обслуживание серверов на...
Ivan KokovProgrammingцена договорная
Опыт в программировании, командная разработка, проектирование с использованием шаблонов...
от 1 200 руб. за час
Indepеndent Cоmputer Prоfessional.
Александр ПарфеновC\C++\Java Программистот 150 руб. за час
Программист самоучка с приличным знанием алгоритмов и структур данных.
Артем ЯрыгинПрограммистот 600 руб. за час
Experience in UNIX administration for 2 years. - Install, configure, and support for FreeBSD, CentOS and others UNIX distributions Experience in application programming a 1.5 year. - Development of a torrent client for the sale of digital content - Development of control systems by means of video Experience in developing web-sites 3 years - Install, configure, and support bitrix, oscoomerce, wordpress, joomla and other CMS - QT, C++, PHP/HTML/JS, SQL, WinAPI.
Богдан ЧайкаПрограммистот 500 руб. за час
I begin programming and earn money by it in may 2005 year. Now i'm a strong adept of Erlang. But my first language was C++ and Java. At first time i develop desktop application for Win32 : spying system and "work list reports" for building company. After that i took part in startUp project kupui.com and ukrmoney.com on perl - ukrainian analogs of ebay.com and paypal.com. This projects were unsuccessful. In 2007 i begin develop audit system for financianal bank also on perl. During this time i...
sergey shevtsovDeveloperот 600 руб. за час
My first plugin was written 6 years ago in AutoCAD 2000 by C++/VBA/delphi. Aftrer that i was researched .NET technology. Since that time i am CAD(AutoCAD, Navisworks, Revit, Microstation etc)/.NET(WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET) developer. - CAD systems: Expert in CAD programming and custom CAD application development for AutoCAD, creating custom entity/objects, cutomize AutoCAD, custom commands, using ObjectARX, VBA-scripts, Lisp. Developer Navisworks SDK (.NET, COM). Developer Revit SDK (.NET, COM)....
Сергей ЧудукТестированиеот 250 руб. за час
Software Test Automation Engineer
Vitaliy SkalnyyИнженерот 500 руб. за час
1c programming, web -1c integration
la OlaPython, iOsцена договорная
опыт работы, внимательность, аккуратность, грамотность.
Volodimir DanilivВеб програмистот 200 руб. за час
For the past year and an half I have been working as a freelance programmer , HTML CSS, also I have skills in programming on SMARTY, PHP. Also I work with Content Manager System (CMS), Joomla, Wordpress, usually I work with Web design, I have skills in using software package Photoshop for my projects. Furthermore, I have useful skills in working with SVN and MySQL. Also I used to work as Virtual Service Administrator on Unix system.
Tony Singhprogrammingот 1 000 руб. за месяц
Я живу в индии по поводу своей учебы и будущей жизни и английского языка
от 200 руб. за час
Предлагаю услуги: - тестирование сайтов и мобильных приложений - кроссбраузерное тестирование (IE, Safari, Opera, FF, Chrome) - функциональное тестирование - юзабилити тестирование - тестирование GUI По желанию клиента работаю в баг-трекинговых системах или составляю отчеты в текстовых документах Устройства в наличии: MacBook Pro, Iphone 4,5, Ipad 1,2, Galaxy Note 2
Bogdan Argon.net programmerот 300 руб. за час
.net programming
цена договорная
More than 5 years of experience in quality assurance for multi-level client-server systems; Solid teamwork experience, QA Leading included (for the last 4 years); Job responsibilities include creating and documenting test cases: • PQ/OQ Test Cases creation and implementing test cases on the all levels of testing, tests execution and documenting, analyze of the testing results; • Test specifications and creation of the description of a project lifecycle; • Detecting deviations and issues and...
Андрей БелогорцевWEB-Developerот 300 руб. за час
I have 7 years experience in Web development. I have developed a wide range of websites using Html, CSS, and a little JS, php, also using CMS and Bulletin board (Joomla, Wordpress, PHPbb). Self-study and prepare graphics for the site using PhotoShop, FireWorks, CorelDRAW. I have deployed over 15 fully functional websites. I also have experience in SEO, social media and internet strategy. I am also a reseller of WebHosting Provider FreeHost.com.ua (I can offer you: Domain...