I prefer clear code and like new challenges. I’ll be glad to become a part of a cool and active team to change a world in better way. I prefer a healthy lifestyle like traveling, jogging and so on. Also to read books, the last one is Grokay algorithms. Me technical skills for now: • PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, Yii2 • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ • HTML, CSS, Sass, Vue.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, MVC • Jira, Confluence, Redmine, Git • Docker • Visual Studio Code, PhpStorm, Git Bash Also my...
Evgenii StrivalBack-end Developer (PHP)цена договорная
Daria LymarenkoUI/UX/WEB designот 1 400 руб. за час
I have 2 year experience work in IT company & design agency. I have been creating E-commerce and corporate websites, landing pages, apps, presentations, animation, prototypes and wireframes. - I have knowledge in composition, colors, typography and I can draw by hand. - I have been creating presentations and case studies for customers and company. - Execute all visual design stages from concept to final hand-off to engineering. - Create wireframes, UI KIT's, styleguides, clickable...
Даниил Курочкинweb-designerот 500 руб. за час
Hello everyone! I am an aspiring web designer, but I am very hard working and willing to work hard. In my work I use figma and photoshop. I will gladly work on your projects. We will become one team! Let's discuss the details and get to work Всем привет! Я начинающий веб-дизайнер, но я очень трудолюбивый и готов много работать. В своей работе я использую фигма и фотошоп. Я с радостью поработаю над вашими проектами. Мы станем одной командой! Давайте обсудим детали и приступим к работе
Мурад АхундовBackend Developmentот 1 500 руб. за час
Backend Developer from Baku. Email: akhundov1murad@gmail.com Telegram: @qutablar I am currently working on LMS system for Russian IT company. Interested in Software Architecture, REST API development and Microservices. I have experience in developing microservice architecture, working with databases, parallel tasks, converting files, integrating external services, working with caching, as well as training new employees. Ready for interesting and challenging tasks.
Юрий ТыщукТаргетинг, .NET, RoRот 1 200 руб. за час
We are team of WEB Developers from Ukraine, we specialize in .NET and PHP stack. We`re allways searching for interesting projects or remote job. We can build an Web applications using .Net technologies such as ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, Ms Sql Server, Entity Framework, WCF, WebApi (REST) on server side and Angular, Vue on the clien side. There is some experiense with NopCommerce (eCommerce) CMS. With PHP stack we can quick build web sites on WorpPress and Joomla CMS, web stores based on...
Tatianka KovalДизайнот 100 руб. за час
Web Developer UX/UI Designer The list of my skills includes ✎ design ✎ front-end development I am focused on the result and highlighting only the most important things because sites are, first of all, not a beautiful picture, but a solution to a specific problem and its a logically structured design with a beautiful visual design CONTACTS Have ideas? Let's give a task and I give you solutions in achieving your business goals! Get in touch to discuss your project: ...
Александр Фирсовfullstackот 3 000 руб. за час
Я опытный фулстек разработчик с 10-ти летним стажем работы. Пишу в основном на Typescript и Go, но были бы интересны проекты на других языках - Ruby, Rust, Zig. Есть большой опыт работы c AWS инфраструктурой и сервисами. Могу проектировать архитектуру, базы данных. Больше люблю писать проекты с нуля, но чинить, допиливать и тому подобные вещи тоже хорошо получается. https://www.linkedin.com/in/lifeuser/
Максим ПохилыйMobile apps development using React Nativeот 1 100 руб. за час
- Integrate third party libraries, for example: -- Visualise any data in charts -- UI-kits -- Localization -- Animation -- Manipulation with any parts of UI (like swipe to delete etc.) - Create custom UI-kits: -- Modal windows -- Side menu -- List items -- Buttons -- Inputs -- Sliders -- Charts -- etc. - Create scalable architecture of apps - Push notifications - Siri integration for iOS - Deploy test builds to firebase test flight service with the ability to install on a...
Vasyl MaksymFull-stack developerот 440 руб. за час
New to Habr, I'm a skillful full-stack developer with 15.000+ hours of indoor work background and passion for carefully crafted code. Powered by strong knowledge in Laravel and CSS, I turn your requirements into good-looking, bug-free, responsive websites/web applications - on time and budget.
Александр АлександрАдмин Linux, DBA, разработчикцена договорная
IaC: Pulumi & Terraform, Ansible Containers: Helm & Kubernetes, Buildah & Docker Public cloud: AWS, Azure, Linode On-premise private & hybrid cloud: OpenNebula, KVM, Firecracker Monitoring: Zabbix & Netdata, Prometheus & Grafana, ELK CI/CD: Jenkins (including Groovy), GitLab, SonarCube DBMS: IBM DB2 & PostgreSQL via nHibernate, Redis & Tarantool, Debezium Analytics: Pentaho & ClickHouse OS: Devuan, OpenBSD Guest OS: ^above, Alpine, AntiX ...
Julia KopachevskayaQA Engineerцена договорная
Hi everyone!) I am a Junior QA Engineer. Completed functional testing courses. I have a small, but very valuable and interesting experience in testing on a real ScootAPI project. I use all the opportunities to develop myself in the field of testing and have a great desire to work!)
Ilona ADigital-дизайнот 300 руб. за час
Работаю дизайнером социальных сетей в студенческой организации: делаю дизайны постов для Instagram, VKontakte, делаю элементы для оформления сообщества VKontakte С удовольствием примусь за работу по разработке дизайна для лендинга, сайта, разработке визуала для лент Instagram. Мое портфолио можно увидеть тут: Ilona Arzumanian on Behance Также владею Adobe Illustrator и могу выполнять иллюстрации и логотипы
Давид МартиросянВеб-Разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
I'm ambitious professional with huge background in web development. I enjoy software development and provide business solutions to my clients with using innovative thinking and proven techniques. I can work on your existing websites and also can build for you from very start to an awesome end. Knowledge of HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, Jquery. Knowledge of Bootstrap. Advanced knowledge of PHP. Strong understanding of OOP principles. Excellent knowledge of Laravel framework. Ability to work...
Писанюк Богданвеб-программистот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello! My name is Bohdan and I am freelance web developer specializing in small to medium sized business websites using the most current technologies to provide the best user experience while satisfying customer needs. Currently I have experience working with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Sass, Bootstrap. I am studying JavaScript and Vuejs and have some basic skills of it. My Tools: - Sublime Text 3 - Atom - Brackets - Visual studio code - Slack - Telegram - Messenger - Adobe Photoshop -...
Мария БерулеваВеб-дизайнот 1 500 руб. за час
Hello! My name is Maria. I have been developing websites and mobile apps for about 3 years. Last year I have been working for two top Russian agencies. Moreover I have some permanent foreign clients. I adore my work and constantly improve my level to make a really high-quality product. I’ve had the chance to work on a wide range of websites, from luxury jewelry to credit banking. My expertise skills: – Websites – UI/UX Design – Web Application/Dashboard Design – Mobile Design for iOS...
Сергей БойкоPythonот 700 руб. за проект
Привет, я разработчик с опытом работы более 3 лет. Имею большой опыт работы с парсингом и Telegram. За все время было более 17 клиентов, в общей сложности выполнено 36 проектов (большая их часть – Telegram боты и автоматизированные аккаунты разного уровня сложности). Зачастую мои клиенты обращаются ко мне повторно. У меня большой опыт работы на СНГ фрилансе. Для Telegram я использую такие библиотеки, как Telethon, PTB, iogram, реже Telebot. В парсинге – Selenium, BeautifulSoup, Scrappy Для...
Надежда ФумАнализ и управление даннымиот 75 руб. за час
Умею: - Создавать реляционные базы данных. - Создавать резервных копии баз данных. Создавать пользователей. - Создавать запросы на выборку данных.(SELECT, GROUP BY, HAVING, JOIN, UNION, EXISTS, IF(), функции для работы с датой и временем.) - Создавать запросы на модификацию данных.(INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, экспорт данных) - Обеспечивать поддержку целостности данных.(FOREIGN KEY) - Управлять транзакциями.(BEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK) - Использовать средства управления доступа и...
Anton ShcherbatovBackend developerот 1 000 руб. за час
July 2014 — until now Quantumsoft Backend-developer Developing and improvement existing projects for genetic laboratory: 1) System of employees relationship management Technologies: Python/Django, Bootstrap, Git, Linux 2) Laboratory Information Management System Technologies: Python/Django, Bootstrap, Datalog, React/Flux, Flask, Selenium, Linux, RabbitMQ May 2010 — July 2014 Itscript.com www.itscript.com/ Web-develop 1. Improvement of main company project - bathrooms.com It's a shop in UK...
Дмитрий ТимкоRuby on railsот 800 руб. за час
Четыре года в рельсах, профессиональный разработчик, предпочитаю бэкенд, но знаю JS и React. Здесь ищу парт-тайм подработку (до 20 часов в неделю)
Alex ShellFullstack developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Артур ТрофимовFrontend developmentот 1 000 руб. за час
Hi there!My name is Artur. I have been working in the field of front-end web development for more than 3 years. Below is a short recap of my relavant skills and qualification: - HTML5, CSS3 - PSD-to-HTML, PSD-to-WP + responsive design - Jquery, JavaScript - Bootstrap 3/4 - Flexbox - LESS/ SASS/ SCSS - Gulp/ Grunt preprocessors - Git for version-conrolling I will be happy to work on the new projects, that will be both interesting and challenging. I work quickly and efficiently. Just...
Andrey MisyuraRuby on rails developerот 400 руб. за час
Александр МорозовПрограммистот 1 200 руб. за час
Мне интересны проекты связанные с совместным созданием контента, а так же решающие инженерные и околонаучные задачи.
Дмитрий Иларионовnodejs, awsцена договорная
Development on the Node.js. Admin the of project at the AWS.
Langivi TechnologySoftware solution companyцена договорная
Life-giving code We create a modern future, using cutting-edge and only exceptionally efficient technologies. We share our experience and we invite you to cooperate.