Фрилансеры (1149)
  • R50 61a33eeeaa446b1e5f057a51b2abdf78
    +0 / -0
    Ксения Манеева
    Front-end, верстка, Backend
    цена договорная

    Веб-программирование Без особых сложностей создам Ваш сайт с нуля по готовому макету PSD. Также работаю с CMS WordPress. Напишу бекенд на языке PHP и JavaScript. При надобности создам базу данных MySQL. Дополнительную информацию Вы можете посмотреть здесь: https://manksiv.github.io/ Базы данных Создам БД на Access или MySQL. Примеры могу скинуть на почту. Все общение исключительно в письменном виде. Всегда прислушиваюсь к желаниям клиентов, уточняю некоторые нюансы и делаю всё в максимально...

  • R50 b917d44754bdea6b2a340dee2aa0fd90
    +0 / -0
    Andrey Polegoshko
    DevOps intergration
    от 3 000 руб. за час

    Hi everyone. My name is Andrey Polegoshko. I'm from Belarus, currently living in Germany. I'm glad to see you here. Let me introduce myself. I'm the system/software engineer with experience in building DevOps and programming backend in such scripting languages as Python, Bash (Preferred Golang as development language). I have experience in migrating applications to containers on different platforms such as Docker-compose, Kubernetes. Also, migrating databases to the container environment. I have...

  • R50 3edac48672045f7966416de406558783
    +0 / -0
    Руфат Исламов
    Администриртование и настройка
    цена договорная

    В сфере ИТ более 10 лет. Системы и серверы который я администрировал. Microsoft Windows Servers 2008R2/2016 - Установка и настройка серверов. - Настройка дополнение по задаче заказчика. - AD,DNS,WSUS,DHCP Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 - Установка и настройка сервера. - Создание кластера Database Availability Group (DAG) Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Установка и настройка сервера. - Добавление пользователей HPE Proliant Servers DL/ML/BL series - Установка и...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Максим Переверзев
    Разработка ПО
    от 900 руб. за час

    Стек знаний: WEB > Yii 2, Kohana, Symphony (Symfony), Laravel, Slim, Silex, Magento, Open Cart (Opencart), WordPress (Вордпресс), Joomla (Джумла), Drupal (Друпал), Zend Framework, Codeigniter, CakePHP, UMI, MODx Revo/Evo, DataLife Engine (DLE), PrestaShop, Sphinx, ElasticSearch, NodeJS, Web-sockets, Centrifugo, Laravel Echo, Clojure, Kotlin, Rust Lang, PHP, RoR Ruby on Rails, Perl, Kotlin, 1C-Битрикс (Bitrix), Curl Frontend > Npm, React, Angular, MooTools, Lodash, Lua, Browserify,...

  • R50 aa6b7725e139acfe191b3178a360b047
    +0 / -0
    от 300 руб. за час

    I have about two years experience in this field. Also i know how write right and clear code.Actually work in company on front-end developer position, but still have a lot of time which i want to spend with updating my skills and helping to clients.

  • R50 3aa0d7ad9f059cc63be28f6ad00187e1
    +0 / -0
    от 200 руб. за час

    Languages: Russian – nativeEnglish – intermediate (B1) Tools and Technologies: Programming languages: Javascript ES5+ (4+ years), HTML5 (4+ years), CSS3 (4+ years), PHP7 (4+ years), C# (basic, studied at the university for 5 years, then there was no practice), TypeScript 3 (1+ year)Databases: Oracle MysqlIDE: PhpStorm, WebStorm, Brackets, Sublime Text 3Frameworks: jQuery (2+ years), Bootstrap 3 (2+ years), Bootstrap 4 (from release, ~2 month), Yii2 (half a year), Font-awesome 4-5 (1...

  • R50 fccfadeab31887ca72449f50e38768f7
    +0 / -0
    Алёна Семёнова
    от 250 руб. за час

    Highly enthusiastic, motivated, and knowledgeable professional. I bring real life experience multi-disciplinary teams. Ability to work alone and be a team player at the same time. I would love to have the opportunity to join your project/team and use my skills to create an effecient. Career fields: HR (IT Recruiting), Event managment, Marketing. Education: Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don 2012 Media Communications and Multimedia Technologies, Public Relations Coursera: Project...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 1 500 руб. за проект

    Работаю Java программистом около 3-ех лет. Занимаю разработкой ПО около 5 лет (начинал с 1С). Ещё раньше работал системным администратором. В основном занимаюсь back-end программированием бизнес приложений. Люблю сложные нестандартные задачи. Недавно получил сертификат Associate Java SE 8 Programmer. Technical Skills Java Technologies Java SE, J2EE, JPA, EJB, JSP, JSF (Prime, Omni, Rich faces), JNDI, Servlets, Hibernate, Spring ( incl. Data, Security, MVC), ThyMeLeaf, bootstrap, GWT,...

  • R50 e96b4c4ebfa74fd263b785d484926b48
    +0 / -0
    Dmytro Karpenko
    Unity3D Developer
    от 750 руб. за час

    Game Developer SKILLS • Unity3D, C#, Vuforia • OOP, SOLID, GOF patterns, Algorithms and data structures, Dependency injection • UNET, Unirx, Zenject • Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator • Build for Android and IOS • 2D, 3D, AR projects. • GIT, Unity Collaborate, Full cycle game development Try your hand at fighting with guests from a different dimension. Dragons invaded from the parralreal reality and you, the agent of the special unit heroes of combat, will exterminate them. Your mobile...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Евгений С
    Java разработчик
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Большой опыт работы в качестве Java разработчика (с 2005 г) Личные качества: - целеустремленность - легко нахожу контакт с людьми - готов осваивать новые технологии Профессиональные навыки: Frontend: GWT, GXT, JSP, HTML, Javascript, Swing Spring: Boot, Data, Security, MVC Database/ORM/Tools: PostgreSQL, Hibernate, MyBatis, Liquibase, Hazelcast Messaging: Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ Searching: Solr Cluster management: Mesos, Yarn Big Data/NoSQL: Hadoop, Cascading, Flink, Hbase, OpenTSDB ...

  • R50 f01445d3423bb650b4e1aa6461055bc1
    +0 / -0
    Dmitriy Peiko
    Веб программирование
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Добрый день, друзья. Мы компания Peiko – разрабатываем проекты начиная с этапа бизнес анализа и разработки технического задания до тестирования и настройки готового к работе ресурса. Постоянно держим в курсе всех событий на проекте и предоставляем отчет о проделанной работе. О нас в цифрах: Лет на рынке – 3 года Запущенных проектов – 42 Доход от проектов > 300 000$ География клиентов: США, ЕС, СНГ Наш сайт – peiko.space/ Отызвы на Сlutch Peiko На данный момент используем такой стек...

  • R50 ddec296ddf9df1dddcc04f74b667342e
    +0 / -0
    Olesya Sukhomlin
    web design
    от 848 руб. за час

    UX/UI designer with 15+ years of work experience. Delighted with solving complex problems transforming them into clean, efficient and a user-friendly interface through the human-centered design methodology. Open-minded and self-motivated person with developed communication skills.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Oleg Hoffman
    цена договорная

    Software development, database design, porting SQLServer->PostgreSQL, tuning, SQLCLR, software reverse engineering, applications security, c++/.net parsers for DSLs, database search algorithms and development,

  • R50 f2102a0a8d66c5a5711f377cc7b7741a
    +0 / -0
    Vladislav Vasilenko
    iOS Development
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Software Engineer, IT Manager. I has experience in iOS Development, Android, Python script writing. I can develop apps with scalable architecture, intend to optimise apps. I am able to manage a team of developers: js, php coders and iOS / Android developers. Interested in Marketing, Development and Bussines Solutions. I would like to grow up good bussines model occupied large market. I work at the intersection of technologies and business models. I’m familiar with wide stack of technologies...

  • R50 84ef1d7284744e3896bf8d3cf2dbb8f0
    +0 / -0
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    Java (5+ years). Android (4+ years). Kotlin. RxJava, RxAndroid. Object-Oriented programming, multithreading. Software Design Patterns (MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture etc.) Third Party Libraries (Android Jetpack, Dagger 2, Retrofit, Firebase etc.). Database (SQLite, Realm). Spring Boot, Hibernate (basic knowledge). Git.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Назар Лаба
    Frontend Developer
    от 350 руб. за час

    Hello! My name is Nazar, I'm Frontend Developer. I've been doing it for more than 1.5 year, I can create any site from PSD HTML or WP, with high-quality with clean and valid code. My first goal is to do a quality work for the customer, done in a short time. The second goal is to benefit the customer, to solve their problems and needs. I have skills in: HTML/HTML5;CSS/CSS3;JavaScript/JQuery;Bootstrap 3/4; LESS / SASS / SCSS / PureCSS;Git/GitHub;Gulp / Webpack; PHP ( basic use in CMS);...

  • R50 f725498878717cc82d7a7ddbb6affc3d
    +0 / -0
    Алексей Черниховский
    Embedded software developer
    от 1 300 руб. за час

    I'm a middle embedded systems engineer with a focus on firmware development. I've had the pleasure to work on various interesting and challenging projects with medical, industrial applications. Also, I had experience in Design, Develop & Prototype, iOS native customer applications for phones and tablets.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Сергей Лысенко
    верстка макетов PSDtoHTML
    от 145 руб. за час

    Hi! My name is Sergei, and at the moment I freelance front-end developer with 3 years of professional experience. This portfolio shows my creativity work. I'm using the latest technologies available today for fully interactive and responsive websites and apps. I can work closely with designers and back-end engineers in teams. Time to time I like to explore new visual trends. SKILLS:HTML5CSS3SassJavaScriptTOOLS: jQueryGulpPhotoshopIllustratorgit

  • R50 69116b85f20e5423886da09634944e55
    +0 / -0
    Руслан Климов
    Backend developer
    от 500 руб. за час

    Creating complete RESTful API according requirements. Making business logic more flexible, reliable and powerful. Providing security for each API endpoint. Excellent documentatiting of API using Swagger or Postman for best description of each method using by Mobile or Frontend or anothers Backend developers. Working with Real-time data. Deploying on different hostings using Nginx or Docker. Using PostgreSQL as main database and MongoDB as NOSQL. Generally writting code on Python3.5+ with Django...

  • R50 5cb128061c1dda749e086af5f79f7c2f
    +0 / -0
    Alexey Eremeev
    php developer / devops
    цена договорная

    I am an experienced PHP developer with over 10 years of real programming skills. Worked on many different web projects and development stacks. My work is my passion, so I in love with web development and put care into every project.

  • R50 de5db7f877b94f7c738f60c2409db3ec
    +0 / -0
    Vlad Polevoi
    JavaScript development
    от 500 руб. за час

    I'm JavaScript developer. My experience is around 1 year. I love to code and do it properly. I can help you create web-application, which will be responsive, fast, animated, user-friendly. Love to explore something new, try new libraries, work in different projects. Would love to help you with your job.

  • R50 9786c00b15b88047943d173e8b130895
    +0 / -0
    Natalia Anisimova
    Web, App, Game development
    от 1 600 руб. за час

    Over 10 years of work in the IT field we made a strong progress focusing on most important things for our clients. We managed to build a system that clearly delineates project goals and expectations and successfully delivers the required solution. We are experts in Mobile, Web and Game development. The efforts we make contribute to effective results for clients in various industries, including Finance, Corporate Management, Medicine, Fitness and Gaming. This undoubtedly makes us a reliable IT...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Карим Айдари
    Python/Django Developer
    от 700 руб. за час

    Languages: Python, Javascript Frameworks: Django, jQuery Database Management: MySQL, PostgreSQL Cloud Environment: EC2, Heroku, DigitalOcean OS: Windows, Linux Web: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap Tools: Git, Vagrant, Celery, Redis, Ansible Servers: Nginx, Apache 2 years experience.

  • R50 ea7d05ddfbdbd1aa47ea4d12c966aa58
    +0 / -0
    Александр Климов
    Android разработка
    от 700 руб. за час

    I have been a very successful Android developer for over 2 years, working for individuals in Russia. My skills are the following: - native Android Apps - Google Map, Geofence, Geolocation SDKs; - Camera API; - Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram SDK; - RESTapi with Retrofit, Volley; - Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM, GCM); - Parse, Firebase SDK integration; - Barcode, QR scanners; - NFC, RFID - In-app purchases. - Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) I like working on projects...