Full stack web engineer. PHP знания: php(PhalconPhp, Laravel), nodejs(adonisjs), client side js(vuejs, angularjs, jquery) html, css, mysql, redis. Опыт работы более 6 лет. Технический английский. Работаю удаленно. Experience more than 6 years. Technical English. I work remotely full-time and part-time.
Алексей НикитинВеб-программистот 900 руб. за час
Богдан ЧайкаПрограммистот 500 руб. за час
I begin programming and earn money by it in may 2005 year. Now i'm a strong adept of Erlang. But my first language was C++ and Java. At first time i develop desktop application for Win32 : spying system and "work list reports" for building company. After that i took part in startUp project kupui.com and ukrmoney.com on perl - ukrainian analogs of ebay.com and paypal.com. This projects were unsuccessful. In 2007 i begin develop audit system for financianal bank also on perl. During this time i...
Nikolay RukavishnikovProgrammerот 200 руб. за час
quality work on time
Виталий МоSenior ASP.NET web-developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Frontend: • SPA (knockout.js + require.js + sammy.js) • CSS3, LESS, CSS-Frameworks (bootstrap, foundation) • Responsive design, mobile-first markup Backend: • ASP.NET MVC 3-5 • ORM: Entity Framework 3-6, Database-first, Code-first Services: • SOAP: WCF-Services • REST: WebAPI Databases: • MS SQL, Oracle, NoSQL (MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Neo4j) Patterns & Practices: • MVC, MVVM, Repository, Unit-of-Work, IoC/DI, N-tier Application, DDD, CQRS VCS: • TFS, Git Создание достойных веб-приложений...
Volodimir DanilivВеб програмистот 200 руб. за час
For the past year and an half I have been working as a freelance programmer , HTML CSS, also I have skills in programming on SMARTY, PHP. Also I work with Content Manager System (CMS), Joomla, Wordpress, usually I work with Web design, I have skills in using software package Photoshop for my projects. Furthermore, I have useful skills in working with SVN and MySQL. Also I used to work as Virtual Service Administrator on Unix system.
Алексей БалашевИнженер linux, Сетевой инженерцена договорная
Linux - its my world. Cisco - my favorite quest. Work with http://freelansim.ru/freelancers/Dgeliko
Надыр СаидмахмудовПрограммирование на PHPот 30 000 руб. за месяц
I'm a web developer with 3 years PHP development experience and currently I've been working with CodeIgniter PHP framework. I found many helpful things in CodeIgniter which make my work easier.
цена договорная
More than 5 years of experience in quality assurance for multi-level client-server systems; Solid teamwork experience, QA Leading included (for the last 4 years); Job responsibilities include creating and documenting test cases: • PQ/OQ Test Cases creation and implementing test cases on the all levels of testing, tests execution and documenting, analyze of the testing results; • Test specifications and creation of the description of a project lifecycle; • Detecting deviations and issues and...
Андрей БелогорцевWEB-Developerот 300 руб. за час
I have 7 years experience in Web development. I have developed a wide range of websites using Html, CSS, and a little JS, php, also using CMS and Bulletin board (Joomla, Wordpress, PHPbb). Self-study and prepare graphics for the site using PhotoShop, FireWorks, CorelDRAW. I have deployed over 15 fully functional websites. I also have experience in SEO, social media and internet strategy. I am also a reseller of WebHosting Provider FreeHost.com.ua (I can offer you: Domain...
Victor Istratiwordpress expertот 300 руб. за час
Professional wordpress customization work. We don’t have many solutions for one problem, we have optimal solution for each one.
Дмитрий ЛомакинSenior PHP & SQL developerот 500 руб. за час
My skills: • Strong practical knowledge of PHP5 (inc. v5.3 and v5.4) • Excellent OOP skills including design patterns understanding and applying • Ability to build complex MySQL queries, optimize queries and tables for performance • Knowledge and experience in Apache, Nginx, Memcache, Linux • Solid experience in professional PHP and SQL (Oracle, MySQL) programming since 2005 • Knowledge in system design around scalability • Practical usage of third party sites APIs (Facebook, Flickr, etc) and...
Dimas GorevoyWeb Developmentот 300 руб. за час
My work history/projects/portfolio you can find in Job section on: http://facebook.com/gorevoy http://ua.linkedin.com/in/gorevoy
Антон НиканоровPHP developerот 600 руб. за час
PHP-разработчик, опыт разработки сайтов на wordpress, prestashop различного уровня сложности, множество разработанных web-приложений под facebook.Некоторые из них:- http://www.planetofhotels.com/ - Drupal - http://madameaparis.com/ - PrestaShop - http://sayitloud.eu/ - WP small web mobile app - http://yoga-et-vedas.com/ - WP + less + bootstrap - http://toutelaculture.com/ - WP - https://www.facebook.com/weleda.france/app_171751133024653 - Facebook promo app -...
Надежда Недеждинскаяперевод анг-рус, рус-ангот 200 руб. за тысячу знаков
I have impeccable language skills (Russian and English), including excellent grammar and sense of style (business and general) in both languages. I 've been learning German in my University too. I can translate from English into Russian and from Russian into English; I have willingness to learn, positive attitude, ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines, detail-oriented, hard-working, organized, also i have communication skills, presentable appearance and Uni degree in...
Gleb TsyrulnikovSenior Web Developerот 2 000 руб. за проект
Hi, I'm Gabe. Well everybody calls me like this, don't even know why. :) About me: I'm a web developer with more than 3 years of experience. I was lucky to develop the new version of webtheory — the most popular website for learning HTML5, CSS3, Design and so on in Russia. I also wrote several articles about the Ruby language on the website. As a project of webtheory, I created a back-end structure of the game called Hackable, which we tried to develop in a hackathon mode. Currently I work...