Project development of simplified social network named “Find me”. It is a web application. Main functions are: user registration/signing in, relationship management with other users, news feed, management of posts, simplified messaging, logging. Basic web pages were developed as well - html/css/basic JS and ajax/. Also write telegram "currency rate" bot. Main functions are: to collect information about currency rates from the Internet, compare this rates, write new rate to DB, make out a...
Anton MiJava Developerот 35 000 руб. за месяц
Катерина БаркетоваUnity3d-разработчикот 5 000 руб. за проект
Unity3D разработчик, есть опыт работы в инди-команде разработчиков. Работаю качественно, на опыт и портфолио. Выполню ваш заказ максимально быстро за символическую плату.
Александр БондаренкоWeb-develpopmentот 1 200 руб. за час
Backend/Frontend ( преимущественно специализируюсь на бэкенде ). Есть опыт работы в большой команде над крупными программными продуктами. Опыт руководства командой разработчиков ( Code Review, фильтрация требований к разрабатываемому продукту, ответственность за сроки, наставничество, улучшение процесов компании, улучшение культуры разработки, регламентирование практик разработки, проектирование ПО). Опыт проектирования, запуска и поддержки програмных продуктов в продакшне. Опыт...
Akop Kyurkchyanfull stack web developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello, I am a full stack web developer from Yerevan Armenia and I have more than 5 years of experience in web development. I have had a chance to work both with companies and individuals. I am here to deliver your project on time with high quality. Below are listed my technical skills. Back End Development PHP – Codelgniter, Yii2.0, Laravel, Node JS, Express, Sails.js, Hapi.js Databases MySQL/Libraries /API-s ORM: Propel Chatbots(Facebook, Telegram, Viber WhatsApp) Front End...
Артур ХайруллинPremium Web Developmentот 3 300 руб. за час
Not yet another skillset bragger. Instead - your helping hand in the world of Web Development. Cooperatively with my clients, we move towards a successful solution. And this is how the efficient working process should flow. In my craft I strive for the following principles: - End product needs to solve a problem - My client should feel safe and involved in the process (seeing intermediate results, getting instructions, etc) - To be independent as a developer and free my clients' brains...
Баходир ЯрашбоевWEB Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Hi there! I'm Web developer with 3+ years of experience in backend development. It's important to me to build long term relationships with clients and be involved in development during application life cycle as long as possible in order to make application to provide better services level on every stage, so I'm primarily looking for long term projects. Few things which I can do: ✅ Laravel/Yii projects ✅ REST API ✅ Mobile app backend using Laravel/Yii ✅ Work with any external API...
Gevor MelqonyanFront End Developerот 100 000 руб. за месяц
I'm a Web developer, living in Erevan, Armenia. I work with Open source HTML, CSS, Jquery, Angular 2+ and Wordpress to build websites for startup companies as well as enhancing existing websites my creativity and prior experience helps me to develop the website professionally, highlighting your corporate image.
Руслан ВалеевRuby on Rails, backendот 700 руб. за час
Несколько лет занимаюсь веб-разработкой на Ruby on Rails, имею опыт работы в разных проектах, сейчас работаю в крупной международной компании. Пишу качественный код, с соблюдением основных паттернов (DRY, SOLID, KISS, YAGNI и тд.), покрываю код тестами. Люблю интересные проекты )
Виталий ОхрименкоiOS-разработчкиот 1 000 руб. за час
- Опыт коммерческой разработки 2 года, последнее место работы букмекерская контора Олимп; - Разработка мобильных приложений на языке Swift; - Выявление и исправление ошибок, дебагинг, рефакторинг кода; - Пишу на VIPER, принципы SOLID не пустой набор символов; - Креативный и внимателен к мелочам.
Artur BaltaevSenior Fullstack developerот 2 000 руб. за час
Actual cv: Development of HighLoad SOA projects, API, APP backends (mobile, SPA/ReactJs), daemons and services Ready for: developing from start to end, full-stack, refactoring, audition, high traffic optimization Language: PHP 3 => 7.1, JavaScript, Perl, Bash DB: SQL (DBA, analysis, optimization, mysql, pgsql, Pl/PgSQL), NoSQL, Elasticsearch, Sphinx Frameworks: Laravel, onPHP, Bootstrap, corp Frontend: async SPA, Gulp, Babel, Vue.js, React.js OOP Patterns: SOLID,...
Иван ВоробьевПрограммированиеот 1 500 руб. за час
Более 6 лет обширного опыта разработки на платформе .NET Framework, в частности на языке C#. - язык программирования C# - разработка веб-приложений (ASP.NET) - разработка приложений для настольных компьютеров (.NET Framework WPF / WinForms) - применение принципов SOLID и шаблонов проектирования (GoF) Используемые технологии: .NET Framework / .NET Core ASP. NET MVC / Web API RESTfull ADO.NET / Entity Framework LINQ T-SQL MS SQL / MySQL / PostgreSQL Html 5 + Css 3 (sass,...
Виталий АRuby on Railsот 1 000 руб. за час
A skilled Ruby developer with proven expertise in using new tools and technical developments to drive improvements throughout an entire software development lifecycle. Having extensive industry and full life cycle experience in a ruby based software, along with exceptional analytical, design and problem- solving capabilities. Excellent communication skills and able to work alongside support teams and the rails community to define and refine new functionality.
Александр ЗелинскийMobile developing, Android IOSот 1 200 руб. за час
Thank you for viewing my profile! I'm a middle android developer with extensive experiences at building Android apps with high quality for 2+ years. I have built Player app, Chatting app(using Firebase), Catalog app, Scanner app, Geo-location app, Reservation/Ordering/Delivery app, Tranning app successfully. I usually build apps using Java on native platforms, and can build using kotlin language. The most important thing for me is to build long term relationships with...
Андрей LarsvonchillerIOS Develompentцена договорная
владею всеми нужными инструментами для базовой IOS разработки
Vladislav SychevРазработчикцена договорная
Have abilities in Perl, JavaScript developing, participated in different web projects, have experience from scrach writing user's cabinet with mojo framework, have good skills in scripting, parsing, integrating apps,rest API. Knowledge relational databases. Have my own developments and solution as (garden community solution). Can do work as full-stack developer.
Дэннис АрчаковFrontend-разработчикцена договорная
Имеется опыт разработки проектов с нуля. Разработка RESTFull API для популярных проектов на платформе iOS & Android. При разработке проектов, я использую следующие технологии: Frontend: TypeScript / JavaScript (ES6+)NextJS / ReactJS / Immer / ImmutableJS / Apollo / RecomposeRedux Toolkit / Redux / Redux Saga / Redux Thunk / ReselectReact Hook Form / FormikSCSS / styled-components / CSS Modules / Stylus / PostCSS / vanilla-extractEJS / PugJS (Jade) / HandlebarsMaterial UI / Semantic UI /...
Константин МарченкоДесктопные приложения, драйверот 600 руб. за час
More than three years develop work futures like a software and devices behavior and mini projects like tetris, i2c lcd library, cloude kettle, custom car alarm. Worked with Sonos, ZigBee, Zwave, Lutron, Alice, CAN, HTTP, WebSoket, and lot of other protocols, used Codeblocks and VisualStudio, developed for windows, raspberry and stm32.
Май КилясхановаАрхитектурное проектированиецена договорная
ЛИЧНЫЕ ДАННЫЕ I PERSONAL DATA ДАТА РОЖДЕНИЯ I DATE OF BIRTH: 31.08.95 ТЕЛЕФОН I PHONE: +7 (937) 737 69 47 E-MAIL: АДРЕС I ADDRESS: г. Москва, Россия Moscow, Russia ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ I EDUCATION Институт архитектуры и строительства Волгоградского государственного технического университета Факультет архитектуры Бакалавр 2018 Волгоград Volgograd State University of...
Дмитрий БурлаковФуллстэк разработчикот 120 000 руб. за месяц
Всем привет, я фуллстек фрилансер. Сейчас использую Laravel + vuejs (nuxt) как основные инструменты. Чем я занимался: создание интернет-магазинов на insales, shopify, opencart (с разработкой модулей);сервисы, использующие api вконтакте;интеграция различных платежных систем в cms и самописные проекты (fondy, walletone, braintree, stripe, robokassa, qiwi)разработка системы учета клиентов и склада для частной медклиники с нуля;интеграция с retailcrm, post affiliate pro, getresponse; Последние...
Талгарт СаркеевFrontend разработка, программицена договорная
I am a recent graduate from International Alatoo University. I graduated in June with a bachelor’s degree in computer science department. During studies, I worked as a frontend developer. I have worked on various platforms including HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python as well. My experience includes working on a large website, building a government websites with admin panel, working with Javascript library-React.js, coffescript with Angularjs. I like working on challenging projects which is why...
Ashot AshrafyanAndroid Developerот 3 000 руб. за проект
Exceptional communication and networking skills. Successful working in a team environment, as well as independently. The ability to work under pressure and multi-task. The ability to follow instructions and deliver quality results. I am very purposeful and aspiring . I have had great success in various fields. I am proficient in English, and can communicate in English. Also know very good Russian.
Дима БасюкFull stack web developerот 300 руб. за час
I am strong web developer building quality web applications. Experienced in layout production, modification, and maintenance of websites and web application user interfaces also contributing back-end experience, collaborating on APIs, and work with modern Web development stack: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js I use Git as control version system, Jest, Mocha, and Chain as testing frameworks, Slack for communicating, Redmine / Jira / Trello / etc as task and bug-tracking system. I look...
Евгений ЕвгеньевSoftware Developmentот 970 руб. за час
WPF /Xamarin.Forms / C# developer IT, Internet, Telecom • Software Development Work experience —4 years 2 months .net developer C#, Xamarin.Forms, WPF 1. ASi-5 Addresser Cross-platform application for configuration of industrialnetworks using ASi-5 protocol. Bluetooth LE, USB, TCP communication withhard devices in IoT projects. Landscape + portrait views for both Phone andTablet, fully adapted Desktop. UI adaptation for all platforms (iOS, Android, UWP).Dynamic ...
Максим СукачUX/UI Designот 1 250 руб. за час
Hey! I'm Max. I'm a product ux/ui and interaction designer. I help teams, companies, and enterprises to design rich-featured, considered, user-focused and business-related design services, digital products, and software apps. - - - - - What I do: - Business discovery & user research - Product & marketing strategy - Customer journey mapping - Service blueprints - lo-fi/hi-fi rapid prototyping - User interface & visual design - UX workshops & design audit - - - - - The list...
Miradil ZeynalliEmbedded Software Engineeringот 1 250 руб. за час
GreenCycle Smart Aquarium. With the wasted water, water plants and use minerals of water as fertilizer. Used Technologies Microcontroller: Teensy 3.6Modules & Sensors: GY-30, LM75A, YL-69, pH probe, SIM800,Communication Protocol: TCPEnvironment: None Avtomaks v2.0 GPS device for tracking car. With this device you can get: latitude, longitutde, speed and state (turned on/off) of the car. Used Technologies Microcontroller: ATmega 2560Modules & Sensors: SIM800, NEO-6M GPS...