I have about two years experience in this field. Also i know how write right and clear code.Actually work in company on front-end developer position, but still have a lot of time which i want to spend with updating my skills and helping to clients.
Владимир ГоворунWeb Developingот 300 руб. за час
Владимир МединскийFrontend Developerот 200 руб. за час
Languages: Russian – nativeEnglish – intermediate (B1) Tools and Technologies: Programming languages: Javascript ES5+ (4+ years), HTML5 (4+ years), CSS3 (4+ years), PHP7 (4+ years), C# (basic, studied at the university for 5 years, then there was no practice), TypeScript 3 (1+ year)Databases: Oracle MysqlIDE: PhpStorm, WebStorm, Brackets, Sublime Text 3Frameworks: jQuery (2+ years), Bootstrap 3 (2+ years), Bootstrap 4 (from release, ~2 month), Yii2 (half a year), Font-awesome 4-5 (1...
Алёна СемёноваМаркетинг,HR,текстыот 250 руб. за час
Highly enthusiastic, motivated, and knowledgeable professional. I bring real life experience multi-disciplinary teams. Ability to work alone and be a team player at the same time. I would love to have the opportunity to join your project/team and use my skills to create an effecient. Career fields: HR (IT Recruiting), Event managment, Marketing. Education: Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don 2012 Media Communications and Multimedia Technologies, Public Relations Coursera: Project...
Мария НаумчикДизайн интерфейсовот 600 руб. за час
Опыт: - разработка в Sketch, навыки работы Figma, Invision, Zeplin - разработка веб-сайтов, адаптация веб-сайтов под мобильную версию ( примеры работ: https://www.behance.net/gallery/75718731/Clickable-layout https://www.behance.net/gallery/75711335/Horse-shop ) - разработка дизайна для мобильных приложений (iOS и Android) (примеры работ: https://www.behance.net/gallery/79475557/prostobank https://www.behance.net/gallery/80075919/Mobile-app-for-pet-shop...
Маргарита ГолубеваРазработка продукта под ключот 2 300 руб. за час
Mentalstack is a disruptive software development company operating in the international market. We focus on the high-load web (Node.js, Go Lang, Laravel, Symfony, ASP.NET Core, Angular, React, Vue) and mobile apps (Swift, Java, Kotlin) development, QA & DevOps, and UI/UX product design. We are a Certified Microsoft Partner in Application Development. Among our 60+ IT professionals, each meets rigorous requirements to the level of his tech competence, possesses an ability to feel responsible...
Алексей ГолобурдинСистемы автоматизациицена договорная
Руководитель Digital Business Management Systems — занимаемся разработкой и внедрением систем автоматизации бизнес-процессов — CRM, ERP, BPM. Видео-отзывы о нас Очень рекомендую посмотреть — мои рекомендации по работе с фрилансерами и другими подрядчиками: * сэкономите тонну времени, * научитесь отсеивать непрофессионалов, * научитесь выстраивать эффективную проектную работу, * максимизируете вероятность успешного завершения проекта в срок и в рамках бюджета. Диплом с отличием МГТУ им. Н.Э....
Dmytro KarpenkoUnity3D Developerот 750 руб. за час
Game Developer SKILLS • Unity3D, C#, Vuforia • OOP, SOLID, GOF patterns, Algorithms and data structures, Dependency injection • UNET, Unirx, Zenject • Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator • Build for Android and IOS • 2D, 3D, AR projects. • GIT, Unity Collaborate, Full cycle game development Try your hand at fighting with guests from a different dimension. Dragons invaded from the parralreal reality and you, the agent of the special unit heroes of combat, will exterminate them. Your mobile...
Мария НосальскаяНаписания статей, переводот 250 руб. за час
English/Russian/Ukrainian - translate/write/create Good day everyone! My name is Mary. My native language is Russian/Ukrainian and my English is fluent. I am a creative, responsible, and client-oriented person. Write me if you need: - writing articles -writing interesting stories for children - English - Russian/Ukrainian translation/proofreading; - English/Ukrainian tutoring; - content writing/rewriting - blog posting.
Александр ОрловАрхитектура Androidот 300 руб. за час
Hi, I am Alexander, a mobile developer with more than 1 year of experience, from July 2018 to the present, has been developing a mobile application for Android with an audience of more than 100 thousand people. I am responsive and sociable, I like to develop interesting projects. Привет, я Александр, мобильный разработчик с опытом работы более 1 года, с июля 2018 по настоящее время занимался разработкой мобильного приложения под Android c аудиторией более 100 тысяч человек. Я отзывчив и...
Olesya Sukhomlinweb designот 848 руб. за час
UX/UI designer with 15+ years of work experience. Delighted with solving complex problems transforming them into clean, efficient and a user-friendly interface through the human-centered design methodology. Open-minded and self-motivated person with developed communication skills.
Oleksandr DudarenkoDeveloperот 1 200 руб. за час
Сертифицированный эксперт разработки бизнес-решений Microsoft: Azure, C#, ERP Dynamics 365 for Operations (Dynamics AX). Яркий, талантливый, амбициозный, с большим техническим опытом в проектировании, разработке, внедрении и сопровождении решений для малого, среднего бизнеса и корпоративных клиентов. Обладаю самодисциплиной и способностью работать с минимумом контроля. Способен играть ключевую роль в течение всего жизненного цикла разработки и поддержки разработанного ПО, чтобы гарантировать,...
Oleg HoffmanSoftware,database,reverseцена договорная
Software development, database design, porting SQLServer->PostgreSQL, tuning, SQLCLR, software reverse engineering, applications security, c++/.net parsers for DSLs, database search algorithms and development,
Vladislav VasilenkoiOS Developmentот 1 500 руб. за час
Software Engineer, IT Manager. I has experience in iOS Development, Android, Python script writing. I can develop apps with scalable architecture, intend to optimise apps. I am able to manage a team of developers: js, php coders and iOS / Android developers. Interested in Marketing, Development and Bussines Solutions. I would like to grow up good bussines model occupied large market. I work at the intersection of technologies and business models. I’m familiar with wide stack of technologies...
Владислав КарпенкоWeb Software Engineerцена договорная
Symfony/Laravel Ruby on Rails MySQL PostgreSQL Javascript (ES2018, jQuery) GIT Docker Elasticsearch Redis Memcache Webpack Capistrano and Gitlab Runner for deploy
Евгений ГармашHTML / CSS вёрстка web-страницот 200 руб. за час
Основные навыки HTML5 (flexbox; не заточен на div - знаю, что существуют section, nav и т.д.)CSS3 (Grid CSS; CSS формы; анимации и трансформации)Адаптивная вёрстка (%, em/rem, vw/vh, @media)Bootstrap 4Препроцессоры Sass(SCSS) / PugЗнание и использование методологии БЭМСемантическая и доступная вёрсткаJS (ссылки на проекты внизу резюме)Дополнительные навыки Mobile-firstProgressive enhancement / graceful degradationРабота со сторонними библиотекамиРабота с декоративными элементами вёрстки без...
Назар ЛабаFrontend Developerот 350 руб. за час
Hello! My name is Nazar, I'm Frontend Developer. I've been doing it for more than 1.5 year, I can create any site from PSD HTML or WP, with high-quality with clean and valid code. My first goal is to do a quality work for the customer, done in a short time. The second goal is to benefit the customer, to solve their problems and needs. I have skills in: HTML/HTML5;CSS/CSS3;JavaScript/JQuery;Bootstrap 3/4; LESS / SASS / SCSS / PureCSS;Git/GitHub;Gulp / Webpack; PHP ( basic use in CMS);...
Алексей ЧерниховскийEmbedded software developerот 1 300 руб. за час
I'm a middle embedded systems engineer with a focus on firmware development. I've had the pleasure to work on various interesting and challenging projects with medical, industrial applications. Also, I had experience in Design, Develop & Prototype, iOS native customer applications for phones and tablets.
Сергей Лысенковерстка макетов PSDtoHTMLот 145 руб. за час
Hi! My name is Sergei, and at the moment I freelance front-end developer with 3 years of professional experience. This portfolio shows my creativity work. I'm using the latest technologies available today for fully interactive and responsive websites and apps. I can work closely with designers and back-end engineers in teams. Time to time I like to explore new visual trends. SKILLS:HTML5CSS3SassJavaScriptTOOLS: jQueryGulpPhotoshopIllustratorgit
Юлия ТорQAцена договорная
manual testing; - maintenance of bugs in the bug-tracking tool JIRA. - working in team according Scrum, Kanban; - testing desktop program; - reporting bugs in bug tracking system; - functional, GUI, usability, smoke, sanity, retesting, exploratory, acceptance testing, regression tests; - search for defects in...
Андрей ЛобановПоддержка разработанного ПО.от 200 руб. за час
Владею следующими яп: C/C++/C#, Delphi, VBA, Lisp. Также работаю с базами данных firebird, Navicat for SQLite, MSSQL, MySQL и т.д. то, что связано с sql могу овладеть и не пугаюсь) Также имеется специфичный опыт работы с базами знаний и шифрованием при работе с библиотеками для шифрования c++ (gmp) и delphi (mpmath).
Илья ЦукерманFullstackот 1 300 руб. за час
I like to create cool things with my own hands or with the help of my team of professionals. Mobile apps (Native, React Native, Cordova), databases, hiload distributed backend or fast and reliable frontend - I'm good for it. I am here to ensure that your project is completed at the highest level and right on time. Experience: 18+ years
Руслан КлимовBackend developerот 500 руб. за час
Creating complete RESTful API according requirements. Making business logic more flexible, reliable and powerful. Providing security for each API endpoint. Excellent documentatiting of API using Swagger or Postman for best description of each method using by Mobile or Frontend or anothers Backend developers. Working with Real-time data. Deploying on different hostings using Nginx or Docker. Using PostgreSQL as main database and MongoDB as NOSQL. Generally writting code on Python3.5+ with Django...
Gleb MaximovR&D Research Engineerцена договорная
08/2020- PRESEN- Principal Engineer Cloud Platform Autodesk • Leading the development of the cloud infrastructure supporting the online electronic design tools of Autodesk. • Developed a microservice architecture supporting already more than 8 products. • Migrated several apps towards the cloud. Keywords: team management, software development, micro services, cloud computing, AWS, NodeJS Research Engineer Big Data IBM Research • Research in integrating Semantic Web technologies...
Alexey Eremeevphp developer / devopsцена договорная
I am an experienced PHP developer with over 10 years of real programming skills. Worked on many different web projects and development stacks. My work is my passion, so I in love with web development and put care into every project.
Vlad PolevoiJavaScript developmentот 500 руб. за час
I'm JavaScript developer. My experience is around 1 year. I love to code and do it properly. I can help you create web-application, which will be responsive, fast, animated, user-friendly. Love to explore something new, try new libraries, work in different projects. Would love to help you with your job.