Hello my name is Vania. I have been working as css/javascript, php, wordpress then react developer for 5 years now. I have much experience in varied types of development tools (git, docker, webpack, node, svg, canvas etc). From small sites with awesome designs and cool animations to big platforms with not easy in develop and handy interfaces.
Ваня КицаFullstack developerот 700 руб. за час
Denys MadinPython, Djangoот 1 000 руб. за час
Web Developer, Python Django. Date of Birth: 01.10.1984 Koszalin Poland, Cherkasy Ukraine T: +48 572 316 484 Viber: +48 572 316 484 Email: madinden84@gmail.com Web Site: bywaly.com Skills: PythonDjangoNginxLinuxMySqlPostgreSQLGITDockerJavaScriptAjaxWordPress Personal qualitiesDiligence, responsibility, I am able to solve difficult problems. I have experience in a team, I know GIT. example of my code: https://bitbucket.org/Grek_UA/portfolio/src/work_1...
Баходир ЯрашбоевWEB Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Hi there! I'm Web developer with 3+ years of experience in backend development. It's important to me to build long term relationships with clients and be involved in development during application life cycle as long as possible in order to make application to provide better services level on every stage, so I'm primarily looking for long term projects. Few things which I can do: ✅ Laravel/Yii projects ✅ REST API ✅ Mobile app backend using Laravel/Yii ✅ Work with any external API...
Gevor MelqonyanFront End Developerот 100 000 руб. за месяц
I'm a Web developer, living in Erevan, Armenia. I work with Open source HTML, CSS, Jquery, Angular 2+ and Wordpress to build websites for startup companies as well as enhancing existing websites my creativity and prior experience helps me to develop the website professionally, highlighting your corporate image.
Vladislav SychevРазработчикцена договорная
Have abilities in Perl, JavaScript developing, participated in different web projects, have experience from scrach writing user's cabinet with mojo framework, have good skills in scripting, parsing, integrating apps,rest API. Knowledge relational databases. Have my own developments and solution as https://cnt-online.ru (garden community solution). Can do work as full-stack developer.
Дэннис АрчаковFrontend-разработчикцена договорная
Имеется опыт разработки проектов с нуля. Разработка RESTFull API для популярных проектов на платформе iOS & Android. При разработке проектов, я использую следующие технологии: Frontend: TypeScript / JavaScript (ES6+)NextJS / ReactJS / Immer / ImmutableJS / Apollo / RecomposeRedux Toolkit / Redux / Redux Saga / Redux Thunk / ReselectReact Hook Form / FormikSCSS / styled-components / CSS Modules / Stylus / PostCSS / vanilla-extractEJS / PugJS (Jade) / HandlebarsMaterial UI / Semantic UI /...
Иван ТкаченкоВерсткацена договорная
Владею знаниями: HTML5(валидная вёрстка w3c, БЭМ), CSS3(адаптивная и кроссбраузерная вёрстка, Flex, Grid), Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Git, Gulp, SCSS Работы: Fashion (flexbox - scss - gulp) - сайт, код Piroll (чистый css) - сайт, код Monsa (flexbox - scss - gulp) - сайт, код Agnecy (bootstrap4 - scss - gulp) - сайт, код Контакты: E-mail: vanek.94@list.ru Telegram: https://t.me/mrjohnny69 Skype: live:vanek.94
Iryna AbramovaUX/UI Web designцена договорная
Hi, I'm Irina, designer from Poland. I’am a UI/UX designer, webdesigner, a peson who likes her job. With more than 2 years expierence as a freelancer and 1 year of working for agencies Why I love what I do? I can’t imagine morning without coffee and a moment for myself when I can check new projects on behance. This little feeling of jealous when I see a briliant project and I am wondering why I didn’t come with this idea earlier. This many hours spending on looking for a best colour, working...
Дмитрий БурлаковФуллстэк разработчикот 120 000 руб. за месяц
Всем привет, я фуллстек фрилансер. Сейчас использую Laravel + vuejs (nuxt) как основные инструменты. Чем я занимался: создание интернет-магазинов на insales, shopify, opencart (с разработкой модулей);сервисы, использующие api вконтакте;интеграция различных платежных систем в cms и самописные проекты (fondy, walletone, braintree, stripe, robokassa, qiwi)разработка системы учета клиентов и склада для частной медклиники с нуля;интеграция с retailcrm, post affiliate pro, getresponse; Последние...
Талгарт СаркеевFrontend разработка, программицена договорная
I am a recent graduate from International Alatoo University. I graduated in June with a bachelor’s degree in computer science department. During studies, I worked as a frontend developer. I have worked on various platforms including HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python as well. My experience includes working on a large website, building a government websites with admin panel, working with Javascript library-React.js, coffescript with Angularjs. I like working on challenging projects which is why...
Oleg M.Software Developer (Go/Golang)от 1 100 руб. за час
About 7 years of experience: - Desktop GIS (geoinformation systems) software. - Data processing backend infrastructure for auotmated forex trading system. - Demand side platform for RTB project. - Web backend infrastructure for online tv/cinema provider. - P2P network eimulator/simulator for cryptocurrency/blockchain project. Current language of choice is Golang. GMT +8 timezone.
Konstantin GusDBA , Data Warehouse Developerот 2 500 руб. за час
23 years of information technology experience in Data Architecture and Business Intelligence. Experienced in multiple full life cycle development projects including gathering business requirements, analysis of source systems, design data strategies for both transactional, operational, dimensional and analytical system requirements. Define and deliver data strategy and develop concepts, logical data models, data architecture diagrams including current and target state. Design and develop data...
Ashot AshrafyanAndroid Developerот 3 000 руб. за проект
Exceptional communication and networking skills. Successful working in a team environment, as well as independently. The ability to work under pressure and multi-task. The ability to follow instructions and deliver quality results. I am very purposeful and aspiring . I have had great success in various fields. I am proficient in English, and can communicate in English. Also know very good Russian.
Дима БасюкFull stack web developerот 300 руб. за час
I am strong web developer building quality web applications. Experienced in layout production, modification, and maintenance of websites and web application user interfaces also contributing back-end experience, collaborating on APIs, and work with modern Web development stack: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js I use Git as control version system, Jest, Mocha, and Chain as testing frameworks, Slack for communicating, Redmine / Jira / Trello / etc as task and bug-tracking system. I look...
Naira Chakhoyan3d modeling, 3d animationцена договорная
Talanted 3D artist with over 5 years experience of 3D modeling, 3D animation and Rendering. Know such programms as Autodesk 3D max, Autodesk Maya,Autodesk After effects,Photoshop, Keyshot, sketchup, artcam. Ability of creating high poly models, also ability of creating low poly models. Have experience of creating animation for 3D cartoons.
Юрий КолесниковiOSот 1 000 руб. за час
8 years of commercial iOS software development experience, with 5 years of Swift experience.Experience of working in outsource companies as well as companies with own products.Experience of supporting third-party projects of different scale.8 years of Linux System Engineering / DevOps experience.Backend development experience with Python and Ruby on Rails.Not willing to develop banking or dating apps.
Евгений ЕвгеньевSoftware Developmentот 970 руб. за час
WPF /Xamarin.Forms / C# developer IT, Internet, Telecom • Software Development Work experience —4 years 2 months .net developer C#, Xamarin.Forms, WPF 1. ASi-5 Addresser Cross-platform application for configuration of industrialnetworks using ASi-5 protocol. Bluetooth LE, USB, TCP communication withhard devices in IoT projects. Landscape + portrait views for both Phone andTablet, fully adapted Desktop. UI adaptation for all platforms (iOS, Android, UWP).Dynamic ...
Василий СтаростинПрограммированиецена договорная
Отлично владею С++. Многократно прошел весь цикл разработки ПО — от сбора требований и проектирования до развертывания и сопровождения. 15 лет опыта проектирования и разработки программ на языке C++. Программирование: STL, Boost, Qt, cmake, автотесты, многоплатформенность. Проектирование: паттерны, декомпозиция, рефакторинг, документирование. Практический опыт: сокеты, протоколы, криптография, многопоточность. Практики: TDD, code review, source...
Marina Voronovahtml/css-coder, designerот 800 руб. за час
Skills: HTML5, CSS3 (responsive)Bootstrap (3, 4), Grid CSS, gulp, sass(scss), js (use ready-made solutions)BEM (creating components for ReactJS)GitPhpStorm, SketchApp, Adobe Ps/Ai, Zeplin, Figma, MarvelEnglish - Pre-Intermediate (reading tech documentation / free written communication)CMS (Wordpress, Magento 1,2)Email newsletters - design/code (responsive)Please, contact me https://voronovam.github.io/
Miradil ZeynalliEmbedded Software Engineeringот 1 250 руб. за час
GreenCycle Smart Aquarium. With the wasted water, water plants and use minerals of water as fertilizer. Used Technologies Microcontroller: Teensy 3.6Modules & Sensors: GY-30, LM75A, YL-69, pH probe, SIM800,Communication Protocol: TCPEnvironment: None Avtomaks v2.0 GPS device for tracking car. With this device you can get: latitude, longitutde, speed and state (turned on/off) of the car. Used Technologies Microcontroller: ATmega 2560Modules & Sensors: SIM800, NEO-6M GPS...
Sargis GinosyanMobile applicationsцена договорная
Здравствуйте. Мне 25 лет, по специальности я работаю уже почти 2 года. Я стараюсь развиваться всесторонне, люблю получать новые знания. Есть опыт разработки андроид приложений, кроссплатформенных мобильных приложений и андроид библиотек.Также есть опыт работы с JNI, TensorFlow. Внизу можете увидеть информацию о моих персональных проектах : Android Medical projectSound and image recognition with Machine Learning - TensorFlowAndroid / iOS analytics SDK and test appsAPI for automatic and...
Viky KovalMarketing, Translationот 400 руб. за час
Hi there! I am a newbie here but ready to start off with some super-duper interesting projects and be a real help. If I'm giving my proposal to do the job, be sure - I'd do it the best I can and I find it inspiring and feel curious about it. As for my skills, right, I have a solid experience in everything concerning content writing (marketing included). You can check on some of my activity in LinkedIn profile. I speak English fluently, German - on the Intermediate level. So, If you need...
Илья ЕвдокимовPython/Django developerот 500 руб. за час
Разрабатываю веб-приложения с использованием Python и фреймворков Django/DRF более 2-х лет Последний опыт работы был в американском стартапе по автоматизации сферы медицинского здравоохранения со стеком: Python, DRF, Celery, Angular, Redis Мои задачи были: - рефакторинг - добавление новых api эндпоинтов - code review - написание unit тестов Контакты: - telegram: evdokimovis
Илья БерестенкоАвтоматизация/мониторингцена договорная
Telros-Telecom (ER-Telecom as of 09.2017) Software engineer Within team I did: 0. Initial network configuration (Cisco, Huawei, D-Link, Juniper, Extreme, Eltex etc.) 1. Monitoring (Zabbix) 12K devices (NVPS 15K) 2. Automation (Python/Pushkin) VLAN configuration on 100..1000 switches in 1.5 sec Pushkin is Python utility that been developed for super fast network configuration We also developed in-house oss system (Redis, Python, Django, legacy php refact w/ phalcon)
Sergii UsikДизайн восприятияот 1 500 руб. за час