Programming skills: Php, Zend/Expressive (Laminas/Mezzio), Reactphp, Doctrine. Databases: MySQL, Redis, Memcache. Web: JavaScript, React, JQuery, HTML, CSS, RESTful API, RPC, NPM. Methodology: Agile, Scrum, Jira. Testing tools: TDD, PHPUnit, Xdebug. Dev-Ops: Docker Other: RabbitMQ, Git, Composer, Java, Spring, Hibernate, Liquibase, Maven.
Алексей МалярPHP developerот 25 000 руб. за проект
Сергей ДяченкоManual QA/Backend QAот 1 200 руб. за час
Опыт работы на реальных проектах 3+ года. 3 год в тестировании фронта и нативных приложений, 2+ года на бэке. Большинство manual testing, частично написание скриптов и тестов под автоматизированное/нагрузочное тестирование.
Artsiom Litskevichsoftware developmentцена договорная
I'm excited to see you! With over 8 years of experience collaboration with a team of professional developers, we have worked for clients that include individuals, startups, and organizations. We consistently deliver superior results by focusing on our client’s success, keeping the user experience at the center of all we do. What way can i be useful? 1) Software requirement specification 2) Business analysis 3) UX/UI design 4) Mobile app/ Web development 5) Animation
David KukharchukFULL-STACK DEVELOPERцена договорная
4+ years of experience as a Full-stack developer.
Bogdan licshinsckiДизайнот 200 руб. за час
Hello, my name is Bogdan. I am a designer. I am engaged in the creation of logos, merchandise and interiors. I do the job efficiently and on time. Logo creation from 3 hours to 3 days
Станислав СоседковСпециалист по тестированию ПОот 500 руб. за час
Опыт в тестировании ПО более 8 лет (Desktop, Web, Mobile, API)
Виталий ДмитренкоUI/UX designerцена договорная
Web designer with five years of experience working towards UX / UI and challenging projects to make this world better and easier! I have experience in working with lending, corporate sites, online stores, business cards, web applications, importing company products into customer sites, as well as mobile applications with interactive prototypes and developing a navigation map. I work in Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After effect. Ready to perform any test task to demonstrate my...
Николай ШоваQA Engineerот 870 руб. за час
Я Middle QA Engineer с опытом более 2-ух лет на разных коммерчкских проектах.
Артур КамскийДизайн цифровых продуктовот 2 000 руб. за час
A bit of info about me: I’m Arthur, 26 y.o., Bachelor of Computer Science. Former frontend engineer, currently - UX/UI designer. I designed more than 20 IT solutions (SaaS, landing pages, e-learning, video streaming, fintech, chatbots, hardware devices)
Заурбек МахмудовMiddle+ Backend Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Head of Maze Dev company. Middle Backend Developer on Laravel/Symfony. Stack: - Laravel/Symfony or Node.js - MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB - Docker - Javascript (2 years), some experience on Vue.js Experience: 2018-2020 - Freelance January 2020 - November 2020 - Sales Generator November 2020 - February 2021 - GSL Law&Consulting February 2021 - June 2021 - FM Logistic June 2021 - ... - Neuro
Aleksei LikhachevSoftware engineer, ml, webот 1 000 руб. за час
A promising young student. I love what I do and find the meaning of my life in it. I am good at communicating with people. I have a strong mathematical and algorithmic background. For example Tensor calculus or functional analysis and Universal algebra.
Александр ШупиковПрограммированиецена договорная
Разработка ПО под ключ Ruby on Rails: 10+ years experience in Ruby on Rails, level Senior ✓ Front-end Development: ● HTML5, HAML, Slim, Erb ● CSS3, less, sass, scss ● JQuery, CoffeeScript, Ajax, Webpacker ● Bootstrap, media query, PSD2HTML, React ✓ Back-end Development: ● Ruby on Rails ● SQLite, MySql, PostgreSQL, Redis, Resque, WS, AWS, Amazon RDS, REST API, Device, ActiveAdmin etc. ✓ Work with CMS: ● Spree, Radiant ✓ Web administration: ● Linux base servers, SSH, Vesta CP ● Apache, Nginx,...
Albert NadoyanВеб-разработчикот 300 руб. за проект
Я программист. Год назад я окончил Информационный центр, язык программирования Python, где обучался у опытного программиста-лектора (Python Core, Beautiful Soup և Requests, Selenium testing, Flask, Django, HTML / CSS, JavaScript, MySQL). До обучения в Информационном центре я изучал веб-программирование в образовательной академии, где полученные знания делают меня более конкурентоспособным в области программирования.
Sava IvaninaAndroid Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Two years of work experience
от 800 руб. за час
Hello, we are perspective developer company from Ukraine named N-Code. Our task is to do everything quickly, efficiently and transparently for everyone who cooperates with us. We bring together experienced performers to create an environment of creativity to make it easy for everyone to create beautiful and professional website as fast as possible. Our team consists of 5 middle developers and 1 Senior. Technologies we work with: HTML/CSS/Flex Bootstrap Less/Sass JavaScript ES6,...
Vladislav DzC++от 800 руб. за час
Knowledge of software products: C++/Qt/STL/OOP/OpneGL/SFML/Boost.asio HTML5, CCS3, Bootstrap 4, WordPress, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, Node.js, Angular, PHP7, Mysql, Sql, Mongodb
Денис ВишняковГрафический дизайнерот 500 руб. за час
The power of imagination is on my side. A designer who designs the client's path to the future. Follow me to be in the right place at the right time. WORK EXPERIENCE Graphic designer Freelance 03/2015 - Present Graphic Designer Advertising agency "Very well" 02/2020 - 07/2020 EDUCATION Graphic Designer, Industrial Designer Finance and Economics College 09/2018 - 07/2021, Red Diploma Courses Painting,Graphic Design,Design Projects,Industrial Design. CONFERENCES & COURSES ...
Aram KhachatryanFull Stack Developerот 2 000 руб. за час
i there, I am new here though I have a bunch of experience in IT web and mobile programming. I would love to work on any creative project where I can reveal my abilities to the fullest. Here in Armenia, I have worked for three companies- Nearly a year I worked for webhouse llc as a junior developer, where my achievements were HTML,CSS,JavaScript,React.js, Redux,MySql,Angular,Larvel. Then I had some growth and became a Midlevel developer in 2016 and started to work for another company...
Vladimir SedikhFrontendот 1 200 руб. за час
I'm looking for an interesting project from scratch or a project in an active development stage, where I can take an active part in choosing technologies and building an architecture. The most important thing for developer is the ability to write code, but not talk about it. I pay a lot of attention to the code quality. I spend a lot of free time devoting myself to self-study in programming, trying to keep abreast of new technologies.
Елена БорисевичТестированиеот 1 000 руб. за час
QA Tester with 3 years of work. I am driven and committed to develop test plans and strategies that will uphold the high standards of quality your products are known for. Ability to learn new software quickly. ● A thorough understanding of the software development process. ● Comprehensive understanding of computer programming languages: C++, JavaScript. ● In-depth knowledge of Mac OS, HTML, SQL, XML. ● Knowledge of functional, reliability and performance testing. ● Experience of...
Константин ЧёрныйFrontend разработчикот 1 100 руб. за час
Я frontend разработчик с 2008. В основном специализируюсь в разработке SPA используя ReactJS (или обычный JavaScript), Redux. Знания и умения JavaScript ES5+, TypeScriptReactJS/Preact, Redux, Redux-Saga и сопутсвующие библиотекиAngular 1 и сопутсвующие библиотекиWebpack, Gulp и подобноеKarma, JasmineJS, unit testingCSS, Scss, Sass, LessHTML, Twig, Jade etcNodeJSHugoGitDockerLinuxПримеры кода - NextJS, ReactJS,...
Иззатбек ПулатовGo Developerот 1 300 руб. за час
Разработка micro service, code review стажёров Projects: Marketplace, Secured E-Mail system, Center of authority Skills: go, gin, gRPC, PostgreSQL, Redis, sqlx, GORM, casbin, echo, fiber, gorilla mux, Qt, SQLite, SQLCipher
Grigor CharkhifalakyanTesting/QAот 650 руб. за час
Hello Everyone, THANKS FOR COME ON MY PROFILE..... I AM HAPPY TO INTRODUCE MY KEY SKILLS TESTING SKILL: Functional testing: Smoke testing, Sanity testing, Integration Testing, Interface Testing, System Testing, Regression Testing. Non-Functional testing: UI Testing , Compatibility testing. I am Certified Tester with approximately 5 years of performing Manual activities for some of the most innovative companies in the world. I’m here to bring your ideas and vision of...
Александр Н.Electronics engineeringцена договорная
Electronics engineering, IT Consulting, QA testing. Интересуют небольшие заказы типа исправить, оптимизировать, помочь разобраться.
Василий ГарагоничFront-end developerот 1 600 руб. за час
I'm a front-end developer with 2 years of commercial experience. Through it I have built and maintained responsive websites for different directions: search, personal, corporate websites, business card sites, and blogs. Proficient in VueJs, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, I am also familiar with back-end part (Node js, sql, postgreSQL). Have experience with increasing optimization (Google page speed insights, Lighthouse, criticalCSS, webpack, postCSS). Headed to improve accessibility of web...