Фрилансеры (1775)
  • R50 fbc13fd3d58aaa4ab5a6940338396ad9
    +0 / -0
    Маргарита Голубева
    Разработка продукта под ключ
    от 2 300 руб. за час

    Mentalstack is a disruptive software development company operating in the international market. We focus on the high-load web (Node.js, Go Lang, Laravel, Symfony, ASP.NET Core, Angular, React, Vue) and mobile apps (Swift, Java, Kotlin) development, QA & DevOps, and UI/UX product design. We are a Certified Microsoft Partner in Application Development. Among our 60+ IT professionals, each meets rigorous requirements to the level of his tech competence, possesses an ability to feel responsible...

  • R50 bf1b66ddaff5f78a4b0821f9e7f4a97e
    +0 / -0
    Руслан Васильев
    Аудио/видео монтаж
    от 500 руб. за час

    Диджеинг/видеомонтаж, визуализация и микширование/генератор божественной музыки DJ/Video Editing, Visualization & Mixing/Generator of Divine Music

  • R50 524bc0043c863a66ada85ac0ff3a852f
    +0 / -0
    Timur Sagitov
    MS services administration
    цена договорная

    Experienced System Administrator with a demonstrated history of working in the telecommunication, oil& energy industry. Skilled in IT Infrastructure administration, HP and IBM Server Hardware, Windows Server and Networking. Accomplished Microsoft Certified System Administrator.

  • R50 c953828f66da43262e081e3efccf5435
    +0 / -0
    Александр Разживин
    от 300 руб. за час

    Приветствую Вас! Меня зовут Александр. Чтобы вы поняли, кто я и чем занимаюсь, расскажу краткую историю о себе. Интересоваться компьютерами начал еще в школе, мне всегда было интересно, как работает компьютер и как можно самому написать свою программу. Первые простые программы я написал на языке Pascal в среде Delphi 6. Потом учился в МФПУ Синергия (бывш. МФПА, ММИЭИФП) по специальности программирование и администрирование Информационных Систем. По окончанию ВУЗ-а, защитив диплом, работал C#...

  • R50 6bbfedf278f618c04ddcc4c9738d80d6
    +0 / -0
    Danil Kaist
    React SPA, Scala API
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Curriculum Vitae Danil Kayst Personal details: Full name: Danil Kayst Date of birth: 16/08/1996 Personal email: kaystd@gmail.com Marital status: Single Educational history: I am currently following a full-time Master of computer science program at Altay State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov 2014-2018 Altai State Technical University...

  • R50 e96b4c4ebfa74fd263b785d484926b48
    +0 / -0
    Dmytro Karpenko
    Unity3D Developer
    от 750 руб. за час

    Game Developer SKILLS • Unity3D, C#, Vuforia • OOP, SOLID, GOF patterns, Algorithms and data structures, Dependency injection • UNET, Unirx, Zenject • Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator • Build for Android and IOS • 2D, 3D, AR projects. • GIT, Unity Collaborate, Full cycle game development Try your hand at fighting with guests from a different dimension. Dragons invaded from the parralreal reality and you, the agent of the special unit heroes of combat, will exterminate them. Your mobile...

  • R50 b66b4d8e1ecc4686a8e5455a882066c9
    +0 / -0
    Мария Носальская
    Написания статей, перевод
    от 250 руб. за час

    English/Russian/Ukrainian - translate/write/create Good day everyone! My name is Mary. My native language is Russian/Ukrainian and my English is fluent. I am a creative, responsible, and client-oriented person. Write me if you need: - writing articles -writing interesting stories for children - English - Russian/Ukrainian translation/proofreading; - English/Ukrainian tutoring; - content writing/rewriting - blog posting.

  • R50 05b8cc65792605ab037d848bc7955e0f
    +1 / -0
    Александр Малышев
    Fullstack ML (NLP, CV, DS)
    от 1 600 руб. за час

    Выпускник ФИВТ МФТИ + ШАД (Школа Анализа Данных) Яндекса Стек технологий: Python, C++, Scrapy, Jupyter, AWS, Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV Био: Former Founder & CTO Scira Berlin (Python) - Руководил группой из 9 разработчиков, занимался составлением ТЗ и менеджментом разработки - Привлек инвестирование в проект суммарно в $175.000 Former Software Developer at Yandex (C++, Python) - В рамках дипломной работы разработал алгоритм рекомендации рекламы, который внедрен в продакшн Яндекс и увеличил...

  • R50 deaf5d301dbd805c2548f19b96a3bc8f
    +0 / -0
    Александр Орлов
    Архитектура Android
    от 300 руб. за час

    Hi, I am Alexander, a mobile developer with more than 1 year of experience, from July 2018 to the present, has been developing a mobile application for Android with an audience of more than 100 thousand people. I am responsive and sociable, I like to develop interesting projects. Привет, я Александр, мобильный разработчик с опытом работы более 1 года, с июля 2018 по настоящее время занимался разработкой мобильного приложения под Android c аудиторией более 100 тысяч человек. Я отзывчив и...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Виктор Удут
    Full stack web developer
    от 645 руб. за час

    Technical qualifications: - Proficiency in: PHP, JS, Drupal 7-8, HTML, CSS,JS, Bootstrap, jQuery. - Experience with: Yii2, Zend, Laravel, MySQL. - Good knowledge of GIT, OOP, Docker, Postman, Jira.

  • R50 ddec296ddf9df1dddcc04f74b667342e
    +0 / -0
    Olesya Sukhomlin
    web design
    от 848 руб. за час

    UX/UI designer with 15+ years of work experience. Delighted with solving complex problems transforming them into clean, efficient and a user-friendly interface through the human-centered design methodology. Open-minded and self-motivated person with developed communication skills.

  • R50 f86ffdbb6ca7309411027944faa00927
    +0 / -0
    Юлия Остапенко
    Digital Marketing
    от 700 руб. за час

    Специалист по маркетингу с уклоном в контент. Fields of expertise: app&game marketing, HoReCa, Social Media Content, SEO texts.

  • R50 771c42d73ad918db602a605d74c6ece3
    +0 / -0
    Yaroslav Tymchyshyn
    Laravel & Vue.js
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    We are developing Laravel projects with big pleasure, comfort and respecting your time and budget. We love long-term cooperation, care about every client and proud our jobs. . Our developers focused on realisation business solution. Why Laravel? You will save a lot of money, effort and time during the development of the project. It is platform that update new stable versions each 6 month. Laravel is more than usual platform

  • R50 f2102a0a8d66c5a5711f377cc7b7741a
    +0 / -0
    Vladislav Vasilenko
    iOS Development
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Software Engineer, IT Manager. I has experience in iOS Development, Android, Python script writing. I can develop apps with scalable architecture, intend to optimise apps. I am able to manage a team of developers: js, php coders and iOS / Android developers. Interested in Marketing, Development and Bussines Solutions. I would like to grow up good bussines model occupied large market. I work at the intersection of technologies and business models. I’m familiar with wide stack of technologies...

  • R50 84ef1d7284744e3896bf8d3cf2dbb8f0
    +0 / -0
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    Java (5+ years). Android (4+ years). Kotlin. RxJava, RxAndroid. Object-Oriented programming, multithreading. Software Design Patterns (MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture etc.) Third Party Libraries (Android Jetpack, Dagger 2, Retrofit, Firebase etc.). Database (SQLite, Realm). Spring Boot, Hibernate (basic knowledge). Git.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Alex Loi
    Software Engineer
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    I am a full-stack developer. At the moment I know stack of technologies: JS, React, Redux, Angular, C#, Java, .NET core, ASP.NET, WebApi, Spring Boot, Vue, Python, Django and more

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Serge Kolomytsev
    circuitry, pcb design
    от 20 000 руб. за проект

    Analog and digital circuitry, tracing of printed circuit boards. Experience over 25 years. Microcontroller architecture i8080, i8051, AVR, ARM. Operating systems Windows, Linux, FreeBSD; TCP/IP.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Сергей Лысенко
    верстка макетов PSDtoHTML
    от 145 руб. за час

    Hi! My name is Sergei, and at the moment I freelance front-end developer with 3 years of professional experience. This portfolio shows my creativity work. I'm using the latest technologies available today for fully interactive and responsive websites and apps. I can work closely with designers and back-end engineers in teams. Time to time I like to explore new visual trends. SKILLS:HTML5CSS3SassJavaScriptTOOLS: jQueryGulpPhotoshopIllustratorgit

  • R50 99242f08d3f7e4da8b1ad2700cfbdba9
    +0 / -0
    Валерия Березнева
    Вектор, растр, от руки
    от 500 руб. за час

    Здравствуйте, меня зовут Валерия. Я студентка Воронежского Государственного Педагогического Университета, факультета иностранных языков (4 курс). Имею довольно высокий уровень владения языком - upper-intermediate (В2) и сейчас начинаю курс advanced (С1). Также имею начальный уровень немецкого языка - А2. Закончила курсы на FutureLearn - Exploring the World of English Language Teaching, Working with Translation. Владею большим опытом в области переводческой деятельности, так как во время...

  • R50 3ade9a731c1566287f76a29bfb607345
    +0 / -0
    цена договорная

    manual testing; - maintenance of bugs in the bug-tracking tool JIRA. - working in team according Scrum, Kanban; - testing desktop program; - reporting bugs in bug tracking system; - functional, GUI, usability, smoke, sanity, retesting, exploratory, acceptance testing, regression tests; - search for defects in...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 1 300 руб. за час

    I like to create cool things with my own hands or with the help of my team of professionals. Mobile apps (Native, React Native, Cordova), databases, hiload distributed backend or fast and reliable frontend - I'm good for it. I am here to ensure that your project is completed at the highest level and right on time. Experience: 18+ years

  • R50 69116b85f20e5423886da09634944e55
    +0 / -0
    Руслан Климов
    Backend developer
    от 500 руб. за час

    Creating complete RESTful API according requirements. Making business logic more flexible, reliable and powerful. Providing security for each API endpoint. Excellent documentatiting of API using Swagger or Postman for best description of each method using by Mobile or Frontend or anothers Backend developers. Working with Real-time data. Deploying on different hostings using Nginx or Docker. Using PostgreSQL as main database and MongoDB as NOSQL. Generally writting code on Python3.5+ with Django...