IOS developer, who will be always available, who will be always available, who will be always on the right track. Every day I am working with projects, that require expert knowledge of - Native iOS developing language Swift - iOS SDK - Social integration like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc - Cloud backend like Parse, Firebase etc. I will create the best app for you from your idea to a successful application in the App Store. Because your success is my goal. Feel free to contact me anytime. I...
Kostiantyn ChukhasПрограммистот 500 руб. за час
Георгий ШабунинFull stack developerот 1 200 руб. за час
I am a software developer situated in Milan and currently working as a Full Stack dev with Node.js and React.js. Previously I worked with Ruby on Rails and earlier I had experience with Laravel. I love to engineer software, solve complex problems, while being able to deliver before deadlines. Besides web development, my current interests include CI and CD with Docker and BDD. I am a lifelong learner and a frequent visitor to online resources like pluralsight, codewars, udacity and many others. I...
Радик ШереметовРазработка и продвижение сайтаот 15 000 руб. за проект
We Love You
Anton BorzenkoSenior Javascript Developerот 800 руб. за час
React.js expert, high level front-end developer with Angular.js and Vue.js experience Hello! I'm a fronted web-developer with 10 years of front-end and 5 year of backend experience. I've built a lot of web sites. I have experiences with web application development from scratch to production with linux/mac os x. I really love React.js and Vue.js. I live in Kaliningrad, Russia. My time zone is UTC/GMT +2 hours. Main skills with React 16, React Roter 4. FrontEnd: Vue.js 2, Angularjs 1.5, jQuery,...
Артем УтовDjango framework developerот 1 000 руб. за час
10 лет опыта в программировании (basic, pascal, c++, c#, php, python, javascript). Более 7 лет опыта в: Django framework (full stack веб разработка). Предпочитаемые технологии Django Rest Framework, jQuery, AngularJs, React+Redux, PostgreSQL. Инструменты: git, ansible, pycharm, gitlab (GitHub analog), chrome dev tools, etc. Хобби: администрировании и настройка серверов, решение ИТ проблем. Debian любимая серверная ОС. Значок Top Rated на upwork (вышлю ссылку на профиль за запросу). ...
СШАнебылинаЛуне ДжимэйлПрограммированиецена договорная
I share belief in ethics of math – these are the ways of computer science. I build solutions that help people solve their problems. Nothing is perfect, and nothing ever will be. In order to accomplish everything, I cover not only the “happy path” (all inputs are clean and the process continues with no errors along the way) and common error cases (e.g. missing a required field in code, badly soldered pins, mechanical joint that is too short or too long, etc.), but also edge cases and unusual...
Artem RyzhovFull-Stack Web Developerцена договорная
I am a professional full-stack web-developer with more than 8 years experience. I have a lot of experience in developing dynamic and isomorphic web-applications, building a scalable architecture, server administration and working with cloud services. My skills: Front-end: I love clean, beautiful, responsive and dynamic interfaces. I know HTML5, CSS3. In my work I use Angular 5, Backbone, jQuery, pure javascript. Build with Webpack. Back-end: PHP, Node.js on server side. DB: MySQL, MongoDB....
Eugene Safronovprogrammingот 500 руб. за час
I have over 8 years of experience in software development, UI design and IT technologies. I participated in 8 complexity and interesting projects during that time. Have a lot of experience in various technologies, methodologies, programming languages and conceptions, such as JavaScript, Angular JS, Java, Grails/Groovy, Node.JS, PHP, Postgres, MongoDB etc. On this projects, I have developed Web UI concept, Database design, backend services and Unit tests. I have experience and a good...
Марина Каревапереводот 500 руб. за тысячу знаков
Более 10 лет занимаюсь переводами текстов разной тематики и сложности. Начинала с перевода сериала "I love Lucy" по субтитрам. Затем переводила фильмы на слух, составляла монтажные листы. Работала в командах с другими переводчиками в различных игровых проектах - мобильные и браузерные игры. Также занималась администрированием новостных сайтов, поиском и переводом новостей с англоязычных ресурсов. Вела деловую переписку. В настоящее время перевожу и редактирую по темам: атомная промышленность,...
Anton CodesuperGo, Python, Rust, Swiftот 50 000 руб. за проект
My Resume and CV has some overlapping data because there are some situations when they (CV and Resume) distributing separately This Resume is a number of my provable skills. I placed keywords in separate sections for convenient search. I have a lot of interests except my full time work so do not feel yourself suspiciously with my list of knowledges. I am sorry. Contact info email:;skype: hkugapouah.Social github: lovesuper.Common skills \^_^ Procedural programming,...
Ekaterina AnisimovaФотограф/Графический дизайнерот 1 000 руб. за час
Simple PostДизайнер интерфейсовот 450 руб. за час
I am frontend developer from Russia with several years of experience in web dev. Most of all I enjoy working on React apps — architecture design, coding, testing and maintaining. I am professional remote worker. As a developer I love to participate in and launch long-term projects and create production-quality web apps with well-thought architecture, thorough test coverage and clean, readable code.
Никита ДуховниковГрафический дизайнерцена договорная
Hello! ✋ I am professional & multidisciplinary designer with 6 years of experience focused on branding and web. I love to create awesome and purpose based web design, fresh and clear user interface design and not least of all good-looking printing products.
Rinat EnikeeviOSот 1 400 руб. за час
Hello, I majored at Swift for iOS app development and am using Objective C since iOS 4 was published. I love to challenge new technology! My major is: - Swift - Objective-C - Java My faculty is: - iPhone & iPad Native App Development - REST APIs (JSON, XML, SOAP) - Third party frameworks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google plus, etc.) - Java backend (Jersey, GAE). - Rich GWT web apps. I love: Swift, Typhoon, Java, Git, RESTful, Jersey, HTTP, SSL, JSON, Maven, GCD, SQL,...
Ester AppsApps, games, web with loveот 600 руб. за час
Вопросы в личку.
Ирина ЛитвиненкоВеб-разработчикот 200 руб. за час
Разрабатываю сайты. Дизайн, верстка, CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Opencart), помощь в освоении админки :) Love all this stuff so trying to do my very very best: not just work, but create.
Алекс БелыйДизайн сайтов и интерфейсовот 1 500 руб. за час
О себе
Sasha LysyiFront-End developer & Designerот 800 руб. за час
I am a web developer and designer with extensive experience. I love creative solu- tions in design. Tidiness during development and clean code. Often fall in love in what I do and sometimes get carried away with it, but always take decisions with sober mind.
Никита ШиленокStartups / Business Dev.от 1 500 руб. за час
I love to take and leverage an indispensable responsibility in projects with entrepreneurial spirit, specially where I can achieve goals through experimenting and learning and to deliver results, that will change the company and the world with an exponential output. Following and taking an approach in accordance to global trends and benchmarks, is one of my main principles.
Александр ФростИллюстрацииот 200 руб. за час
Очень люблю рисовать, веским доказательством этого служат бесконечные книги которые я покупаю исключительно из-за хороших иллюстраций (даже если содержание мне совершенно не интересно). Я считаю что хорошая книга без хороших иллюстраций это плохая книга. Коллекционирую вкладыши из жевачки "Love is..." (саму резинку выкидываю, со времени моего знакомства с ней вкус её стал отвратительным). Хотите узнать больше? Просто напишите.
Mary TarasenkoВэб-разработчикот 700 руб. за час
I love Wordpress, в том числе и адаптивный (по брейкпоинтам || под все разрешения) Большой опыт html-вёрстки, как шаблонной, так и под клиента. Стоимость часа работы - $38.89 Работаю через UpWork, вот мой профайл *** я на TF
Emil Arsentevweb-прог., unix администраторот 300 руб. за час
I'm love it
Егор МалькевичFull stack Node.js / RoRцена договорная
Полное резюме Сейчас занимаюсь Angular front-end / Node.js / Ruby on Rails ! Использую следующие языки и технологии: - Ruby + Rails, I love`n it!!! - и популярные гемы - Node.js - так же нравится, особенно работа с сокетами и MEAN приложения - У меня отличные скилы по работе с front-end - Люблю MV* паттерны - JavaScript - Knockout, Angular, Jquery(UI), CoffeeScript, Jasmine - Системы управления версиями Git, TFS, Subversion - HTML(5) & CSS(3), знаю костыли от 7 ie и выше :)
Maxim KozachenkoDeveloperот 12 000 руб. за месяц
Third year student of Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Programmer at Emotion company. Really love qt-framework;)
Dmitrijs VrublevskisWeb Developerот 700 руб. за час
In love with Ruby. Unhappy with PHP. Believe in Linux. Successfully using variety of technologies/languages to solve #real-world-problems. Some buzzwords - Linux, SQL, Redis, Ruby, PHP, Nginx, Unit testing, Selenium, PhantomJS, AngularJS and etc. Sometimes playing with fancy Data Science stuff (R language). With love, Your developer, that likes programming.