Hi, I am Ilya, a professional web developer with over 3 years of experience. I provide html css loading related services like psd in html bootstrap 5 with fully responsive design. I can also convert any web layout to my own WordPress site or theme. My skills: HTML5, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP5, PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT / JQUERY, WORDPRESS. If you are looking for a comprehensive professional service, please contact us. I am ready to transfer my skills to your project.
Ilya GladilinWeb-developer, Parcers, Testinот 50 руб. за час
Катерина ШуваловаВеб разработкаот 1 200 руб. за час
Hi there, I am a Project Manager in The IT Decision web development team with 5+ years of experience in IT. Have an understanding of the development process and experience in managing development teams. Core Skills: - Team Management, - Requirements gathering, - Business and requirements analysis, - Project planning, - Technical writing. Our tech team can solve your problem related to web development. We are a holistic-thinking team that is very attentive to the details. Our...
Vlad BondykContent Specialistцена договорная
Работаю с контентом в CMS (AEM, Symphony). Digital Content Author.
Moundhir BacheneTranslator 4 languagesот 150 руб. за час
translation 4 languages (English, Russian, French, Arabic)
Artem KomarovВерсткаот 5 000 руб. за проект
"Professionals, Hello! I really want my first order. Thank you for coming to my profile." I am a web developer with 1,5 year experience. I have knowledge in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Technical Skills: - Frontend: HTML, CSS ( inc. css animations, svg ), JavaScript ( jQuery ) I carefully follow the latest innovations and trends in the field of web-development. I quickly learn new things and use the most effective methods for solving problems. Working with me, you get a qualified and quality...
Ruslan TasmuhanovАнимирование и редакция фотоот 600 руб. за проект
Меня зовут Руслан и я в основном занимаюсь в сфере дизайне: анимации в основном уже как пол года. За эти пол года анимировании мне приходилось обучаться фотошопу и дизайну чтобы создавать хорошие анимации. При этом у меня свой ТикТок и Инстаграм аккаунт куда я выкладываю разные эдиты по типу аниме или медийных личностей. Я делаю работу качественно и со всей своей душой. Рад работать и учиться всему.
Holomidov VitaliiDevOpaот 1 500 руб. за час
DevOps skills: Mysql Python3 (basic. On level base scripting for Deploys Flask/Django Application) Docker Administration Linux Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS Nginx, Apache VPN, Ikev2, IPSec Git Scrum English level: on level reading and writing technical documentation Nmap Basic Skill on Cyber Security Employee quality Laborer Punctual Emotionally stable Like to study Experience 3 years profit experience. Experience Cyber Security 2 years...
Богдан ПомогайбоLead React Native developerот 2 500 руб. за час
A highly skilled Senior Software Engineer with focus on ReactNative, React and NodeJS offering a combination of cross-functional skills with 4+ years of commercial experience in Mobile and Web Development and technical leadership experience. My expertise includes requirements gathering and analysis, business processes analysis and design, solution integration architecture, project architecture design, and deployment process setup.
Natassha SelvarajData Scienceот 750 руб. за час
I have extensive experience working in the field of data science and analytics. In my day job as a data scientist, I solve business problems and build customer segments with supervised machine learning algorithms. I also create interactive visualizations. I am able to break down a business problem and derive insights with the help of my technical skill. I've worked on projects involving sentiment analysis, text mining, web scraping, and predictive modeling. I have experience in working with...
Дмитрий ЧирковИТ-архитектор, ИТ-консультант, UNIX/Linux, DevOps, Cloud Architectот 3 000 руб. за час
Внедрение и администрирование серверов и серверного программного обеспечения на платформах Unix (Oracle Solaris 10/11, IBM AIX 6.1/7.1) и GNU/Linux (RHEL 5/6/7, SLES 11/12, Ubuntu Server), локальных вычислительных сетей, сетей хранения данных, дисковых массивов; архитектурная проработка решений по виртуализации, оптимизация производительности операционных систем; взаимодействие с заказчиком на предмет выяснения первоначальных потребностей, принятие решения о выборе информационной системы и...
Edgar HovsepyanHTML5 Game Developerцена договорная
Quality oriented and self-motivated, creative Software Engineer with professional experience in WEB Development. Game Development, I have experience with JavaScript, also with react and three.js libraries. Worked with Databases and familiar with Design Patterns. Aside from technical knowledge I am a proven team member and I can suggest innovative solutions to technical issues.
Андрей ЯремчукВеб-программированиецена договорная
Backend: Node.js, Laravel, MongoDB, MySql Frontend: React, Vue.js, HTML, CSS (SCSS) Desktop applications: С# (WinForm), SqlServer
Алексей ИвановPPC, SMM, Email, Стратегияот 600 руб. за час
Services include (but are not limited to): -SMM - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): On- + Off-site SEO Strategy + Implementation - SEO Audit + Site Speed/Technical/Backend Audit - Digital Marketing Strategy + Planning - Social Media Management + Strategy for Growth - Content Marketing - Editing + Proofreading - Video Marketing - Google Analytics (+ Other Analytics Platforms) Management - Keyword Research - Email Marketing, Growth, + Management
Дария ПляскинаВеб-разработчикцена договорная
В данный момент являюсь студенткой GeekUniversity (факультет веб-разработки). Владею HTML и CSS. Работала с препроцессором Sass (SCSS), немного знакома с LESS. Есть небольшой опыт применения этих навыков в рамках создания многостраничного интернет-магазина и landing page. Также владею основами javascript и продолжаю развивать свои навыки. Проходила курсы по веб-разработке на Coursera (от Яндекс и МФТИ; от John Hopkins University) и freecodecamp, решаю задачи javascript на Codewars. Все мои...
Voskan VoskanyanПрограммистцена договорная
Technical Expertise I know and use the following programming languages, tools and technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Bootstrap, Foundation, Less, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, ECMAScript 6/7, Knockout.js, React, Redux, Immutable.js, GraphQL, Vue.js, Vuex, Gulp, Grunt, XML/XSLT, GIT, Handlebars, EJS, Node.js, Express framework, Sails.js Framework, PHP (OOP/ MVC), WordPress, Yii 2 Framework, Kohana Framework, Go (Golang), C#, ASP.NET / .NET Core, Entity Framework, Python, Flask, Django,...
Илья АфанасьевCL/NLP, desktop appsцена договорная
Лингвист по образованию, могу выполнять задачи на C#, Python, JS, R при необходимости, переводить с английского и польского.
Evgenii StrivalBack-end Developer (PHP)цена договорная
I prefer clear code and like new challenges. I’ll be glad to become a part of a cool and active team to change a world in better way. I prefer a healthy lifestyle like traveling, jogging and so on. Also to read books, the last one is Grokay algorithms. Me technical skills for now: • PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, Yii2 • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ • HTML, CSS, Sass, Vue.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, MVC • Jira, Confluence, Redmine, Git • Docker • Visual Studio Code, PhpStorm, Git Bash Also my...
Максим ПохилыйMobile apps development using React Nativeот 1 100 руб. за час
- Integrate third party libraries, for example: -- Visualise any data in charts -- UI-kits -- Localization -- Animation -- Manipulation with any parts of UI (like swipe to delete etc.) - Create custom UI-kits: -- Modal windows -- Side menu -- List items -- Buttons -- Inputs -- Sliders -- Charts -- etc. - Create scalable architecture of apps - Push notifications - Siri integration for iOS - Deploy test builds to firebase test flight service with the ability to install on a...
Александр АнкудиновПрограммистот 1 000 руб. за час
ALEKSANDR ANKUDINOV sasha@ankudinov.org.ua +38 (050) 910-**-** DOB: 9th of June, 198* IOS DEVELOPER Experience: Mobile and desktop development with native and cross-platform solutions Experience in technical interview, lead a team Server side development Neural network(basic), 3D graphics Web-based client side development Embed device development TECHNOLOGY STACK Languages/Programming: Skilled in Swift, Objective-C; Additionally expired in JavaScript (+NodeJS basics), HTML...
Максим ТалалайкоWeb-Developmentот 500 руб. за час
Зовут Максим, 20 лет. Увлекаюсь программированием с 18 лет. Пробовал много разных языков и остановился на языках разметки (т.е html, css). Нравится создавать разные сайты, поэтому буду рад помочь. Так же работаю в Figma, могу сделать веб-дизайн.
DZMITRY HAIDUKWebARот 2 000 руб. за час
I have a university degree in IT and radio technical engineering, that helps solve any engineering problems related to 3D graphics, AR/VR in any web browser and any smartphones, PC, MAC, TV. I love and designing and web developing and photos, and found myself in a symbiosis between all these areas of activity and came to Web-based Augmented Reality. At first, I dabbled as hobby Lens Studio by Snap Inc. (Snapchat), then Spark AR Studio by Facebook. Then I learned WebAR, WebXR, WebVR, Web3D...
Эльдар ДжафаровFront-end разработчикот 770 руб. за час
resume: https://www.use-effect.xyz/ Professional, Front & Back-end developer, committed to maintaining cutting edge technical skills and up-to-date industry knowledge and motivated to drive projects from start to finish as one or work with dynamic team. Perfect skills: LESS/SASS HTML5 JavaScript AJAX JSON jQuery WordPress Git Adobe Photoshop/Figma/Zeplin for HTML CSS Level Gulp Bootstrap BEM
Over Prfbackendот 500 руб. за час
backend developer (python, c#) information security education
Anna Bovdaweb developmentцена договорная
Sloboda Studio is a Ukraine based provider of mobile&web development services with 70+ technical experts since 2010 To learn more about our projects please use the link https://sloboda-studio.com/work/ We are well-experienced in a wide range of software domains: - Mobile&Web development- Fin Tech (Finance news analytics, crowd curation)- Data science/machine learning/AI solutions- Booking systems (taxi and real estate, geo-location API connection)- E-commerce (Full featured CMS and...
Anatolii NesterenkoTranslation, Transcription, Trцена договорная
Уверенный в себе переводчик со стажем. Большинство моих клиентов были американские компании, например eDataFarm, тексты соответственно были на IT тематику Перевожу текст с/на английский, польский и французский языки. На фрилансе относительно недолго. Также как плюс, так как я работаю аудитором мой бизнес английский на высоком уровне.