Веду комплексно SMM+target. Работала с нишами: e-commerce (сайт, товарка), фотография, магазин футболок, продажа пастилы, продвижение консьерж-сервиса (b2b), организация женских мероприятий, лаборатория и медицина. Непрерывный опыт - 1 год. Строю SMM и targer стратегий, составляю контент-план, запуск и ведение рекламных кампаний (в т.ч. конверсии с сайта) + аналитика, веду сторис (сюжетки), провожу глубокую аналитику профиля. Консультирую онлайн по ведению страницы в Инстаграм и Фейсбук,...
Катерина КалиновскаяРабота с социальными сетями, SMM, таргетированная реклама Facebook и Instagramот 350 руб. за час
Адыль ИбрагимлиFrontend разработчик Angularот 1 000 руб. за час
• Meticulous web developer with over 2 years of front end experience and passion for responsive website design and a firm believer in the mobile-first approach • Knowledge and diverse experience in creating interactive web applications and websites, integrating with third-party services and providing them • Understands all stages of the Angular web-application development lifecycle, has experience with Agile methodology • Passionate about learning and development with a desire to apply skills...
Сергей КолинПрограммистот 1 200 руб. за час
Full-stack developer with over 4.5 years of software development experience. Punctual and purposeful person, I can work in a tense environment and demonstrate high professionalism. I have excellent time management skills, so I can easily meet strict deadlines.
Ilya GladilinWeb-developer, Parcers, Testinот 50 руб. за час
Hi, I am Ilya, a professional web developer with over 3 years of experience. I provide html css loading related services like psd in html bootstrap 5 with fully responsive design. I can also convert any web layout to my own WordPress site or theme. My skills: HTML5, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP5, PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT / JQUERY, WORDPRESS. If you are looking for a comprehensive professional service, please contact us. I am ready to transfer my skills to your project.
Лиля Фархшатовасмм-специалист; интернет-маркецена договорная
SMM - специалист, развиваю твой бизнес в социальных сетях
Melkon HovhannisianFull-stack Developerот 2 500 руб. за час
Meticulous Software Engineer with over 6 years of experience in development. I have huge hands on experience working in with Python/Django, Typescript, Javascript and its frameworks (Node.js, React.js, Vue,js, Nuxt.js), advanced knowledge in network management, server configurations, hardware systems, creation of software applications and web designing, blockchain technologies, specifically in constructing the decentralized application, fork & customizing the existing secure smart contracts,...
Александр .Разработчикцена договорная
Languages: C++, C#, Python, JS. Frameworks: .NET CORE, ASP .NET CORE, Qt, PCL, OpenCV, geometry prosessing libs. Scripting API: Autodesk Fusion-360, Hexagon Cyclone 3DR, custom JS API for SCADA. I have been developing software for over 15 years. Main directions: SCADA, СAD/СAM, WEB backend, processing of point clouds and meshes, image processing, real-time control algorithms. I have a good experience of working with distributed systems of information processing and storage based on...
Artsiom Litskevichsoftware developmentцена договорная
I'm excited to see you! With over 8 years of experience collaboration with a team of professional developers, we have worked for clients that include individuals, startups, and organizations. We consistently deliver superior results by focusing on our client’s success, keeping the user experience at the center of all we do. What way can i be useful? 1) Software requirement specification 2) Business analysis 3) UX/UI design 4) Mobile app/ Web development 5) Animation
Александр КиртАнимация, Дизайнот 400 руб. за час
Уже более восьми лет работаю в IT-индустрии в качестве 2D/3D/Motion/Web-дизайнера и FrontEnd-разработчика. За эти годы приобрел богатый опыт работы в проектах различного уровня сложности и направленности. Высокий уровень интеллекта, любовь к рисованию, нестандартное креативное мышление, и часто чрезмерный перфекционизм, в связке с неутолимым стремлением к саморазвитию - позволили достаточно глубоко освоить, довольно разные области знаний - UX/UI дизайн, VFX, 2D и 3D анимацию, motion-дизайн и...
Aleks BUX, web, mobile, print design & brandingцена договорная
Full stack designer, web developer, UI/UX, performance marketing. I’m a product designer/manager with over 10 years experience. ______________________________________________ Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/combax
Andrew RyazinРазработка мобильных приложениот 1 200 руб. за час
We`re experienced in the developiment client-server mobile applications for Android and iOS. Our development experience is about 4 years. During this time, we have created over 80 different applications. Technologies stacks: Swift, Objective-C, Cocoa, xCode, iOS Development, SQLite; Java, Kotlin, Android Development, React Native, Xamarin; PHP, Laravel, YII, SQL, NodeJS, JSON, Rest/Soap, Firebase, Geolocation, PostgreSQL; Javascript, bootstrap, html, css. Skills: Agile Project...
Arus KarakhanyanПереводчикот 150 руб. за час
Hi. I'm a professional translator with over 5 years of experience in different fields. I have two degrees: BA in Political science and MA in International relations. I am a native speaker in two languages: Russian and Armenian. Also, I speak fluent English and know some French. In addition to my language skills, I have great time-management skills, which helps me to always meet my deadlines. I am very detail-oriented, attentive, responsible, and organized. If you require any further...
Владислав РазыграевFullstack developerот 760 руб. за час
My name is Vladislav Razygraev. I am a full stack developer specializing in building web applications and APIs. I have been in web development for over 4 years in the following industries: internet marketing, advertising and e-commerce. I have extensive experience in commercial development. I have worked in an outsourcing company for more than a year as a Full-Stack engineer, and I want to benefit the company by participating in the development process using the React framework and its...
Avgust UnstoppableMiddle Python Developerот 5 000 руб. за проект
Работаю на python уже два с половиной года, есть опыт в написании голосовых систем, небольших и автоматизированных скриптов.
Данил КречетовOracle, pl/sql, sqlот 1 000 руб. за час
Oracle perfomance tuning (over 4Tb data), pl/sql, sql, experience 10+ years
Radik HayriyanAngular Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
I'm a web developer with over 3 years of experience in the field. I perform tasks for several projects at the same time , revise software code to make it more efficient, create and write effective automation tests. I've designed, developed and tested many projects.
Vitaliy KlyushkinГрафический дизайнот 1 000 руб. за час
I'm a Graphic Designer, UI/UX designer, Web Designer with over 8 years of experience in the design world helping businesses promote themselves effectively.
Александр АлександрАдмин Linux, DBA, разработчикцена договорная
IaC: Pulumi & Terraform, Ansible Containers: Helm & Kubernetes, Buildah & Docker Public cloud: AWS, Azure, Linode On-premise private & hybrid cloud: OpenNebula, KVM, Firecracker Monitoring: Zabbix & Netdata, Prometheus & Grafana, ELK CI/CD: Jenkins (including Groovy), GitLab, SonarCube DBMS: IBM DB2 & PostgreSQL via nHibernate, Redis & Tarantool, Debezium Analytics: Pentaho & ClickHouse OS: Devuan, OpenBSD Guest OS: ^above, Alpine, AntiX ...
Иван ДементьевМузыкант, Видео монтажот 200 руб. за час
Доброго времени суток! Дизайн: делаю обложки, аватарки, чистка фотографии, цветокорекция. Видео монтаж роликов в Adobe After Effects и Adobe Premiere. Музыка: делаю биты, инструментальные аранжировки в различных жанрах, сделаю Voice tag для вашего бита, озвучка вашего текста, написание текста для вашего трека. Так же сведение, мастеринг вашего трека.
Heghnar JulhakyanProject Managerот 1 150 руб. за час
I am too happy that I live in Tatev, communicate with so many guests from all over the world,that makes me to talk fluently in Enlish and Russian. Now I work with Estimators and daily improove my skills. Now I manage two projects, the first projects Backend is Java (Springboot), Frontend(Web-vue.js , APP Ios android - Flutter) .Its too crazy team and I already know what does it mean swager :)
Pavel PoleyAndroid developerот 1 500 руб. за час
Last 2 years developing on Android platform (Java\Kotlin), Freelance on fiverr.com - over 55 completed orders, 12 Apps developed from scratch and released in Google play, most successful with over 200,000 downloads. Strive to write clean, readable, reusable code, implement design patterns and design principles. Portfolio: www.pavelpoley.com
Азат ВаджиповUX/UI дизайнот 1 000 руб. за час
I am UX/UI, Mobile iOS/Android/Web Designer with work experience over 4 years in a diverse range of Digital Media. My designing skills range from User Interfaces, User Experience, Human-Computer Interactions, Information Architecture, Native Mobile Applications (iOS, Android) to Product Design, Human-Centred Design, Data Visualisation, Software Interfaces, Usability, Marketing and Sales. I am a geek of new technologies, beautiful design & marketing of all kind. I use Figma, Adobe...
Over Prfbackendот 500 руб. за час
backend developer (python, c#) information security education
Gang TanFlutter&Dart | Android | IOSот 200 000 руб. за месяц
I am a hardworking, highly proficient IT professional and an Senior Mobile developer skilled with all the tools required for the art of creating marvelous Apps. - I have a passion to create wonderful and eye-catching Web Apps that appeal to both the users needs and senses. By this time I have learned to tackle various kinds of projects and provide their further development with new versions and maintenance. - I am currently Mobile/Web developer. I have over 7 years of experience in...
Юлия КабановаSocial Media Managerцена договорная
- Разработка стратегии продвижения бизнеса - Анализ целевой аудитории, анализ конкурентов, - Определение tone of voice - Брендинг - Копирайтинг - Influencer-маркетинг, комьюнити-менеджмент - Таргетинг