I — Danilov Alexey, as the freelancer and the businessman am engaged in design, production and design, i.e. I not simply designer - I am the manager and therefore I perfectly understand that I do and as it has to work.
Алексей ДаниловВизуализацияцена договорная
Ксения БудлянскаяQA Automation Engineerот 650 руб. за час
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Automation Tools: Selenium WebDriver, Maven Languages/Frameworks: JAVA, TestNG, Junit Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, RedMine, fogBugz RDBMS: MS SQL Server 2012, MySQL Expertise in Selenium automation using Selenium WebDriver, JAVA. Designed and implemented different automation frameworks from such like: Page Objects frameworks. Executed automation scripts on different browsers/environments & reported defects/results to the team. Expertise in writing SQL Queries,...
Артем КузнецовRoR developerцена договорная
Специализация и профессиональные навыки: Ruby on Rails, Rspec, git, jQuery, coffeescript, Sphinx, Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, haml, slim, Linux, Python, redmine Профессиональные цели: Я хочу достичь планки Senior developer. Награды, сертификаты, портфолио, проекты: Победитель региональной научно-технической конференции ОАО "АК "Транснефть" Книги: Совершенный код С. МакконеллИдеальный программист. Р. МартинThe Rails Way. Obie FernandezDesign patterns in Ruby. Addison-WesleyThe RSpec Book. David...
Egor Lutohinpython, django, mysql, nginxот 140 000 руб. за месяц
Design and implement software for cloud platform support, including tools / test development Identify bottlenecks, and implement performance optimizations anywhere in the cloud vertical stack
Ярослав ЕреминWindows Expertот 1 000 руб. за час
Erika AbreguJava Developerцена договорная
IT Professional specializing in systems analysis and development of web client / server with the latest environmental technologies. High capacity for integration and analysis, dynamic, organized and proactive, with sense of motivation to work in a team, supporting their goals, giving competitive advantage and providing added value
Антон Черничкотекстыцена договорная
В разное время писал и пишу для ELLE, Look At Me, The Village (Москва, Киев), Roshen, Погода ТБ, СТБ, "Орел и Решка" - написание сценариев для корпоративных фильмов, рекламных роликов; - работа со СМИ; - написание новостей, пресс-релизов, акций, слоганов - полный спектр работы с текстом; - статьи о путешествиях, туризме: отелях, курортах, ресторанах, создание путеводителей; - репортажи из стран пребывания; - ежедневное/еженедельное наполнение сайта (новости или любой...
Aleksander MostovoySenior Web Developerот 450 руб. за час
I have a M.S. in Computer Science, and have worked the last 4 years as a Web Developer I have proficiency in all computer systems, software, and applications to include: PHP(Frameworks),JavaScript, Jquery,Ruby on Rails, SOAP,XML-RPC, CSS, HTML,NodeJS, and more. My main responsibilities over the past few years have been to design databases, ,develop social and e-commerce web applications, maintain the web server, update system requirements, and optimize web applications developments...
Иван ПоповВеб-программистот 300 руб. за час
PHP Программист / Website Developer Опыт работы 4 с половиной года. Навыки • PHP (5.3/5.4/5.5), OOP, Фреймвокри, i18n, MVC, ORM/Doctrine, различные CMS • Yii, Kohana, Zend, иногда Symfony • Шаблонизаторы Smarty/Twig • СуБД MySQL (Так же был опыт с PgSQL) • Memcache (и другие сервисы кэширования) • Javascript, jQuery • Хорошие знания HTML/CSS • Twitter Bootstrap • VCS — Git, SVN • Знания Linux, LAMP, nGinx, ftp etc....
Michael GolovachevРазработка логотипаот 1 500 руб. за час
Профессиональная разработка логотипа, фирменного знака. Graphic designer, artist. Logotypes, fonts, iconograhy, illustration, animation, naming and firmstyles. Best portfolio on logorium.com My fonts on Luce Devroe review: luc.devroe.org the chef on Logobaker.ru Member of team of VGA Crew Brandosaur on Dribbble
Даниил Петровjust webот 900 руб. за час
Музыкальное образование. Служил в ВС. Обожаю все что связано с open source, *NIX. В меру ленив, люблю читать и тишину во время работы. Прочитанная (и понятая) литература: Git для профессионального программиста С.Чакон Б.Штрауб Экстремальное программирование Кент Бэк SQL Мартин Грабер CODE. ц.Петцольд Чистый код. Создание, анализ и рефакторинг. Роберт Мартин (дядюшка Боб) Гибкая разработка веб-приложений в среде Rails (4-е издание). Дэвид Хейнмейер Ханссон Путь Руби (3-е издание). Хэл Фултон...
Alexander BelonogovSenior Android Developerот 900 руб. за час
Alexander is an experienced Android developer. With over a dozen completed apps in his portfolio, he has the proven ability to develop efficient applications of any kind. He is highly goal-oriented and has experience with all stages of development.
Кирилл ZennaiOS, Android Developerот 812 руб. за час
Обожаю iOS, люблю свою работу, нравится Сut the Rope
Yuliya Freyatranslatorцена договорная
I am a freelance translator in the English>Russian and English>Ukrainian language pairs. I am a holder of a Master’s degree in English language and foreign literature.I translated more than 300,000 words in the fields of Economics, Business, Health Protection, Computers, Politics, E-Commerce, Industry and Technology. I am a Translatorscafe.com Master and my identity is verified by Translatorscafe.com stuff.
Екатерина ПоддубнаяПереводчикот 150 руб. за тысячу знаков
Hello, everybody! My name is Kate. I live in Ukraine and I am a freelance translator of English, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian languages with more than 4 years of professional translation experience. I am a native Russian and Ukrainian speaker. I have the sense of style in my native languages and offer translation that is not only accurate but easy, and pleasant to read as well. _________________________________________ Languages: - Russian and Ukrainian — native - English and Spanish —...
Artem PonomarenkoWEB Developerот 600 руб. за час
Web Developer with 6 years of experience in designing and developing complex multi-user web applications based on FLASH/AJAX/PHP/MySQL technologies. - Manage multiple projects progressing simultaneously. Possess strong professional skills in software development and implementation, relational database design and network administration. - Work with DB servers (MySql, MongoDB). Programming of complicated queries, stored functions and procedures. - Object Oriented development experience. Functional...
Шипилов Александрjavascript/php/html/xml/xslот 450 руб. за час
A skilled specialist with over 10 years of extensive experience involving analysis, design, implementation, problem-solving of commercial web applications by using both back-end and front-end technologies, the most required frameworks and libraries, agile software development practices. Possessing strong analytic skills and considerable knowledge of the wide range of web standards and specifications.
Julia Gubenkosoftware testing, testerот 300 руб. за час
General testing skills: Knowledge in software testing methodology and quality assurance Experience of manual web testing (online shops, social networks, learning/events/news portals ) Writing the test documentation (Test plans, Test Cases, Checklists, Bug reports) Types of testing (Functional, Regression, Cross-browser, Checking SEO, Frontend/ Backend) IT Knowledge: OS: MS Windows, Linux Packets: MS Office, OpenOffice Programming languages: HTML/CSS, JS, Java -...
Дмитрий КасьяновСистемный администраторот 500 руб. за час
Сергей НекрасовHTML-верстальщикот 200 руб. за час
My name is Sergey Nekrasov. I was born in September 1989 in Russia (Togliatty City). In the web industry not so long ago. Еhe first order is executed in the summer of 2014. Except for sites, fond of music. I like that I chose specifically web development, because there I can reveal as much as possible, both creatively and intellectually.
Игорь ОнькинWeb-Designerот 300 руб. за час
My life is a pixel grid, mouse clicking sounds and the light from the monitor which dispels the darkness.
Настя ШвецоваВерстальщикот 600 руб. за час
Education National Aviation University (Kyiv) Master's degree, A, System Programming 2008 - 2013 Experience Front-end Developer Trinetix March 2015 - June 2015 (4 month) Activities and responsibilities: Creating adaptive and cross-platform html-pages for projects from psd templates, using LESS, HTML5, VS 2013 Front-end Developer LevelUp games November 2013 – February 2015 (1 year 4 month) Activities and responsibilities: Creating wordpress themes and widgets. Building efficient code...
Liana PogosianLinguist, PR Specialistот 17 000 руб. за час
An accomplished and driven professional with an entrepreneurial spirit and unmatched drive. Possessing a proven ability to contribute to a company at both strategic and operational level with a proven ability to meet agreed deadlines and possessing the confidence to work as part of a team or independently.
Oleg SobchukRuby on Railsот 320 руб. за час
We are developers team with 5+ years experience. We have excelent knowledge in HTML, HAML, Slim, CSS, Bootstrap, RubyOnRails, jQuery, JavaScript, Devise, Rspec, Cucumber, Capybara, Selenium, Git and many else interesting features. We guarantee speed and quality More info: http://cookinglake.net/ Our hourly rate is about $10-20, depending on the complexity. You can add me to skype: oleg.sobchuk and we will discuss all questions!
Максим ВыборWeb-программированиеот 1 руб. за час
Make the Brain являемся глобальной командой профессионалов, которая обеспечивает широкий спектр услуг, построенных вокруг решений с открытым кодом для бизнеса и образования. Make the Brain имеет команду талантливых и умелых профессионалов веб-разработки специализирующиеся в современных технологиях.