I'm a web developer with over 3 years of experience in the field. I perform tasks for several projects at the same time , revise software code to make it more efficient, create and write effective automation tests. I've designed, developed and tested many projects.
Radik HayriyanAngular Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Александра Славноватехнологииот 50 руб. за час
работаю в программе 3ds max, corona and SketchUp. так же работаю в фотошопе
Daria LymarenkoUI/UX/WEB designот 1 400 руб. за час
I have 2 year experience work in IT company & design agency. I have been creating E-commerce and corporate websites, landing pages, apps, presentations, animation, prototypes and wireframes. - I have knowledge in composition, colors, typography and I can draw by hand. - I have been creating presentations and case studies for customers and company. - Execute all visual design stages from concept to final hand-off to engineering. - Create wireframes, UI KIT's, styleguides, clickable...
Natalia KalinaWeb design and developmentот 1 400 руб. за час
IT Decision is a web development and design studio that creates digital products for any business no matter how complex it is. There are no limitations for us - fixing bugs and errors or extending functionalities of plugins to improve your product, developing a completely new website or adding clean code to an existing one. We are ready to solve your issues. Whether you need to automate your business processes, manage your brand’s relationships with clients, or want other companies to...
Даниил Курочкинweb-designerот 500 руб. за час
Hello everyone! I am an aspiring web designer, but I am very hard working and willing to work hard. In my work I use figma and photoshop. I will gladly work on your projects. We will become one team! Let's discuss the details and get to work Всем привет! Я начинающий веб-дизайнер, но я очень трудолюбивый и готов много работать. В своей работе я использую фигма и фотошоп. Я с радостью поработаю над вашими проектами. Мы станем одной командой! Давайте обсудим детали и приступим к работе
Влад СемакFront-endот 40 000 руб. за месяц
Создаю адаптивную верстку с адапитвными шривтами, отступами, использую flex-box
Мурад АхундовBackend Developmentот 1 500 руб. за час
Backend Developer from Baku. Email: akhundov1murad@gmail.com Telegram: @qutablar I am currently working on LMS system for Russian IT company. Interested in Software Architecture, REST API development and Microservices. I have experience in developing microservice architecture, working with databases, parallel tasks, converting files, integrating external services, working with caching, as well as training new employees. Ready for interesting and challenging tasks.
Максим НеверкевичFull-Stackцена договорная
I am a Full-Stack developer with industry experience building websites and web applications. My role is to write and style the front-end components that meet the requirements of the client's mocks and fulfill the client's requirements.
Юрий ТыщукТаргетинг, .NET, RoRот 1 200 руб. за час
We are team of WEB Developers from Ukraine, we specialize in .NET and PHP stack. We`re allways searching for interesting projects or remote job. We can build an Web applications using .Net technologies such as ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, Ms Sql Server, Entity Framework, WCF, WebApi (REST) on server side and Angular, Vue on the clien side. There is some experiense with NopCommerce (eCommerce) CMS. With PHP stack we can quick build web sites on WorpPress and Joomla CMS, web stores based on...
Tatianka KovalДизайнот 100 руб. за час
Web Developer UX/UI Designer The list of my skills includes ✎ design ✎ front-end development I am focused on the result and highlighting only the most important things because sites are, first of all, not a beautiful picture, but a solution to a specific problem and its a logically structured design with a beautiful visual design CONTACTS Have ideas? Let's give a task and I give you solutions in achieving your business goals! Get in touch to discuss your project: ...
Martin BiruliaProject Managementот 80 руб. за час
I have 3+ years in project management and managing requirements (as business analyst or product owner at various projects) Currently, I am working for a large enterprise telecom operator: A1 Belarus. I passionately manage projects in big data, machine learning and agile software development tech domains. My English level is Advanced, my CV you may receive by request Let me know if you are interested in having an interview with me, Sincerely, Martin Birulia
Irina Selivanovaweb designerот 10 руб. за час
Hey! My name is Irina, I am a web designer. I design: - landing pages, - corporate sites, - small online stores. I have been designing for 2 years. I have worked in finance and sales. I love when every button and picture is justified, I understand the main goal of the site - making a profit. I am not a mega-cool designer who knows the answers to all questions, and I do not have cool works in my portfolio. But if you are in love with your product, open to communication and exchange of...
Николай ФроловЛендингицена договорная
Настойчивость, целеустремлённость, терпение, самообучение, адекватность в вопросах по оплате
Сергей МазуровFront End Developerот 300 руб. за час
Courteous and enthusiastic, I am interested in IT and everything in its orbit.
Paul StrechРазработка приложений и сайтовот 2 000 руб. за час
We are a team of professionalists with great passion, energy, and high knowledge for what we do! We love finding solutions to complicated problems by solving the unsolvable We always think big, design smart, and develop fast. We're ready to turn any of your idea into a reality.
Максим ПохилыйMobile apps development using React Nativeот 1 100 руб. за час
- Integrate third party libraries, for example: -- Visualise any data in charts -- UI-kits -- Localization -- Animation -- Manipulation with any parts of UI (like swipe to delete etc.) - Create custom UI-kits: -- Modal windows -- Side menu -- List items -- Buttons -- Inputs -- Sliders -- Charts -- etc. - Create scalable architecture of apps - Push notifications - Siri integration for iOS - Deploy test builds to firebase test flight service with the ability to install on a...
laatu solutionsРазработка веб и мобильных проектов различной направленностиот 1 200 руб. за час
Компания laatu solutions занимается разработкой веб проектов и мобильных приложений различной направленности. Мы разрабатываем интернет магазины, сайты компаний, различные сервисы и CRM системы, а также проводим автоматизацию бизнеса. Мы предлагаем уникальные качественные решения для бизнеса и готовы выходить за рамки стандартов для достижения наилучшего результата.
Александр ЮдкинPython/Django Back-end devот 2 000 руб. за час
Занимаюсь коммерческой разработкой на Python с 2015 года. Последние 3 года много работал с Django Rest Framework. Изучаю язык Golang, который планирую применять параллельно с Python. Работал в таких сферах: финтех, образование, логистика, социальные сети, реклама, недвижимость. Могу похвастаться такими проектами как livebetter, ubit.li, indigomental.com, flatdate, mapper, krutheapp.com, kibzy.com, в которых занимался построением архитектуры и разработкой API; а также участием в командах таких...
Vasyl MaksymFull-stack developerот 440 руб. за час
New to Habr, I'm a skillful full-stack developer with 15.000+ hours of indoor work background and passion for carefully crafted code. Powered by strong knowledge in Laravel and CSS, I turn your requirements into good-looking, bug-free, responsive websites/web applications - on time and budget.
Eduard Grigoryanprogrammerцена договорная
Меня зовут Эдуард. Я являюсь веб-разработчиком. И имею опыт работы в 2-3 месяца в компании Epam в качестве студента. Владею такими технологиями как js, react, redux, mui, Jest. My name is Edward. I am web developer. And I have 2-3 months work experience in the company Epam as a trainee. I am familiar with technologies such asjsReactReduxMuiJest
Екатерина АрабаджиUI/UX and Product Designerцена договорная
Дизайнер интерфейсов | UI/UX | Web & Mobile Почта: product.pm28@gmail.com Телефон:(Telegram): +380687839258 Скайп: catrin 720 Экспертная область — дизайн web-интерфейсов и мобильных приложений. Так же создаю функциональный и эстетичный дизайн сайта и верстаю его на Tilda в ZeroBlock, как мощный инструмент продаж Портфолио Behance: https://www.behance.net/katrin-arabadzhi Dribbble: https://dribbble.com/katrinarabadzhi Так же можете зайти на полное описание проектов по ссылке:...
Александр АлександрАдмин Linux, DBA, разработчикцена договорная
IaC: Pulumi & Terraform, Ansible Containers: Helm & Kubernetes, Buildah & Docker Public cloud: AWS, Azure, Linode On-premise private & hybrid cloud: OpenNebula, KVM, Firecracker Monitoring: Zabbix & Netdata, Prometheus & Grafana, ELK CI/CD: Jenkins (including Groovy), GitLab, SonarCube DBMS: IBM DB2 & PostgreSQL via nHibernate, Redis & Tarantool, Debezium Analytics: Pentaho & ClickHouse OS: Devuan, OpenBSD Guest OS: ^above, Alpine, AntiX ...
Гюльали СабировWeb and UX/UI design/Дизайнот 300 руб. за час
Меня зовут Гюльали Сабиров, и я дизайнер. У меня был неплохой опыт в создании сайтов, статей и многого другого. Я всегда готов пополнить своё резюме хорошими проектами, которые сделаю для вас! http://behance.net/teawayfarer/
Meet MorakhiyaContent Writing, Social Mediaцена договорная
Not much to tell. I enjoy reading, writing and anything that has to do with the written word. I am very good at writing and I always target the straight A's in English. I aspire to make a difference in this world through writings and helping people to think differently and live differently in all walks of life. I studied PGDM in Journalism from IIMC in Delhi, India. I was an intern at AndroidHeadlines and I'm the author/contributor of many high authority magazine websites including...
Антон СавицкийIT, backend developerот 200 руб. за час
Занимаюсь backend and fronend разработками, сайты под ключ