Добрый день. Меня зовут Владимир. Знаю Html/css : Адаптивную верстку Grid/flexbox Responsive вёрстку Git Scss БЭМ js api сервера и ajax - пользуюсь axios для запросов react (hook, hok, selector, reselector) ject typescript redux react-redux Написал базу данных использую postgreSQL + node.js Мой git hub - https://github.com/sinvorgena?tab=repositories Мои работы: Пишу пет проект на react (соц сеть) - https://sinvorgena.github.io/reactPetProject/#/ (Email: free@samuraijs.com Password:...
Владимир МаксимовФронтендцена договорная
Oleh KulakevychiOS Engineerот 1 200 руб. за час
Hello, my name is Oleg. I live in Ukraine. I am a programmer with 5 years of experience. Ready to consider interesting projects and startups.
Viktor KostivВеб-разработчикот 600 руб. за час
Hi, I am a web developer with almost 4 years of experience, 2 of which have been in an IT company. I can work in a team and adapt to any task. I learn quickly and work with maximum efficiency. My skills: ✔ HTML5 ✔ CSS3, Bootstrap, TailwindCss ✔ UX/UI web design ✔ JavaScript ✔ Vue.js ( Vuex, Pinia ) ✔ Node.js ( Express, Nest.js ) ✔ PHP ✔ Laravel ✔ Working with databases (SQL, Firebase, MongoDB ) Please feel free to contact me!
Татьяна Джуланьweb developerот 500 руб. за час
Development and support of products on Bitrix CRM platform Development and support of products on Wordpress CMS Working with different third-party api
Дмитрий ПронинProduct Designот 1 500 руб. за час
Product designer со всеми скилами. Цифровые продукты, веб- и мобильные сервисы. Портфолио http://dpronin.com ️ Работаю удаленно, полный рабочий день. Навыки: — Дизайн Mobile Android, iOS — Дизайн Web, SaaS- продукты, сложные многостраничные системы с данными — Дизайн десктопных приложений Windows, Mac OS — Работаю над дизайн-системой и внешним видом продукта — Figma, Sketch, Principle, Customer Stories, JTBD, Design Sprints, Design systems and UI kits ...
Резиуан КодзоковПрограммирование ВТ и АСот 1 500 руб. за час
html5, css3, javascript
Георгий Корсунскийfront-end developerцена договорная
- Knowledge of Front-End technologies:HTML, CSS, JavaScript, - TypeScript, Angular 8+,React 16+(MobX), HTTP/HTTPS; - Knowledge of Back-End technologies: Python 3+(Django), NodeJs(NestJs); - Understanding of OOP; - Experience in version control system(git) - Experience in bug tracking systems(Jira) Work experience: The startup project EVO | Hillel IT-school | Website about exchanging children's clothing: Position: Junior Front-End developer -creating Login Page markup ...
Arsen GhazaryanFull stack developerот 100 руб. за час
I am a hard worker and a team player. I like bodybuilding and swimming in the pool.
Igor SavineLinux server administratorот 4 200 руб. за час
I build and support on-premises "cloud" infrastructure. A small to midsize private cloud is a Linux based cluster of high performance computer nodes hosting two types of virtual private servers: LXC containers and KVM virtual machines. A typical server node can host 15-20 Linux containers or 5-10 KVM virtual machines with local ZFS storage. For example, a 5-node cluster may host up to 100 virtual private servers with aggregate 160 CPU cores, 1.25 TiB of memory and 100 TiB of data storage. It...
Юлия ЗагузинаUX/UI дизайнерот 300 руб. за час
Делаю сайты эстетичными, функциональными. Решаю бизнес задачи, а так же проблемы пользователей.
Marta SamoilenkoJava Developer, Studentцена договорная
I usually take part in lots of olympiads(math, IT, physics). Also i'm really interested in programming, especialy in Java and everything that connected with it. I'm always ready to work and get results as well as it's possible. I`m good in programming, math and look forward to any task!
Владимир КолосовПарсинг сайтовцена договорная
Разрабатываю парсеры данных простых и сложных веб-сайтов включающих в себя JS, защищенные CAPTCHA, ReCAPTCHA, с применением прокси, с ротацией User Agent и других технологий. - Делаю парсеры на Python или PHP, Requests, Beautiful Soup, Selenium, XPath, CSS, JS and AJAX - Данные парсинга могу предоставить в текстовом файле, Google Sheets, CSV, JSON, XML, MySQL, API - Более трех лет опыта программирования на Python.
Владислав РазыграевFullstack developerот 760 руб. за час
My name is Vladislav Razygraev. I am a full stack developer specializing in building web applications and APIs. I have been in web development for over 4 years in the following industries: internet marketing, advertising and e-commerce. I have extensive experience in commercial development. I have worked in an outsourcing company for more than a year as a Full-Stack engineer, and I want to benefit the company by participating in the development process using the React framework and its...
Eugene PanferovNetwork administratorот 1 000 руб. за час
Hi, All I'm FreeBSD and network administration expert with 19 years experience. Now working on the migration of On-Premise Microsoft Exchange to Cloud Microsoft 365 I also have experience configuring and supporting the following equipment: Routers, Switches & Firewall: (Cisco, D-Llink, FortiGate), Storages (Synology, Quantum, Infortrend), Servers (SuperMicro, HP, IBM, Dell) Hypervisors: Xen, VMware + VMware vSphere, VMware vCenter Server Appliance, I have experience supporting OS &...
Anatolii KharchukMobile application developerот 700 руб. за час
О нас: • команда из Одессы 4 человека • оформлены как ФОП и платим налоги • работаем по договору либо сейф • наши работы https://white-digital.com Technologies and frameworks: • React, React Native (Hooks, Mobx) • TypeScript (ES6+) • Styled Components • Firebase • AWS EC2, Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS etc. (serverless) • NodeJS + REST, GraphQL • PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB
Osmon AbdimannanFull Stack developerот 1 800 руб. за час
Technology stack ✅Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, ES6, TypeScript, React.js, Vue.js ✅Back-end: Node.js, Firebase, express.js ✅Mobile-dev: React Native, Javascript, Typescript ✅Databases: MongoDB, MySQL/MariaDB ✅Third-party services: Google, Hubspot, Other capabilities: Webflow, UX Design, UI design, Keywords: Custom software, software development, web development, web app development, application development, UI development, development expert, platform development, software development,...
Айдар ГарафиевСистемный администраторот 500 руб. за час
За плечами 12 лет опыта работы системным администратором. Богатый опыт решения различного рода задач. Linux/Unix, FreeBSD, Asterisk, FreePBX, SIP, Mikrotik, VPN, VLAN, Windows (AD, GPO, File Server, Print Server, Terminal Server, MS SQL Server) Microsoft Windows Server 2008-2012 (Active Directory + GPO and scripts and command files, Terminal Server, File Server, Print Server, Microsoft SQL Server 2008-2012, ...) VMWare Администрирование офисных АТС Panasonic Linux/Unix сервера (iptables,...
Виталий РудойPower BIот 25 000 руб. за проект
Работаю Senior Accounts Receivable Accountant в Nestlé Businesses Service более 6 лет. Proficient with PowerBI, Excel, SAP, PowerPoint. Able to work with big volume of data. Have excellent analytical skills, great communicative and organizational competencies, Capable of creative thinking, highly disciplined, demanding and responsible. Excellent leadership skills. Ability to lead GSTD, LEAN and DMAIC projects. Certified Six Sigma White Belt Coach. Свободно владею PowerBI, Excel,...
Вероника ПопсулисJunior UX/UI Designerот 300 руб. за час
Junior UX/UI designer created landing pages, designed corporative website, applications for self-presentation, improved skills in Figma, Photoshop and Illustrator. Projects: Designed medical centre site, for people with neurological diseases, the goal was to create website with user-friendly interface, available information for patients. Designed corporate one-page website for barberchop, the goal was to propel person visit this place. Designed e-commerce bicycle sales site, the goal was to...
Иван РуссуВерстка и программированиеот 500 руб. за час
Только качественно – вёрстка сайтов: Адаптивно; Кроссбраузерно; Использую оптимизацию и SVG. Адаптивность, SCSS, БЭМ, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript, Анимация Работая со мной вы экономите: - Деньги. Качественно разрабатываю адаптивную верстку на основе макетов для ПК, что существенно экономит Ваш бюджет и не требует заказа дополнительных макетов дизайна. - Время. Стараюсь выполнить работу быстрее, указанного срока. - Нервы. Просьбы пожелания и доработки не структурного характера уже включены...
Виктор КоломиецКрипто, Маркетинг, SEOот 500 руб. за час
The pandemic is doing its job. Free time has appeared - why not monetize it? )) The main directions are marketing promotion (preference for crypto projects), preparation of marketing strategies, copywriting. Most of all, I will be useful to the owners of crypto projects - I have an extensive 3-year experience in promoting crypto projects - promoting coins, promoting exchanges, setting up an exchange for Coingecko and CoinMarketCap, drawing up a content plan for the project's tasks and writing...
Artem GryshynDesignerцена договорная
Creative and productive designer
Maxim KozlovТестировщикцена договорная
Testing skills: Jira Software, TestRail QA, Internet technologies, client-server model, web services, requirements testing, process, planning and test reports, Agile development (Scrum), Internet technologies, Vmware, mobile testing (popular types of non-functional testing), developer panel chrome, Fiddler, Postman, database: SQL, NoSQL, concept of HTTP, JSON, XML, API, HTML, CSS (base). Experience in writing test documentation: test cases, checklists, use cases, test plan.
Ramil GalyamdinВерстаю, пишу SPA на Reactот 300 руб. за час
Быстро и качественно верстаю лендинги, SPA и многостраничные проекты с роутингом. С моим портфолио Вы можете ознакомиться на GIthub: https://github.com/Ramilko37
Majit UteniyazoviOS developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Hi! I am Majit Uteniyazov. I am creating mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms. And also do some great things in IT and design :) You’re welcome ;)