I'm a C++ developer with experience in designing and building software.
Alex PushkarC++от 500 руб. за час
Санал ГалушкинDesigner, web/3dот 700 руб. за час
Веб-дизайн: http://webdesignspb.blogspot.ru/ https://yadi.sk/d/sZFsl1VdgQLTc Последний проект (web, tablet, mobile) - https://www.veeam.com/offsite-cloud-backups-replic... -- 3д моделирование, визуализация: http://sanalgalushkin.tumblr.com/ -- Контакты: E-mail: sanalgalushkin@gmail.com Telegram: https://t.me/SanalGalushkinf
Марк ФростRuby on rails developerот 1 500 руб. за час
Hello I'm a Ruby on Rails developer with two years experience. My #1 goal will always be to meet your needs and deadline. Extensive experience working with someone else's code. Also, i have experience with: python/flask js(es5/es6) html, css(less/sass) php git linux ruby motion mysql, postgress Some of my work http://brainstorage.me/markfrost/portfolio
Евгений ВасюкAndroid developmentот 400 руб. за час
2 year of hands-on programming experience with Java. 1 year of applying programming experience with C\C++ for micro-controllers. Executive Android Developer with over 2 year experience. I am getting pleasure of participating in product creation\supporting process with high-loads and real-time multimedia processing. Key features: VoIP, real time multimedia processing, advanced appliance of native libraries
Богдан АндресюкiOS Developerот 1 200 руб. за час
Hello, my name is Bogdan Andresyuk, i’m an iOS developer living in Kiev, Ukraine. I’ve spent the past several years living the dream, one that doesn’t involve climbing the corporate ladder and sitting in the stuffy office, but instead, working on interesting projects, learning new technologies and having fun. When I'm not making the best iOS apps with the coolest developers and clients, I'm playing paintball, hanging out with my friends and trying to enjoy my life! What am I looking from my...
Алексей ДюшенJavaот 250 руб. за час
Summary Web developer with one year commercial experience in full life-cycle development, including analysis, design, development, deployment, testing, implementation, and maintenance of application software in web-based environment; Sound knowledge of developing applications based on Spring framework; Some experience in designing schema of relational databases; Experience in administering http and database servers; Good problem solving and communication skills; Technical Profile Languages:...
Александр ПетровSoftware developmentцена договорная
Web: www.mini-apps.ru In many cases, we use native mobile development tools. Our finished apps have high quality and work perfectly. Our developers use various techniques when creating applications, building UML diagrams, describing the API, and documenting the entire process. Our applications are easy to develop and maintain. When designing the app’s user interface we adhere to platform standards and throw in a little creativity. We do not like creating template apps. Unfortunately, there are...
Simple PostДизайнер интерфейсовот 450 руб. за час
I am frontend developer from Russia with several years of experience in web dev. Most of all I enjoy working on React apps — architecture design, coding, testing and maintaining. I am professional remote worker. As a developer I love to participate in and launch long-term projects and create production-quality web apps with well-thought architecture, thorough test coverage and clean, readable code.
Roman PazazijaEconomist, Accountantцена договорная
In touch with economics, financial service & accounting, also some experience of work as lawyer. Nowdays I own consulting agency, working on effective merging of legal & financial services with digital services and hi-tech.
Manuel SaavedraРазработка сайтовот 20 000 руб. за проект
Всем привет! Меня зовут Мануэль, я веб-дизайнер. Создаю корпоративные сайты под ключ, сайты-визитки, landing page, интернет-магазины. Портфолио: www.manuelsaavedra.ru Веб-дизайн для меня искусство, моя цель привнести эстетику в мир digital. В век цифровых технологий искусственный интеллект нуждается в красивом и удобном представлении. Буду рад со вкусом и эффективностью представить Ваши идеи, смыслы, бизнесы в интернет-среде! С уважением, Мануэль Сааведра Hello! My name is...
Артем БеляевASP.NET, C#, F#,MS SQL Serverот 900 руб. за час
Over 12years of experience in software development for client-server software applying; Over 6 year of experience in system architecture. Over 5 year of experience in team management up to 5-10 people; Strong mentoring skills; Experience in database server administration; senior skills in database performance optimization; Excellent analytical and troubleshooting skills; Good ability to work in a team, good communication skills, leadership skills; Strong knowledge of information systems...
Никита ДуховниковГрафический дизайнерцена договорная
Hello! ✋ I am professional & multidisciplinary designer with 6 years of experience focused on branding and web. I love to create awesome and purpose based web design, fresh and clear user interface design and not least of all good-looking printing products.
Александр Новак3D-Artist, level designer, QAцена договорная
Design of environment, level design with Unreal Engine 3,4 \ UDK. Technical requirements, rules, specifications preparation, quality assurance.Creating and customizing materials.Jobs in matinee.Сreation of presentation videos. low polygonal modeling, texturing. Tools and technologies:
Роман КорниковUX дизайнерцена договорная
UX/UI дизайнер из Москвы
Екатерина Андрееваux/ui, mobile designот 1 500 руб. за час
Андреева Екатерина, UX/UI дизайнер образование: СПбГХПА им. Штиглица, Коммуникативный дизайн, 2008-2014 опыт работы: 2013 - 2013: DDC Creative Lab, брендинговое агентство: графический дизайнер 2014 - 2015: Yawork, геолокационный стартап, продуктовый дизайнер 2015 - настоящее время: Дневник, единая образовательная сеть, UI дизайнер 2007 - настоящее время: частная практика, фриланс навыки: UX/UI дизайн, дизайн мобильных приложений, брендинг, графический дизайн, свободное рисование от руки...
Евгения ЗавистовскаяДизайнер интерфейсовот 400 руб. за час
Телегин АлександрМобильная разработкаот 1 000 руб. за час
● Google: Associate account strategist (AdWords customer services role) ● Blitz Dating: video dating app (part-time work, 20h/week) o Bulding an app from scratch: link ● HiQo Solutions: iOS developer ● Fulldive.com / Evryapp.com: iOS lead, senior iOS developer ● Ramotion.com: Senior iOS developer
Андрей ЗайцевСетевой/системный инженерот 1 500 руб. за час
Добрый день Я являюсь Сетевым/Системным администратором с 8-ми летним опытом работы в операторах связи. На данный момент занимаю должность ведущего инженера в крупном Сибирском провайдере(охват абонентской базы более 70000 человек) Также в свободное время занимаюсь фрилансом в области сетевых технологий и администрирования серверных систем My network skills: knowledge level Service Provider, Security. Switching & Routing Core Edge level, Monitoring, Troubleshooting, Design, different...
Viktoriya Kapustinaперевод, копирайтингцена договорная
"Красный" диплом факультета иностранных языков, магистратура с США (международное управление, эконом. фокус), в прошлом - сотрудник, ныне - начальник международных служб. Начинала в вузах г. Рязани, сегодня работаю на предприятии. Помимо преподавательской деятельности разработала и веду программы обучения английскому языку. Языком не пользуюсь: я на нём работаю. Переводы, написание текстов на заданную тематику, ведение переписки, разработка рекламной и PR продукции. Образцы работ вышлю на...
Rinat EnikeeviOSот 1 400 руб. за час
Hello, I majored at Swift for iOS app development and am using Objective C since iOS 4 was published. I love to challenge new technology! My major is: - Swift - Objective-C - Java My faculty is: - iPhone & iPad Native App Development - REST APIs (JSON, XML, SOAP) - Third party frameworks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google plus, etc.) - Java backend (Jersey, GAE). - Rich GWT web apps. I love: Swift, Typhoon, Java, Git, RESTful, Jersey, HTTP, SSL, JSON, Maven, GCD, SQL,...
Евгений КравчинаПрикладное программированиецена договорная
I specialize in developing Android apps and have over 2 years of experience in commercial app development. I'm looking for a interesting projects to do a really good job, also working with animation and sound design. Challenge me and I'll do my best to create high-quality app in order to meet your wishes. I look forward to working with you. Thank you for reviewing my resume. Best regards, Evhen Kravchyna.
Олег МихалёвSoftware Engineerцена договорная
On a daily basis I use C++ and Go. Have some grasp of Python, Elrang and Java. I can get familiar with high-level system architecture, patterns in usage and specifics of domain quite quickly.
Kostya DarinXApp Develop,Design,Web,Brandот 640 руб. за час
DarinX put together designers, coders, and developers with talented thinkers Our team build amazing products in the world based businesses and entrepreneurs. We creates Mobile Development,Web Design,Web Development,Branding We think about your goal and ultimate success because we are the creative agency with 99.9% of satisfied customers.
Анна Кузнецоваsw developerот 975 руб. за час
GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: Development of game applications for mobile platforms and desktops 8 year coding experience: Objective C, C/C++, C#, LabVIEW, JavaScript (client-server technology, structured programming, take a part in porting applications for Windows to MacOS and iOS,etc.) Extended experience in different projects for customers in the EU and USA In-depth knowledge of object-oriented development HARDWARE: iOS devices, Mac, PC. DAQ card, RedRat, Wireless: XBee RF...
Sergey Kalashnikovweb-developerот 800 руб. за час
Hey, I’m a experienced web-developer. I can help you with your projects.