Full-Stack web-developer PHP and .Net developer for Windows
Yuri SeletskyПрограмированиеот 100 руб. за час
Евгений КравчинаAndroid Developerот 1 200 руб. за час
I'm Evgenii Olegovych Kravchyna and I am a Android Developer based in Kyiv, UA. I enjoy working on usable, clean and practical application. I always focusing on the performance and My goal is to create user-friendly and timeless application that attract human eyes. I am always looking to increase my knowledge. When I undertake a project, I don't just complete it, I go the extra mile and make it better than requested. I have over 3 years of experience in Android app development. I'm looking for a...
Владислав Фgamedev, casual gamesот 1 000 руб. за час
I am the game developer with 5 years of professional experience building 2d web and mobile games for small startups, to some of the web's largest sites. I've participated in creating 30 game projects as a software engineer and as a project manager. While my primary specialty is a programming, I also familiar with other aspects of game development such as game design, assets optimization, and QA.
Юрий БацураQuality Assuranceот 1 000 руб. за час
Имею опыт работы на различных проектах: enterprise и consumer-продукты; web, android, ios, windows и linux-приложения. Большой опыт работы с различными платформами виртуализации. Есть навыки автоматизации на robot framework, autoit, python. Анализ и разработка тестового покрытия с нуля, поддержка, ревью тестов. Есть опыт в нагрузочном и перфоманс-тестировании.
Nikita VlaznevСерверное ПОот 2 000 руб. за час
I have experience of software development for highload web services, distributed databases, desktop applications, embedded devices and administrative web interfaces.
Дмитрий ВеселовСистемный администраторот 1 000 руб. за час
Юрий ЗайцевJava back-end developerот 500 руб. за час
Заканчиваю Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники по специальности "Многоканальные системы телекоммуникаций", в университете занимаюсь программированием в сфере Computer Sсince, в том числе цифровой обработкой сигналов и изображений, а также моделированием систем телекоммуникаций используя язык Java и прикладные программные пакеты, такие как Matlab/Simulink и т.п. Около 5 лет занимаюсь программной разработкой. Начинал с LAMP-стека. Около 3 лет занимаюсь...
Евгений КиринSenior java developerцена договорная
SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATION Java developer with over 10 years of experience in Enterprise software development using JAVA/J2EE stack and open source solutions. Strong experience in all phases of software development life cycle. Excellent understanding of enterprise software technologies and development practices/tools, source control, remote development, issue tracking, build and test automation. Solid background in Object-Oriented design Experience in Big Data. ...
Yaroslav KodingovichiOS Developerот 500 руб. за час
Over the last 2 years, I have developed many kinds of iOS, including social networking, photo/video sharing & edition, music, financial, real-estate, etc. Also, so far I have delivered only high quality products and good services with right price and thus all clients found their satisfaction from my perfect products & good services and wanted to work with me again. As for my working style, it is very agile, creative, innovative and detail-oriented. Also, I enjoy building products from...
Hayk KarapetyanFull Stack web developerот 800 руб. за час
Hello ! I have 5 years of experience in Web Development and can deliver your project on time meeting all your expectations. Below please find the area of my expertise. Back End Development - PHP - Codelgniter; Yii 2.0; CakePHP; Phalcon; Zend - Node JS - Express; Sails.js; Hapi.js - Databases - MySQL; PostgreSQL; MongoDB - Libraries / APIs - Facebook; Google; PayPal; Stripe Front End Development - JavaScript - Angular JS; jQuery; Backbone; React JS - HTML/HTML5 - CSS/CSS3 -...
Artem SmirnoffiOS Developmentцена договорная
Games & apps for iOS
Igor TyulkanovJava/Android developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Currently I am software developer. I have a good and interesting experience in developing of software for Android platforms. Totally I have 4 years experience in Android development and over 4 years experience in Java development. Also I have some experience with DBs (SQL and no-SQL) communication, web (HTML, CSS, JS) and server side (Python, PHP).
Павел КузьминПрограммированиеот 800 руб. за час
Web-разработка под ключ, от простых лендингов до high load проектов.
Виталий ЗасимовичHighload, Bigdata, *nixот 1 500 руб. за час
UNIX - FreeBSD/Linux. Apache, Nginx. ISPmanager, cPanel (WHM), DirectAdmin. Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, Hive, Impala, Spark, Hbase, etc.) High load / High availability environments: replication,sharded databases,DRBD,HAProxy,CARP. Virtualization. Support, consulting, training, management, hardware and software installation and problem-solving.
Павел ТисуновРазработка iOS приложенийот 300 000 руб. за месяц
I do iOS app development using Objective-C, Swift. Web app development using Ruby on Rails, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, React Native. Over 17 years’ experience in software development, 5 years as a full stack web developer and 4 as an iOS Software Engineer. Languages: Objective-C (expert), Swift (competent), Ruby (proficient), C++ (proficient), JavaScript (competent), Python (competent) EXPERIENCE Groser, Moscow, Russia ...
Roman Naumovphp программист magentoот 1 200 руб. за час
magento программист занимаюсь магенто более 3-х лет. Сайты которые в разработке и поддержки которых я участвовал: - adverti.ru - novex-trade.ru - auchan.ru - michelin.ru - и д.р.
abz.agency web development ...Web app, browser extensionот 350 000 руб. за час
An outsourcing company abz.agency has been targeted to providing top quality services in web development since its foundation. Thirty employees put their efforts in order to achieve this goal working in two offices in Ukrainian cities. The company has proven to be a reliable partner working as a subcontractor in B2B segment. It develops complex and customized web applications, web sites and browser extensions while providing a full cycle of works from developing technical documentation to...
Ilya IvanovLinux администратор, Devopsот 3 000 руб. за час
Опытный Linux администратор. LAMP (и вариации), облака, high availability, тюнинг серверов, разработка инфраструктуры итд. Клиентоориентированный стиль работы.
Дмитрий БалтинКомплексная разработка в webцена договорная
Комплексная разработка стартапов и web-проектов. Выделенная команда под проект. Laravel, Bitrix, WordPress, RoR, SASS(LESS), ExtJS, AngularJS Занимаемся комплексной разработкой web-проектов от идеи до финального тестирования. Есть большой опыт работы с проектами как европейского, американского рынка, так и с нашими украинскими и российскими клиентами. Можем сформировать команду для вашего проекта. Также возможен аутсорсинг отдельных специалистов Работаем уже более 8 лет. За это время успешно...
Виталик ЗубокТехнический писательот 650 руб. за час
I'm an accomplished technical writer with 5 years of professional experience plus 2 years of background as an electronics engineer. I produce high-quality documentation such as: user and admin's guides, system review, best practices, quick-starts tutorials, knowledge base articles, release note, API's and etc. I specialize in the end user documentation. I develop clear, step-by-step guides with complex illustrations. I organize my own work with minimal supervision. I deliver what I promise and...
Nikit KhanerDrupal developer and themerот 500 руб. за час
Full time freelancer for CMS/CMF Drupal.
Ruslan RamazanovРазработкаот 1 000 руб. за час
Опыт профессиональной разработки на PHP более 10 лет. Стрессоустойчивость, коммуникабельность, быстрая обучаемость, ответственный подход, аккуратность. PHP5, MySQL, Redis, PostgreSQL, JS (jQuery), HTML, CSS Yii, Yii2, Bitrix Огромный опыт работы в e-commerce Администрирование LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP) сервера, FTP, Exim etc. Системы контроля версий. (SVN, Mercurial, Git). Системы баг-трекинга (Bugzilla, Redmine, Jire). Отсутствие трудностей с чтением чужого кода и...
Евгений ВасюкAndroid developmentот 400 руб. за час
2 year of hands-on programming experience with Java. 1 year of applying programming experience with C\C++ for micro-controllers. Executive Android Developer with over 2 year experience. I am getting pleasure of participating in product creation\supporting process with high-loads and real-time multimedia processing. Key features: VoIP, real time multimedia processing, advanced appliance of native libraries
Yaroslav LozhkinDigital product designerцена договорная
I'm an independent product designer from Russia. I've been working on projects of different kinds: web and mobile applications, social and mobile games, guides for communication assets production, corporate websites. I have fundamental front-end skills (CSS/HTML/Bootstrap) and currently evolve them learning Udacity Front-end Developer Nanodegree course. I believe that designer has to be a part of a technical team at product companies. Now I'm focused on building design systems for products and...
Max ShahanPROShahan Texts & Translationsот 65 руб. за тысячу знаков
Здравствуйте! Ищу работу. Готов влиться в любой проект. Нацелен на долгосрочное сотрудничество. Переводим на 50 разных иностранных языках: Languages covered: English, Russian, Deutsch, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Finnish, Korean, Thai, Czech, Greek, Dutch, Simplifed Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Arabic, Bengali, Belarussian, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Hungarian, Latin Spanish, Indonesian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Malaysian,...