We are team of WEB Developers from Ukraine, we specialize in .NET and PHP stack. We`re allways searching for interesting projects or remote job. We can build an Web applications using .Net technologies such as ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, Ms Sql Server, Entity Framework, WCF, WebApi (REST) on server side and Angular, Vue on the clien side. There is some experiense with NopCommerce (eCommerce) CMS. With PHP stack we can quick build web sites on WorpPress and Joomla CMS, web stores based on...
Юрий ТыщукТаргетинг, .NET, RoRот 1 200 руб. за час
Tatianka KovalДизайнот 100 руб. за час
Web Developer UX/UI Designer The list of my skills includes ✎ design ✎ front-end development I am focused on the result and highlighting only the most important things because sites are, first of all, not a beautiful picture, but a solution to a specific problem and its a logically structured design with a beautiful visual design CONTACTS Have ideas? Let's give a task and I give you solutions in achieving your business goals! Get in touch to discuss your project: ...
Lilit MkrtchyanGraphic Designer/Illustratorот 800 руб. за час
Vitaliy KlyushkinГрафический дизайнот 1 000 руб. за час
I'm a Graphic Designer, UI/UX designer, Web Designer with over 8 years of experience in the design world helping businesses promote themselves effectively.
Martin BiruliaProject Managementот 80 руб. за час
I have 3+ years in project management and managing requirements (as business analyst or product owner at various projects) Currently, I am working for a large enterprise telecom operator: A1 Belarus. I passionately manage projects in big data, machine learning and agile software development tech domains. My English level is Advanced, my CV you may receive by request Let me know if you are interested in having an interview with me, Sincerely, Martin Birulia
Irina Selivanovaweb designerот 10 руб. за час
Hey! My name is Irina, I am a web designer. I design: - landing pages, - corporate sites, - small online stores. I have been designing for 2 years. I have worked in finance and sales. I love when every button and picture is justified, I understand the main goal of the site - making a profit. I am not a mega-cool designer who knows the answers to all questions, and I do not have cool works in my portfolio. But if you are in love with your product, open to communication and exchange of...
Paul StrechРазработка приложений и сайтовот 2 000 руб. за час
We are a team of professionalists with great passion, energy, and high knowledge for what we do! We love finding solutions to complicated problems by solving the unsolvable We always think big, design smart, and develop fast. We're ready to turn any of your idea into a reality.
Максим ПохилыйMobile apps development using React Nativeот 1 100 руб. за час
- Integrate third party libraries, for example: -- Visualise any data in charts -- UI-kits -- Localization -- Animation -- Manipulation with any parts of UI (like swipe to delete etc.) - Create custom UI-kits: -- Modal windows -- Side menu -- List items -- Buttons -- Inputs -- Sliders -- Charts -- etc. - Create scalable architecture of apps - Push notifications - Siri integration for iOS - Deploy test builds to firebase test flight service with the ability to install on a...
Наталья ЗакалыкFront-end developerцена договорная
Work as frontend developer, using different technologis, such as: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular, JS. Create valid html5 markup sites with high load speed.
Vasyl MaksymFull-stack developerот 440 руб. за час
New to Habr, I'm a skillful full-stack developer with 15.000+ hours of indoor work background and passion for carefully crafted code. Powered by strong knowledge in Laravel and CSS, I turn your requirements into good-looking, bug-free, responsive websites/web applications - on time and budget.
Svetlana KorolevaГрафический дизайнерцена договорная
Портфолио | behance.net/lanakorolevaTelegram | @lanakorolevaПочта | lanakoroleeva@gmail.com
Eduard Grigoryanprogrammerцена договорная
Меня зовут Эдуард. Я являюсь веб-разработчиком. И имею опыт работы в 2-3 месяца в компании Epam в качестве студента. Владею такими технологиями как js, react, redux, mui, Jest. My name is Edward. I am web developer. And I have 2-3 months work experience in the company Epam as a trainee. I am familiar with technologies such asjsReactReduxMuiJest
Александр АлександрАдмин Linux, DBA, разработчикцена договорная
IaC: Pulumi & Terraform, Ansible Containers: Helm & Kubernetes, Buildah & Docker Public cloud: AWS, Azure, Linode On-premise private & hybrid cloud: OpenNebula, KVM, Firecracker Monitoring: Zabbix & Netdata, Prometheus & Grafana, ELK CI/CD: Jenkins (including Groovy), GitLab, SonarCube DBMS: IBM DB2 & PostgreSQL via nHibernate, Redis & Tarantool, Debezium Analytics: Pentaho & ClickHouse OS: Devuan, OpenBSD Guest OS: ^above, Alpine, AntiX ...
Meet MorakhiyaContent Writing, Social Mediaцена договорная
Not much to tell. I enjoy reading, writing and anything that has to do with the written word. I am very good at writing and I always target the straight A's in English. I aspire to make a difference in this world through writings and helping people to think differently and live differently in all walks of life. I studied PGDM in Journalism from IIMC in Delhi, India. I was an intern at AndroidHeadlines and I'm the author/contributor of many high authority magazine websites including...
Филипп ПилипчукPython Developer (Backend)от 1 000 руб. за час
I'm a Python developer with 4+ years of experience.
анна гланимация / видео / дизайнот 1 000 руб. за час
портфолио https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnaGlazunova
Julia KopachevskayaQA Engineerцена договорная
Hi everyone!) I am a Junior QA Engineer. Completed functional testing courses. I have a small, but very valuable and interesting experience in testing on a real ScootAPI project. I use all the opportunities to develop myself in the field of testing and have a great desire to work!)
Асилбек ОдиловUI/UX дизайнер, Продукт дизайнот 2 000 руб. за час
Моя основная специализация UX/UI-дизайн: веб-сервисов, сайтов и мобильных приложений. За годы своей практики успел поработать с различными компаниями на рынках СНГ/РФ (от брендинга для малого бизнеса до корпораций и highload-решений). Умею создавать эффектные анимации с помощью After Effects и презентовать проекты заказчикам. Понимаю с чем сталкиваются верстальщики и поэтому стараюсь всегда создавать чистые дизайн-макеты. Дополнительным плюсом можем считать, что я умею рисовать и создать...
Даниил ТимонинAndroid приложенияот 1 200 руб. за час
https://volgograd.hh.ru/resume/4ada4a37ff07e884f40... резюме, там все написано https://github.com/TimoninD/OpenSpaceHack_CodeOverFlow - проект с одного и хакатонов https://github.com/TimoninD/IndeedIdTest - пример тестового задания с "крипото-регистрацией" https://bitbucket.org/RunD1ck/imgurtest/src/master/ - пример тестового Примеры работы если кому интересно
Ян КасюлевичПереводыот 120 руб. за тысячу знаков
Имею опыт перевода технических статей о различных датчиках (радары, лидары, системы компьютерного зрения), беспилотных автомобилях, системах отслеживания состояния водителя и по другим смежным темам. Занимаюсь переводами для корпоративного блога НПП ИТЭЛМА. Также переводил для блога SkillFactory по тематике IT, Data Science и смежным с ними. Переводил учебник по программированию "Get Programming with Haskell"
Давид МартиросянВеб-Разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
I'm ambitious professional with huge background in web development. I enjoy software development and provide business solutions to my clients with using innovative thinking and proven techniques. I can work on your existing websites and also can build for you from very start to an awesome end. Knowledge of HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, Jquery. Knowledge of Bootstrap. Advanced knowledge of PHP. Strong understanding of OOP principles. Excellent knowledge of Laravel framework. Ability to work...
Евгений МеркуловСоздаю графические креативыот 500 руб. за час
Навыки, умения: Дизайн графических креативов для рекламыДизайн фирменного стиля для социальных сетейДизайн сайтовДизайн для полиграфииПрограммы: Adobe PhotoshopAdobe After EffectCinema 4DFigmaAdobe InDesignAdobe IllustratorВремя работы: Работаю 7 дней в неделю. Онлайн почти 24/7 Гарантирую: Соблюдение сроков.Качественную работу.Постоянный online.Доброжелательное, расположенное к конструктивному разговору общение.
Анастасия Ершова2d художникцена договорная
Рисую в Adobe Photoshop и Procreate год https://www.instagram.com/erhunhik/
dizary teamДизайнот 1 500 руб. за час
Dizary — это дизайн без боли. Мы — онлайн креативная дизайн команда профессионалов. С опытом уже более 10 лет. Команда не большая, но собрано в ней только профи своего дела из России и Европы. https://www.behance.net/dizary_team Мы на этой бирже не так давно, наши клиенты обычно к нам приходят по рекомендациям. Тут мы в поисках интересных и сложных проектов:)
Писанюк Богданвеб-программистот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello! My name is Bohdan and I am freelance web developer specializing in small to medium sized business websites using the most current technologies to provide the best user experience while satisfying customer needs. Currently I have experience working with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Sass, Bootstrap. I am studying JavaScript and Vuejs and have some basic skills of it. My Tools: - Sublime Text 3 - Atom - Brackets - Visual studio code - Slack - Telegram - Messenger - Adobe Photoshop -...