Ruby on Rails 5 (API) + React JS (Frontend) Rails 4,5 - Slim - Bootstrap - Capistrano (nginx, puma) - REST API (ActiveModelSerializers) - GraphQL (GrapQL-ruby) - Delayed::Job, whenever - React-on-Rails - Action Cable React JS & React Native - Redux - Saga - REST client - GraphQL (Apollo) skype: ryskin82 telegram: @ryskin
Алексей Рыскинruby on rails, reactцена договорная
Дэннис АрчаковFrontend-разработчикцена договорная
Имеется опыт разработки проектов с нуля. Разработка RESTFull API для популярных проектов на платформе iOS & Android. При разработке проектов, я использую следующие технологии: Frontend: TypeScript / JavaScript (ES6+)NextJS / ReactJS / Immer / ImmutableJS / Apollo / RecomposeRedux Toolkit / Redux / Redux Saga / Redux Thunk / ReselectReact Hook Form / FormikSCSS / styled-components / CSS Modules / Stylus / PostCSS / vanilla-extractEJS / PugJS (Jade) / HandlebarsMaterial UI / Semantic UI /...
Руслан ГусевHtml-верстальщик под Reactот 100 руб. за час
На данный момент разрабатываю свой проект c использованием React, Redux, Scss, БЭМ. На ближайшее время в планах - прокачка Javascript, React, Redux. В перспективе изучение Jest, Typescript, GraphQL + Apollo, Ramda.
Levon YeghiazaryanBackend Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Федор МакареевFrontend developer (React)от 900 руб. за час
Занимаюсь: версткойразработкой SPA/SSR приложений на react.js (CRA, Next.js, GatsbyJS) мобильных приложений на phonegap, react-native telegram ботов на node,js
Kubanychbek EsenzhanovSenior JavaScript Engineerот 1 200 руб. за час
I am web engineer dedicated to learning programming in JavaScript. During obtaining my bachelor degree in International Business, I found programming very interesting for me, and continued learning it on my own. I gained experience firstly from freelance world and then worked closely with an exceptional team of engineers at a company called Instat, developing large scale applications, where I used JavaScript intensively during both my professional life and spare time.
Билал СаидумаровReactJS NodeJS разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
Telegram: @saidumarov00 Skype: Привет. Меня зовут Билал, я Javascript разработчик с +2.5 летным опытом разработки приложений. Успешно создал несколько вебсайтов для местных клиентов. Готов к разработке любого типа продукта с обширным техническим опытом от небольших до крупных, сложных приложений. Технологии и Опыт: ✔ Javascript 2.5+ years ✔ ReactJS 2+ years ✔ Electron 6+ months ✔ NodeJS 6+ months ✔ MongoDB 6+ months Фронтенд: TypeScript, ESnext, REST, Websockets,...
Николай Василенкоразработчикот 200 000 руб. за месяц
SKILLS =========================== Expert JS programming skills. Understanding of JS asynchronous model, event-loop, and JS memory management. Practical experience to work with the most popular frontend architecture patterns: FLUX and MVVM. Experience building UI-to-API interactions using REST and GraphQl solutions closely working with backend teams. TypeScript programming skills. KEY TECHNOLOGIES =========================== JavaScript Expert, TypeScript, NodeJS, HTML5/CSS3, REST, GraphQL. ...
Даниил ПотаповВерстка, frontendцена договорная
Примеры кода
Павел КотовFullstack web developerот 850 руб. за час
Middle fullstack developer. Занимаюсь frontend и backend разработкой. Стек технологий: - HTML: HTML5, Bootstrap, SemanticUI, Adaptive; - CSS: Pure CSS, SCSS; - JavaScript: JS Core, ES6-ES7, Promises, Async, Regexp; - JS libs: Lodash, RxJS, ImmutableJS, D3, Ramda; - Bundlers & Transpilers: Babel, Webpack, Gulp, Browserify; - Template engines: Handlebars, Pug, EJS; - React: React16.8, Redux, Router, Hooks, Redux-thunk, Redux-Saga, Redux-forms, Axios, SSR, React-Apollo,...
Илья КуликовWebsite and webappцена договорная
My best skills: I like to have the job done and to be proud of the results. So I am precise in important details. I am looking at my job from the business point of view. So I need to understand what the client needs and why. I like to be effective and avoid useless staff. That’s why I think the process and environment should help you do your job. I prefer simple and logical solutions and avoid not obvious and complex ones. I prefer to ask a quick question rather than spend hours searching for...