My name is Roman. I'm dedicated and creative Designer and Illustrator. Each and every project I create is born and raised from my inspiration of everyday life expressions such as music, nature and human personalities. Being all-rounder and enthusiast, I believe that the real design should reflect and emphasize all of surrounding life’ beauty. Having a sufficient experience in various design activities from branding to producing of designed goods, as well as great skills in Vector and Raster...
Roman HaramakiDesignerот 1 200 руб. за час
Рустам БектемировUX/UI Designerцена договорная
Опытный дизайнер с ~ 6-летним стажем, жаждущий оказать положительное влияние на ваш продукт. Я могу быть полезен в качестве UX/UI, графического дизайнера и арт-директора.
Ерулан АрысланГрафический дизайнер, Продуктоот 10 000 руб. за проект
Hi ;) My name is Yerualan, I'm from Kazakhstan I am very glad that you decided to give your company the right start by visiting this page, as I will be the one to give you what you need. I'm in numbers: more than 4 years of experience as a designer, 60+ projects, 25+ logos, 15+ brandbooks that I managed to make, and yes, all these companies are now living and doing their job perfectly. The secret is not just to create a logo, but to create a logotype that will be aimed specifically...
George PetrovskyMarketingцена договорная
Head of markenig for your company
GRIMAX web studioДизайн, верстка и созд. сайтовот 1 000 руб. за час
Приветствую, меня зовут Лада, я руководитель проектов веб-студии GRIMAX. Наша компания занимается: Программированием - разрабатываем: - прикладное, мобильное ПО - сайты любой сложности - игры - программы Дизайном - создаём: - логотипы - фирменный стиль - брендбуки - макеты сайта - макеты корпоративных открыток - презентации - буклеты - листовки - каталоги продукции - распечатываемые баннеры - меню В составе команды: * Руководитель проекта * Команда дизайнеров * Fullstack программист C#, С *...
цена договорная
Менеджер крутого фрилансера Сам тоже работаю) Портфолио: UX/UI Dubai отрисовка + анимация: Ux/Ui Cards отрисовка + анимация: Glassmorphism: Ui Яндекс: Roofr_1: Roofr_2: Sava Web-Company: Sava Stomp:...
Toma MelnikovaUI/UX Designerцена договорная
Hi I'm Toma - a junior UI/UX designer, with great responsibility and love for my work. I graduated from the UX Mind school course. My certificate - My responsibilities: • Prototyping, creating interfaces of web-sites, landing pages; • Interface Design (colors, typography, components, onboarding, registration, illustration, mockups, screens, interface); • Responsive and Adaptive Design • User Flow Design (user goal, task flow, wire flow, user flow, information...
Tony Hanweb developmentот 2 000 руб. за час
Passionate and skilled Full Stack developer offering 8 years of relevant experience and a proven track record of success in achieving extraordinary results. With a strong attention to detail and accuracy and the important ability to function well in a team setting, I am looking for a full stack development job within a forward-moving company. * Software engineer possessing Comprehensive 8 years of experience as IT Professional * Proven track record of success in achieving extraordinary...
Катерина КадашеваБрендингот 2 000 руб. за час
Exadot CompanyFull Cycle IT Companyот 1 300 руб. за час
Мы предлагаем комплексные и интегрированные решения, которые позволяют нашим клиентам решать свои IT-задачи. Мы выполнили более 100 новаторских проектов для наших международных клиентов в различных секторах бизнеса, включая производство, информационные технологии, юриспруденцию, финансы, транспорт, здравоохранение, развлечения и многое другое! Наша цель не просто быть вашим подрядчиком, но и стать надежной командой, с которой вы будете иметь предпочтение работать и всегда возвращаться с...
Nadzeya LebedzFrontend разработкаот 500 руб. за час
I'm a software developer and working around 2,5 years. The main skills: HTML; CSS; CSS Preprocessing (SASS); JavaScript (including es6); TypeScript; React; Redux (redux-thunk, redux-saga); Redux Form; Material-UI; Git; BEM; Adaptive Layout. Experience with React for about 2.5 years. Worked with Jenkins, Jest, Storybook, NextJS, GitLab, GitHub, Semantic UI. Experience with the application on Electron. I deal with design, develop, code, and test technical solutions collaborating with senior...
Виталий Боссовweb developer. designer, fullsот 1 500 руб. за час
I'm a extremely creative person(design, building treehouse, development applications). I love learning something, i do workout almost every day. I know html, css, js, nodejs, data-base, reacjs, figma, photoshop and so on... if in short i'm a full-stack developer
Владимир БогдановCreative Artist 2D Uiот 1 000 руб. за час
Stas IvanovUX/UI Designот 1 600 руб. за час
Resume / Motivation letter Portfolio: My design experience started with small freelance jobs in 2017. My work was in demand, and I decided to build a professional career. In 2018, I got a job at Header&Footer as a UI designer. I had to work hard to develop professional skills in complex instruments. The result of my work in the company was the development of a website for Ekaterina Gordon (lawyer, presidential candidate), which ensured the growth of...
Эльхан МамедовVue,React, Flutter,Android,IOSот 2 000 руб. за час
Мы Tviser Agency - outsource команда веб и мобильных разработчиков. Свяжитесь с нами: Телеграм: @w33haaa Линкедин: Почта: Сайт: Коротко о нас: - 20+ Middle - Senior разработчиков - 50+ запущенных продуктов - Работаем с LG, Hyundai, Газпром, Mothercare, ОТП банк, - 20+ клиентов из 7+ стран - Минимальная ставка от 1500 рублей/час - Ключевые отрасли: маркетинг, ритейл, финтех,...
Николай ТретьяковDevSecOpsцена договорная
{Crypto enjoyer, DevSecOps and vulnerability lover} It’s not magic, it’s talent and sweat. People like me ensure your packets get delivered unsniffed. So what do I do? I make sure that one bad config on one key component doesn’t bankrupt the entire company. That’s what I learn and do.
Ekaterina GalaganIT servicesцена договорная
CYBERGIZER is a software development company. We provide the right solutions to improve our client's business. Our main stack is Ruby, Rails, Javascript (React.js, Vue.js, Node.js).
Тимофей АндреевReact Nativeот 1 500 руб. за час
4 года РН, 2 приложения в сторах github
Алексей Хлиманковразработкацена договорная
I have been working in big product company for 2 years and already disigned and developed 4 projects on python with using aws. I have expiriense with a lot of python web technologes and with cloud solutions as AWS and Asure
Why So SeriousNew Media Art Design, UX/UI, Gот 20 000 руб. за проект
Hello, we are the team of three designers. Our aim is to create branding and logo design for your brand. We are working in minimalistic, playful and creative concept.
Evgeniy AlexandrovSenior .NET developer / Analysцена договорная
I have significant experience at application development for small business. Applications might be different like websites, Web APIs, utilities and desktop applications. My main competency lies in creating reliable scalable micro-service application architecture, data storage services and developing complex data processing algorithms. I have polished my own development process, which allows me to achieve significant results. I like work on projects with people, who cares about...
Наталия СинДизайнот 1 000 руб. за час
В начале своего пути успешно прошла обучения по графическому дизайну и веб дизайну у практикующего дизайнера Санкт-Петербурга. (Sova creative studio). Успешно пройдено обучение с практикой по верстке на Тильде (в том числе zero block,анимация, адаптивы). К выполнению проектов подхожу ответственно и с любовью :), соблюдаю сроки и придерживаюсь ТЗ. Буду рада сотрудничеству!
Faxri AhmadovFull stack developerот 700 руб. за час
Hi my name is Faxri and im 22. Im middle web developer with 3+ years of experience. I was Tech Lead in my company so i have experience with Devops, Git and Leading Laravel projects. I have total like 40 site in my portfolio, 20 of them are laravel projects that i built everything from frontend to devops. 20 of them are Bitrix, Wordpress, Opencart. Im also getting well with front end technologies like Html , Css, Bootstrap, Javascript and Vue JS. My Stack: Languages/Frameworks/Tools...
Dmitry KapaevUI/UX Designот 285 руб. за час
I'm oriented experience designer with more 2 years of experience in UX/UI design
Екатерина КрахмаловаГрафический дизайн/иллюстрациицена договорная
Графический дизайнер, иллюстратор. Привет! Я Катя - графический дизайнер, занимаюсь разработкой логотипов, иконок, созданием креативных иллюстраций, артов и баннеров для социальных сетей. Работаю в программах: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop. Graphic designer, illustrator. Hi! I am Katya, a graphic designer, engaged in the development of logos, icons, creative illustrations, art and banners for social networks. I work in programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.