Фрилансеры (2051)
  • R50 490f7557058efeb31d045e296fbd1334
    +0 / -0
    Hovhannes Nazlukhanyan
    Manager of a group programmers
    от 30 руб. за час

    Welcome to our IT Team – where innovation reigns supreme! Meet our architects, the blueprint maestros crafting robust digital structures. ️ Our developers? They're the code wizards turning lines into user-friendly magic. ✨ Don't forget our designers – pixel-perfect artists making apps both sleek and stunning. Testing? We've got it covered. Bugs don't stand a chance against our squad. And our project managers? They're the conductors keeping our digital symphony in perfect harmony. Together,...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Stevo Ilišković
    Web development
    цена договорная

    My name is Stevo Ilišković. I'm a Web Developer from Bosnia, currently working at a local e-commerce company. In my everyday work, for the past two years, I have mastered JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Figma, Git and ChatGPT. Some of my tasks include implementing new designs for company's webshops using cross-browser techniques, maintaining and upgrading wholesale web catalogues, preparing A/B tests for advertising campaigns, investigating and fixing bugs and others... Outside of work, I had the...

  • R50 955353bda2bb7732fbb45489f6d468f0
    +0 / -0
    Meder Karabaev
    Excellence in all aspects.
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    I am a dedicated frontend developer specializing in Flutter with 2 years of experience. My expertise includes creating visually appealing and responsive UI/UX designs, integrating APIs, and maintaining state management using Provider and GetX. I am proficient in handling both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring optimal performance and user experience. I'm committed to delivering high-quality, maintainable code and thrive in dynamic environments where I can turn complex design challenges into...

  • R50 0f3bebf36da2ebe0bb6178fd568c6b45
    +0 / -0
    Faridun Berdiev
    Software Engineer | .NET/C#
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    More than 6 years of experience in software development.Design and developing of scalable and high-available services using such architectures as microservice, event driven etc.

  • R50 7c286d48a0cae5704775489f03299be6
    +0 / -0
    Александр Кох
    Flutter Developer
    от 800 руб. за час

    - Experienced in using Flutter and Dart for creating cross-platform applications - I am familiar with database management and have experience in using both SQL and NOSql solutions, such as Hive, Firebase Firestore, and SQLite, to effectively manage application data. - Experience with blockchain technologies, trust wallet core, including work with Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, and TRON. - Adopting Clean Architecture and the MVVM and BLoC design patterns, I ensure my applications are...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 3 000 руб. за час

    Я — Frontend разработчик, ставлю перед собой цель создания высокопроизводительных веб-приложений с фокусом на интерактивность и интуитивность пользовательского интерфейса. Специализируюсь на разработке веб-приложений с использованием современных технологий. Мой опыт работы позволяет мне создавать красивые и отзывчивые интерфейсы. Комфортно чувствую себя как в работе над новыми проектами "с нуля", так и в тех, где необходимо поддерживать и оптимизировать существующий код. Моя цель —...

  • R50 1d36cc05138faf3e80ef1cfb2390aafc
    +0 / -0
    Grigor Abrahamyan
    Frontend developer
    от 500 руб. за месяц

    Благодарю за визит))Я готов помочь вам воплотить ваш дизайн-макет в жизнь с помощью качественной и адаптивной верстки. Я имею многолетний опыт работы с проектами различной сложности, что гарантирует высокое качество выполнения. Моя цель - создать результат, который соответствует вашим ожиданиям. Качественную адаптивную верстку вашего дизайн-макета в формате figma․ Использование современных технологий HTML5 , CSS3, JS, React.js для создания уникального визуального вида вашего сайта. ---...

  • R50 b9d71dffb2b54c8ff6d5e7705bc5f29e
    +0 / -0
    Sophie from_SenamaSoft
    Web- and mobile development
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    We provide software development services for mobile and web applications, as well as UI/UX desing and software manual and automated testing. Our team of skilled IT professionals can support your existing projects and implement new solutions to help you meet project deadlines, avoid missed opportunities, and prevent growth slowdowns. If you need outstaffing for your projects or initiatives, we can quickly provide you with the required expertise. As for now, we have available specialists in the...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Олег Громов
    Фронтенд разработчик
    от 100 000 руб. за месяц

    I’m Frontend-developer about of 3 years. I use Vue.js as framework. I can to programming on a clean JavaScript and I have an experience of using Typescript. I work with an Options API and with a Composition API. I use a Vite like bundle of projects. I have experience of using interworking methods between client and server. I use design patterns in developing. I improve my development skills and business communication skills constantly. I’m ready to be interviewed, do interesting tasks and...

  • R50 f6f605013c6dc6e2c6cdf64998c2fdfc
    +0 / -0
    Вячеслав Кузнецов
    Программист, Web-разработчик
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vel accumsan dolor. Mauris varius sapien a mi consectetur malesuada. Praesent posuere suscipit ligula vitae pretium. Praesent dictum at felis nec pharetra. Nunc arcu nibh, imperdiet vel ante et, aliquet pellentesque purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In iaculis auctor convallis.

  • R50 b441101684f41025c2f20702f29bce92
    +2 / -0
    Владас Корас
    цена договорная

    Создаю современные сайты под ключ с продуманной структурой и продающими текстами для малого и среднего бизнеса. Более 90% трафика идет на мобильные устройства, поэтому я уделяю адаптиву не меньше времени, чем компьютерной. Мой путь в веб-дизайн произошел из сферы международной логистики. Опыт работы агентом по букингам с Китаем помогает мне в создании сайтов: — Я легко могу выстроить работающую структуру сайта для предприятия или компании, не теряя много времени на погружение в сферу. —...

  • R50 8257a3f12a5635504f7475389e8e06f6
    +0 / -0
    Ришат Осмонов
    Frontend разработчик
    от 15 000 руб. за проект

    УДОБНАЯ и НАДЁЖНАЯ, разработка сайтов. Инструменты: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JAVASCRIPT, REACTJS, REDUX TOOLKIT, TYPESCRIPT, VITE, TAILWINDCSSРабота в срок!ГАРАНТИЯ - в течении месяца, после сдачи проекта, я исправляю недочеты без доп. оплаты (Если они относятся к ТЗ)Сотрудничая со мной, вы сэкономите ДЕНЬГИ,т.е. при отсутствии макета под мобильные устройства сделаю удобный адаптив!Работая со мной вы получите надежную, не ломающуюся при любых изменениях, версткуПроцесс работы:Оценка работыБыстрое и...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Матвей Симернин
    цена договорная

    My name is Simernin Matvey. I'm a beginner programmer. I am 17 years old, and I have been studying Python since I was 14. I can write an algorithm and train the simplest neural networks using special libraries. There is also experience in creating telegram bots.

  • R50 d59757d24e32c86f6d0cb40932fe02a7
    +0 / -0
    Bahlul Mustafayev
    Blender 3D
    от 300 руб. за час

    Я дизайнер 3D моделей, работаю в программе Blender. Принимаю заказы низкой и средней сложности, выполняю их в кратчайшие сроки. Также выполняю заказы на анимацию в 3D. I'm a 3D model designer, I work on the Blender program I accept orders of low and medium complexity, and make them in the shortest possible time.I also fulfill orders for animated 3D

  • R50 4a5c51f492a1e54825e499d614756df7
    +0 / -0
    Демьян Ригоев
    Frontend developer
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    Contacts: Telegram I have been working in software development for the past 5 years, gaining experience in both backend and frontend development. I have worked with website builders such as WordPress, as well as with native HTML and JavaScript. Throughout my career, I have developed a variety of commercial projects, ranging from e-commerce platforms to large-scale CRM systems. My preferred technology stack is React, TypeScript, and Redux, however, in recent months I have become proficient...

  • R50 3cf0ebae6675b780e986b4d92852b11e
    +8 / -1
    Aleks Front
    Frontend developer
    цена договорная

    Код (часть проекта ): https://bitbucket.org/aleks_front/mipep-preview/src/master/ Резюме: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPzFnqrK9XExvfR3LZYdGL1yEJc_wvgZ Работы: https://egov.uz/ru (react) https://reestr.uz/ru (react) https://id.egov.uz/ru (react) https://derc.uz/ru (react) https://uristico.ru/ - Деловой мир http://ruor.moscow/ - Российский Союз спасателей (Московское городское региональное...

  • R50 993ea10516c71736f2a37ea25b23074e
    +0 / -0
    Serj Nimble
    Enginer developer
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    Software developer with over 7 years of experience, mainly in Java. I have experience with high load systems built with Java and Python. Basic knowledge of data science, machine learning algorithms. I have worked with development of modules and functions of enterprise-level products, working on problems with a modern architecture of mathematical algorithms, analyzing requirements, providing feedback and suggestions for improvement, owning the entire project, and not just your results, working on...

  • R50 7b1b4b611afb4a4cbe3cfc9091da0bb5
    +0 / -0
    Faridun Ismoilov
    Senior DevSecOps
    от 1 руб. за час

    As a seasoned senior DevSecOps engineer, I thrive on leading with passion and driving transformative change in the tech world. With over 5 years of hands-on experience, I've honed my skills to become a fearless leader in optimizing systems for security, efficiency, and resilience. Security Sentinel: Fortifying defenses and safeguarding digital fortresses is my forte. I specialize in orchestrating impenetrable security measures, collaborating closely with Kubernetes platforms and crafting...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Inesa Vardanyan
    Маркетинг и реклама, копирайти
    цена договорная

    I am a marketing professional with over 10 years of experience. Specialized in handling marketing /advertising campaigns /ATL/BTL/ SMM/. Hard-working, creative and proactive. Ambitious, eager to keep growing and evolving in my profession. Constantly developing new skills and abilities.