Работаю , чего и вам желаю ! )
Работаю , чего и вам желаю ! )
I am a junior Node JS developer with solid skills in Node.js, Express, MongoDB ,MySQL, PostgreSQl. Have a solid experience as a junior professional, worked on couple of very interesting educational, e-commerce, CRM platforms as a backend developer. I am an enthusiastic and energetic person. Part of my daily routine is to learn something new (mostly in the IT sphere). I enjoy working with positive people.
WELCOME! I'm ARTEM CHECHENETS - I'm a graphic designer. For more than 11 years I have been working on the design of printed materials: booklets, catalogs, developing logos and corporate styles; presentations and books; design exhibitions and develop websites. HOW CAN I BE USEFUL? I am engaged in graphic design, I solve problems of business with the help of design tools and not only. I work the way I like and think it's right. My job is to find the most convenient, effective and beautiful way...
The Zappa is a Russia-based mobile development offline team with 5+ experience of developing. We provide complex mobile solutions and integrate advanced scientific achievements in your business. We are focused on saving your time by providing the full cycle of product development starting with product design and ending in production and maintenance. Our task is to help you achieve your goals. We ask simple questions to find the best technical solutions. We care, working to make your end users...
Добрый день! Спасибо за Ваш визит на мою страницу! Я представляю компанию Amconsoft: amconsoft.com Наша компания специализируется на разработке программного обеспечения, веб-разработке, разработке мобильных приложений и веб-дизайне. Наши технические и творческие специалисты разработали множество проектов в различных областях, в том числе в деловой, социальной и развлекательной сферах. Обратите внимание на портфолио наших работа на сайте компании. Будем рады сотрудничать с вами, как с нашим...
10 years IT experience and project manager for the past 3 years. Project management expertise including, but not limited to proposal development, planning, scheduling, and monitoring. Ensuring that project requirements / project deliverables are clearly communicated and executed. Applying Agile methodology to execute and deliver projects. Managing schedules, budgets, project assets, and overall project organization. Resource planning on a project by project basis. Providing account management....
I’m a second-year PhD student of Oriental Linguistic and Country Studies Department, BSU. My major is Theory of Language. My research work is dedicated to interaction of metaphor and metonymy in Belarusian and English. I have been conducting English lessons for about three years at schools: more than 2,5 years in my native town Baranovichi right after graduating from the university and half a year in Minsk. While working at school I have got the 2nd skilled category, computer user’s certificate...
Продвинутый пользователь ПК, присутствует сертификат Cisco (Microsoft Windows XP-10, Linux). Имею навыки работы: PhotoshopIllustratorAuditionAfter EffectsVisual StudioSQL Server Management StudioSony Vegas ProAutoCADWordExcelPowerPoint Знаком с: htmlcssjsxmlCC++ (Основы процедурного программирования, ООП)WinAPIWindowsFormsWPFxamlSQLSQLiteMicrosoft SQL SreverFirebaseEntityFrameworkJavaAndroid Native В данный момент улучшаю навыки программирования на C# с использованием различных...
I have a critical view of things, which was formed due to my hobbies, such as tourism and photography. So, thanks to them I have developed perseverance, attention and stress resistance. Due to the fact that I travel often act as a leader, I have learned to lead a group of people and make decisions in stressful situations. I'm working on quality without supervision. I quickly learn new things.
I can describe myself as a hardworking and responsible person with good organizational skills. I always do my best to achieve goals. I can deal with difficult situations.
Selection of a complete set harware(supermicro, Disk Array Enclosure (DAE), raid storage controllers, assembling and configuring hardware. Deploying and configuring CentOS 7, Postgresql( with backup,failover - hot standby), monitoring(zabbix). Setting up scheduller pgagent, connection pool pgbouncer for Postgresql. Supporting development stand(jenkins). Participation in development of database structure, setting up partition mechanism for tables, searching "bottle necks" on queries layer,...
TOPMADEAPP.COM — это студия разработки программного обеспечения. Мы работаем с 2009 года и имеем опыт работы как с большими компаниями, такими как Nestle, так и с малыми организациями и физ. лицами. Ко всем нашим клиентами мы относимся ответственно и добросовестно. Наши работы разнообразны и имеют высокие оценки от самых авторитетных изданий в России и за рубежом. Все наши проекты указанные на нашем сайте постоянно развиваются и преображаются. Если вам не удалось найти нужный вам продукт,...
security, automation and climbing
Software developer and entrepreneur.
Более 2 лет в тестировании. Командный игрок.Усидчивый. Быстро обучаемый
About Myself I am 24 years old. I am a graduate of Belarussian state university the faculty of physics. The reason why i became a programmer is interest in computer games. I spend almost all my free time in learning and self-development. I am interested in computer vision , machine learning computer graphics and game-dev. The couple words about my experience in IT. First of all, Epam gave me a strong knowleadge in OOP programming and particularly in .NET platform. I participated in...
Hello, dear client. Thanks for your attention to my candidacy. I am positive skillful UX/UI specialist highly interested in the mobile and web application design with challenging tasks: - marketing and target audience research and analysis - information architecture arranging - user flow engineering - content strategy - interactive prototyping - testing and improving design solutions to get down the best UX - designing shining brand new UI visual assets I am familiar with mobile app's...
Программист, IT Благодарю за внимание. Являюсь одним из разработчиков Web Frontend и Backend. Основное: ** PHP, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, AngularJs, Laravel, Codeigniter ** WebSocket, WebRTC, Socket.io ** Node.js Express ** Angular.js ** React.js ** Swift , Object C ** Ionic, hybrid ** Ruby on Rails, Python, Django ** Cryptocurrency ** Website Design and Optimization (Speeding Up), Responsible Design ** C, C ++ ** Spring, Struts, Hibernate, java Более подробную...
UI/UX design Web-sites and Lending page
Портфолио: https://www.behance.net/elijahkuzmichov Hello! I am 2d artist, Illustrator game developer on Construct 2 engine. Skills: Raster illustration Raster 2d elements for games Graphic design Vector graphic Animation in Adobe Animate Software: Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Animate Experiences: Worked with DIGICODE, IsofBet, Enixan group - creating ui for slots and social games. I have experience in graphic design and creation of advertising banners. Open to your...
React.js expert, high level front-end developer with Angular.js and Vue.js experience Hello! I'm a fronted web-developer with 10 years of front-end and 5 year of backend experience. I've built a lot of web sites. I have experiences with web application development from scratch to production with linux/mac os x. I really love React.js and Vue.js. I live in Kaliningrad, Russia. My time zone is UTC/GMT +2 hours. Main skills with React 16, React Roter 4. FrontEnd: Vue.js 2, Angularjs 1.5, jQuery,...
Hello, Many experiences implementing similar tasks. I will do it qualitatively and in time, you will be satisfied. You can get acquainted with my portfolio. http://redbox.in.ua/portfolio I have 4 years experience with Front-end: HTML5, CSS, javascript (I use jQuery), bootstrap. With what cms worked: Wordpress, open-cart, drupal. Androd app: java, kotlin. A lot of experience with Back-end: Mysql, PHP, yii2. Confident work with GIT I do UI / UX Design on a business level. Communication: skype...
начинающий ruby/ruby on rails разработчик, диджей (edm music : deep house, tech house, nu-disco) I like to use Ruby, Ruby on Rails for coding. I have: -high self-motivation and desire to learn and develop; -basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS (jQuery); -knowledge and experience of using Ruby, Ruby on Rails/Sinatra; -problem solving skills; -experience in Windows, Linux (Ubuntu); -experience with Git, Github (GitKraken).
Graphic Design, UI/UX, Web design, Landing page, Mobile design iOS and Android, Adobe Ps Ai Id, Sketch 3 (основной), Craft, Zeplin, Measure, Pixel Perfect, Animate, Flinto, Hype 3, Prototyping, InVision, Marvel, Branding, Print Design, Creative Direction. https://www.dropbox.com/s/latz4dz54wz5yvc/PORTFOLI...
Ph.D. (Tech.) Proven Senior and Team Lead - SA - Project Manager in World-Wide Mobile Telecom Networks 17+ years Telecom experience with HP, NetCracker, Inline Group... Customers: Vimpelcom, Kartel, Mobitel, Armentel, Tacom, Vodacom(South Africa), Pelefone(Israel), H3G(Austria) etc.etc. Projects: HLR/HSS/Antispoof/IUM/Telecom Service Creation, 1st LTE implementation in Africa @Vodacom Professional Translator, English Tutor