• Manual Functional, Regression and Smoke testing • Data Migration testing • Systems Integration testing • Test documentation development and review • Documentation (requirements, specification, service requests, user stories) analysis and validation • Defects Management (logging, reviewing, tracking) • Estimates creation for testing activities • Building testing processes and communication • QA team leading • Mentoring
Виолетта КарпушенкоФункциональное тестировани ПОот 1 200 руб. за час
Дмитрий ЧирковИТ-архитектор, ИТ-консультант, UNIX/Linux, DevOps, Cloud Architectот 3 000 руб. за час
Внедрение и администрирование серверов и серверного программного обеспечения на платформах Unix (Oracle Solaris 10/11, IBM AIX 6.1/7.1) и GNU/Linux (RHEL 5/6/7, SLES 11/12, Ubuntu Server), локальных вычислительных сетей, сетей хранения данных, дисковых массивов; архитектурная проработка решений по виртуализации, оптимизация производительности операционных систем; взаимодействие с заказчиком на предмет выяснения первоначальных потребностей, принятие решения о выборе информационной системы и...
Azimbek MakhmudovAll in one. I am full stack.от 2 000 руб. за час
Я full-stack разработчик с опытом работы более 7 лет.. Я работал над широким спектром проектов по всему миру, от программного обеспечения для электронной коммерции до приложений для социальных сетей. Вот мой набор навыков: - Js, React Native, NodeJs, NextJs, React, Express, NustJs, Vue - Php, laravel, Yii, Codeigniter, Symphony - MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB - Dart, flutter, Riverpod, Bloc, Provider, Getx, Getit, Frozen, Hive, Moor - Amazon Web Services, Digital Ocean, Heroku, Firebase,...
Фокин АлександрМобильные приложения, Flutterот 850 руб. за час
Занимаюсь разработкой приложений на Flutter (Redux, BLoC, Provider, http, dio, moor, SQLite) больше года. Имеется опыт выкладывания приложений в AppStore & Google Play. Работал с firebase для настройки adMob, notifications и crashlytics. Также занимаюсь настройкой аккаунтов apple для sign in with Apple, associated domains, etc. Пишите, с радостью проконсультирую :)
Maksym DevFlutterцена договорная
Разработка, прототипирование приложений на фрейморке Flutter
Виталий РудойPower BIот 25 000 руб. за проект
Работаю Senior Accounts Receivable Accountant в Nestlé Businesses Service более 6 лет. Proficient with PowerBI, Excel, SAP, PowerPoint. Able to work with big volume of data. Have excellent analytical skills, great communicative and organizational competencies, Capable of creative thinking, highly disciplined, demanding and responsible. Excellent leadership skills. Ability to lead GSTD, LEAN and DMAIC projects. Certified Six Sigma White Belt Coach. Свободно владею PowerBI, Excel,...
Dmitry IvanovAndroid-разработчикцена договорная
Android-разработчик с опытом самостоятельной разработки мобильных приложений с нуля больше года. Также, имею опыт коммерческой разработки. Постоянно читаю, прохожу курсы и изучаю новые технологии. Есть публикация в Play Market - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wexberry.fastestbrain Android stack: - Activity/Fragment Lifecycle; - Service; - Broadcast Receivers; - Navigation Component; - WorkManager; - Retrofit; - Room; - Coroutines; - Flow; - StateFlow; -...
Сергей СмирновFlutter developerот 600 руб. за час
Stack: Dart, Flutter, Firebase, GetX, BLoC, Provider, Hive, SQLite, WebView, Animation, Java/Kotlin(basic knowledge), Tools (VS Code, Android SDK, Git)
Liliia HorbachGraphic Designer | Illustratorот 1 500 руб. за час
Сreating illustrations, corporate identity and patterns, I successfully help brands to show growth using graphic design ❤. The ability to create AR effects is an additional opportunity to show my potential in digital activity. Thanks to artistic education at school, I create illustrations on a graphic tablet and draw paints on canvas. I consider myself as a responsible and attentive person with a precise set of design skills and ability for a quick self-education. I am expert in...
Alina TymofiievaНаписание баг-репортовцена договорная
Objective: Seeking a position of intern QA engineer, utilizing my organizational, analytical and conversational skills for personal and company growth. Education: 2011-2015 - College of oil and gas technology, engineering and service infrastructure 2015-2017 - Odessa National O.S. Popov Academy of Telecommunications (ONAT) Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication systems Experience: 2014 - present - Nail technician Skills: Analytical Planning Time management Hobbies: cms table tennis...
Максим ПохилыйMobile apps development using React Nativeот 1 100 руб. за час
- Integrate third party libraries, for example: -- Visualise any data in charts -- UI-kits -- Localization -- Animation -- Manipulation with any parts of UI (like swipe to delete etc.) - Create custom UI-kits: -- Modal windows -- Side menu -- List items -- Buttons -- Inputs -- Sliders -- Charts -- etc. - Create scalable architecture of apps - Push notifications - Siri integration for iOS - Deploy test builds to firebase test flight service with the ability to install on a...
Давид МартиросянВеб-Разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
I'm ambitious professional with huge background in web development. I enjoy software development and provide business solutions to my clients with using innovative thinking and proven techniques. I can work on your existing websites and also can build for you from very start to an awesome end. Knowledge of HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, Jquery. Knowledge of Bootstrap. Advanced knowledge of PHP. Strong understanding of OOP principles. Excellent knowledge of Laravel framework. Ability to work...
Павел СаловскийProduct Lead Data Scienceот 1 000 руб. за час
Большой опыт разработки продуктов, сервисов и приложений на основе Искусственного интеллекта, управления разработкой ПО - системы предиктивной аналитики, AML-системы (безопасность финансовых сервисов). Чатботы под различные бизнес-задачи - разговорные боты, сбор/приёмка заказов, голосовой бот (телефонный "обзвонщик") HelpDesk и т.д. и т.п. Любые сценарии взаимодействия. Встраивание искусственного интеллекта (категоризация обращений, различные модели обработки текстовых сообщений из чат-бота,...
Дмитрий Беликовphp backend программистот 1 000 руб. за час
Я middle php backend разработчик, в сфере уже 5 лет. Сейчас работаю в крупной компании pbprog.ru (https://pbprog.ru/service/komanda.php смотреть IT department). В php пришёл когда он был ещё 5 версии и прошел весть путь от джуна не понимающего что к чему до того что имею сейчас. Понимание ООП, SOLID, dependency injection и других страшных, для многих, слов. Если Вам нужен разработчик отвечающий за свои слова, то Вы видите именно того кто Вам нужен! Из технологий: php + vuejs
Евгений БаладжаFlutter, Rustот 1 руб. за час
Разработчик Flutter (frontend) и Rust / Go (backend). Демо-приложение на Flutter: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.g... Внутри обычный CRUD, Firebase, полнотекстовый поиск, камера, карты, фоновый ресайзинг картинок. Архитектура приложения 3-tier, provider с элементами BLOC. Возможен полноценный offline-режим с фоновой синхронизацией. Возможна компиляция в WEB-PWA. 15 $ в час, либо фикс.
Azamat AlmazbekovРабота с androidx библиотекойот 130 руб. за час
Я, Android developer, ищу интересные проекты. Могу верстать сложные адаптивные интерфейсы, имплементить Material Design Есть опыт создания приложений мобильного банкинга Умею писать юнит тесты Core Java,Kotlin Multi-screen support Android Jetpack (Room, Navigation, Data binding, MotionLayout ...) Firebase Google Map Api, GPS, Geo Location Работа с Push notification Web Service, XML, JSON, RSS MySQL, SQLite Git, GitHub
Victoria KabanovaWeb developmentцена договорная
We are Leviossa IT - software development company can provide you with the various services - from creating simple landing pages to complex architectural solutions. We have worked with both large international teams and small startups - but the one thing our clients have in common is satisfaction with the excellent result. Our hard skills: ❂ Back-end development with Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Express.js, Python; ❂ Front-end development with AngularJS/2+, React.js, Vue.js; ❂ Database...
Rock Star.Netцена договорная
I am developer
Anna Bovdaweb developmentцена договорная
Sloboda Studio is a Ukraine based provider of mobile&web development services with 70+ technical experts since 2010 To learn more about our projects please use the link https://sloboda-studio.com/work/ We are well-experienced in a wide range of software domains: - Mobile&Web development- Fin Tech (Finance news analytics, crowd curation)- Data science/machine learning/AI solutions- Booking systems (taxi and real estate, geo-location API connection)- E-commerce (Full featured CMS and...
Gang TanFlutter&Dart | Android | IOSот 200 000 руб. за месяц
I am a hardworking, highly proficient IT professional and an Senior Mobile developer skilled with all the tools required for the art of creating marvelous Apps. - I have a passion to create wonderful and eye-catching Web Apps that appeal to both the users needs and senses. By this time I have learned to tackle various kinds of projects and provide their further development with new versions and maintenance. - I am currently Mobile/Web developer. I have over 7 years of experience in...
Yulia VolkunovichБизнес-аналитикот 700 руб. за час
I have experience and excellent skills in business analysis. I am successfully developing in the field of management. In my portfolio, there are already launched projects working with real users, web projects and mobile applications. Some projects: Obstetrics mobile app - Web service for searching online courses. React, Python Go Hamster mobile game - Mobile application for monitoring pregnancy. C ++, .net www.codinglist.com - Casual mobile game. Xamarin www.shuttledelivery.co.kr - Food...
Anthill WorldwideSoftware developmentот 3 000 руб. за час
Anthill Worldwide is your trusted partner in software development. We are an IT management company of reliable, talented and proven web developers who are ready to take on a project of any size. Our rigorous selection process guarantees you will be working with professionals of the highest level. Whether it's a website or complex web application, we can build that. Customer service is our top priority and we can ensure you will be 100 % satisfied with the results. We are doing full research...
Дмитрий ИвонинFull Stack Webот 1 000 руб. за час
I am a passionate Full Stack Web Developer, who loves modern web development and has over 10 years of experience in this area. Over the past 3 years I have worked with startups and international companies and communicated with different teams. At the moment I am also an IT entrepreneur who leads a team and develops his own product. I believe in strong partnerships, and I feel like my extensive expertise and solid soft skills – responsibility, customer service, quality focus, continuous...
Dima DavydovUX/UI Designerцена договорная
В портфолио представлены не все работы: https://www.behance.net/wewerwra Больше работ можно посмотреть тут: https://yadi.sk/d/M_uLSaPapf2x0Q?w=1
Nick KharkovskyСистемный Администраторот 400 руб. за час
I'm June as a Linux system administrator. I have a lot of experience finding hardware problems on PC. At the moment I work as a TechOps engineer in NameCheap. I have experience in using and configuring Mail services, as well as their maintenance. Working with hypervisors and VMs, respectively and working with HTTP Servers. In general, I do everything that comes to hand.