I’m a mobile developer with experience in building websites for small and medium sized businesses. Whether you’re trying to win work, list your services or even create a whole online store – I can help! I’m experienced in HTML and CSS 3, React native, JS, WordpPess and SEO I’ll fully project manage your brief from start to finish Regular communication is really important to me, so let’s keep in touch!
Ilhomjon MukhamedovMobile developerот 2 000 руб. за час
Наталья НащекинаСоздаю сайты с удобной,продумацена договорная
Курсы от Moscow Digtal Academy Тренинг от PRO FREE WORK Личные качества: Мобильность Гибкость Инициативность Адаптивность Умение работать в команде
цена договорная
I am studying in Gdańsk University of Technology, Trying to find work experience
Армат ИлимисовАналитикот 100 руб. за час
Меня зовут Армат. Работаю более 2х лет аналитиком, сам по образованию инженер ракетно-космической техники. Ранее не брал работу фриланс. Поэтому готов взяться даже за проекты с символической оплатой или без. При этом я настроен выполнять работу добросовестно и в срок. Очень ответственно подхожу к любой работе. Программирую на языках Python, C и C#, есть базовые навыки SQL, а также продвинутые Excel и Google-таблицы. My name is Armat. I have been working as an analyst for over 2 years. I am...
Мурат АтилаHTML верстальщик / Frontendот 3 000 руб. за проект
Интересуюсь современными тенденциями в области веб-разработки. Ответственно подхожу к решению поставленных задач, используя наиболее оптимальные методы и инструментарий. Критично отношусь к собственному коду. Ключевые навыки Хорошее знание HTML5, Twig, CSS3, Less, Stylus. Базовые знания php. Знание - Блочной/табличной, фиксированной/резиновой, кроссбраузерной верстки,адаптивной верстки, параллакс. Стараюсь придерживаться, методологии БЭМа. Отлично справляюсь с вёрсткой e-mail рассылки. Сборка...
SomeName SomeSurnamePython programmerцена договорная
Freelance is new to me. I can work for very little money.
Konstantin GrishinHTML, CSS, pyfhon, photoshopот 500 руб. за час
С 2012 года сидел на Work-zille, затем ушел с фриланса. Занимался дистанционным обучением работе с компом, офисными и графическими пакетами, только сейчас уже мало таких людей, которым нужны такие услуги платно. Сейчас решил опять вернуться на фрпиланс. Из официальных навыков имею: Курсы проф переподготовки ЛИМТУ (компьютерная графика и веб дизайн+js) - 2009г. Курсы python - 2021 Кроме этого, занимался ретушей фото, версткой сайтов, WordPressom, таблицами Excel и тому подобное
Юрий ОсиповPythonот 1 000 руб. за час
I’m a software developer with over than 5 years of experience with different technologies including C, Python(Many modules including requests, asyncio, python-valve etc), Lua and many more. I’m a big fan of unix based operating systems, my favorite linux distro is Pop os, but I’m currently using windows due to limitations provided by my current work. I have good experience with server administration of linux and windows servers. I’ve done it for about 6 years. I’ve started from game...
Anna BaharyanHTML,CSS,JavaScriptот 2 000 руб. за проект
Hello! I am Anna. Programming is my third profession. I am crazy about this work and I am doing my best to achieve good results. I hope there will be people who will help me and will show me the right way to success. Now I master HTML, CSS,SCSS, JavaScript ,React.js,Redux,jQuerry,MaterialUI,Bootstrap. I am waiting for job offers. You can see my work on my GitHub page/https://github.com/annabaharyan/
GRIMAX web studioДизайн, верстка и созд. сайтовот 1 000 руб. за час
Приветствую, меня зовут Лада, я руководитель проектов веб-студии GRIMAX. Наша компания занимается: Программированием - разрабатываем: - прикладное, мобильное ПО - сайты любой сложности - игры - программы Дизайном - создаём: - логотипы - фирменный стиль - брендбуки - макеты сайта - макеты корпоративных открыток - презентации - буклеты - листовки - каталоги продукции - распечатываемые баннеры - меню В составе команды: * Руководитель проекта * Команда дизайнеров * Fullstack программист C#, С *...
Toma MelnikovaUI/UX Designerцена договорная
Hi I'm Toma - a junior UI/UX designer, with great responsibility and love for my work. I graduated from the UX Mind school course. My certificate - https://cutt.ly/AKLSl72 My responsibilities: • Prototyping, creating interfaces of web-sites, landing pages; • Interface Design (colors, typography, components, onboarding, registration, illustration, mockups, screens, interface); • Responsive and Adaptive Design • User Flow Design (user goal, task flow, wire flow, user flow, information...
Кирилл МасляевJunior Front-end developerот 500 руб. за час
Hello There! My name is Kirill. I am a Business Informatics Specialist. Experience in HTML layout for at least a year, front experience for half a year I take on the work with full responsibility, I do it quickly and efficiently! ;) My stack: HTML, CSS, tailwind, js, Ts, React, Redux + toolkit, RTK Query, git&github My portfolio - https://eforz.github.io/
Данил ГалкинAndroid developerот 250 руб. за час
Position: Junior Android Developer Work format: Remotely Location: Novosibirsk Salary expectation: 250-300/час About me: К андроид разработке я пришёл осознанно побывав и на других отраслях разработки от бэкенд до веба. Я люблю андроид рзарботку и всё что с ней связано я подхожу со всей серьёзностью. Я применяю новейшие принципы разработки, делая приложения эффективными и производительными, а код в нём максимально пригодным для дальнейшей разработки. Для меня нет сложности изучить какой...
Павел ШуклинWeb-дизайнот 1 100 руб. за час
You can see the portfolio: https://www.behance.net/shuklinp https://dribbble.com/PNBlab Professional designer with 8 years of experience. Scince early years I realized, that practical involvement is a key to success in my work. Acquired skill was appreciated by different companies. Both to young startups and hugest Russian companies i was able to deliver stable level of quality and understanding of business meaning in any piece of work. There are different ways to do design. Mostly it...
Stepan RozeFrontend developerот 1 500 руб. за час
I have 4+ years of experience in front-end development. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS), JavaScript and jQuery. I make a valid (in accordance with the standards W3C), semantic, 100% responsive code. Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future, and allows co-workers to quickly work with it. My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Bower, and yarn to speed up development. ...
Александр Апоносёнокfrontend developer / верстальщцена договорная
I'm frontend developer with experience in creating SPA using React,Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML & CSS, SCSS . Usualy i prefer tospend my leisure time on studying new technologies. Ready to consider project work and full-time employment. SKILLS: REACT | REDUX JS/ES6+ | TYPESCRIPT AXIOS | REST API REACT HOOKS REACT-ROUTER-DOM REDUX THUNK | REDUX FORM HTML & CSS | SCSS TDD | UNIT TESTS | STORYBOOK GIT | GITHUB MATERIAL UI
Nadzeya LebedzFrontend разработкаот 500 руб. за час
I'm a software developer and working around 2,5 years. The main skills: HTML; CSS; CSS Preprocessing (SASS); JavaScript (including es6); TypeScript; React; Redux (redux-thunk, redux-saga); Redux Form; Material-UI; Git; BEM; Adaptive Layout. Experience with React for about 2.5 years. Worked with Jenkins, Jest, Storybook, NextJS, GitLab, GitHub, Semantic UI. Experience with the application on Electron. I deal with design, develop, code, and test technical solutions collaborating with senior...
Alexander KorenchikovWeb frontend; .NET; TDD/BDDот 2 500 руб. за час
Senior developer .NET fullstack developer is looking for a remote part-time work (last 6 years worked remotely) Last 9 years - ASP.NET UI components development (asp.net webforms, asp.net mvc) at DevExpress Last 3 years - Blazor UI components research and development (datagrid, charts, pivotgrid, various navigation components) at DevExpress Frontend skillset: 1. JS (es6 latest features), TS, SCSS/SASS, rollup, custom web components 2. Improving performance (60fps, no-reflows, es6 modules,...
Stas IvanovUX/UI Designот 1 600 руб. за час
Resume / Motivation letter Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/skrjinsky My design experience started with small freelance jobs in 2017. My work was in demand, and I decided to build a professional career. In 2018, I got a job at Header&Footer as a UI designer. I had to work hard to develop professional skills in complex instruments. The result of my work in the company was the development of a website for Ekaterina Gordon (lawyer, presidential candidate), which ensured the growth of...
Aidar MaksimovSoftware(Frontend)от 400 руб. за час
Personal qualities: attentiveness, diligence, efficiency, responsibility.Hobbies: languages, reading books, learning web and app development, snowboarding.In 2014 I went to the USA to study English languages and now I have B1 level. Also, I went to the USA in summer 2017 by Work&Travel program to improve my language skills and get cultural exchange, get international work experience.
Hamlet Hakobjanyanback-end developerот 500 руб. за час
I'm Hamlet, I have been working as a developer for the past year. About me: quick understanding, quick orientation in tasks, ability to work in a team. I am seeking a new role which leverages my skill set.
Evgeny iOSiOS Разработка | Zennoposterот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello dear Friend! Thank you for your interest in my profile page. I'm really like iOS Development and learning something new every day. I'll be happy to help build you with your mobile app. I'm a programmer with many experiences automating action in the web browser. Usually, I'm using Zennoposter with C# and requests POST GET, but sometimes I use other technologies. I have skills with Zennoposter, Xcode, Android Studio. I know C# and Swift Languages and I'll be happy to work in...
Leonid SahakyanSenior Software engineerот 1 800 руб. за час
I am experienced developer for more that 15 years. I have been a key developer in large-scale projects. During the work process I am finding the best solution for the problem by looking at different aspects of it and using suitable technologies.
Nune GabrielyanQA Engineerот 1 000 руб. за час
I am a manual QA Engineer with 1 year of experience. I work on websites and make desktop and mobile testing for our projects. It's important to ensure perfect functionality usability and compatibility of our projects. Another importance is always make understandable and well problem describing bug reports , be on line with team members and update work process
Максим ВиниченкоFrontend developerот 1 500 руб. за час
● 10 years experience in software development ● Team work experience ● Project managment experience. Have used Scrum at least 3 years ● Git, SVN experience ● Attention to details ● Fast learning of new things Major skills: - Vue: Vuex, Nuxt, Quasar framework. - Python/Django : begginer level. - Sketch, Invision, Figma - Docker