I create characters and illustrations. I do love design and I like to invent something new. At my background I have University's diploma and two art schools. Great freelance experience and job in a restaurant holding company as a designer.
Adi Katzдизайнерот 100 руб. за час
Ruckus WirelessTelecomот 600 000 руб. за месяц
Chief specialist of telecommunications Networking, good skills in routing, multicast, VPN, Wireless Solutions.
Andrey Ctkn.net/js developerот 350 руб. за час
Experience My experience is based on writing web applications (over three years) on asp.net platform. Also, I have experience in develop web application on js server side framework (as like as express.js and sails.js).I like to use TDD and BDD style in develop application. Skills Language: С#, JavaScript, Ruby, bash Back-end: asp.net (web froms, mvc, web api, nancy), node.js (express.js, sails.js). ·Testing: nunit, moq,...
Анастасия Дёминаweb-дизайнер, граф. дизайнерот 500 руб. за час
Очень качественно работаю. Главный акцент в работе делаю на то, какие ощущения хочет в итоге получить клиент от своего заказа. На предварительном этапе я заполняю с клиентом бриф, подбираем гармоничную цветовую схему, шрифты... Каждый этап работы согласовывается, чтобы в итоге получить желаемый результат.
Анатолий ЩербаковPython/Django developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Business automation systems development in Python/Django. Lead developer at Recall Masters Inc and Vboost Inc, also affiliated with couple of enthusiastic/startup projects. Interested in aspiring Python/Django developers.
Артем ЯрыгинПрограммистот 600 руб. за час
Experience in UNIX administration for 2 years. - Install, configure, and support for FreeBSD, CentOS and others UNIX distributions Experience in application programming a 1.5 year. - Development of a torrent client for the sale of digital content - Development of control systems by means of video Experience in developing web-sites 3 years - Install, configure, and support bitrix, oscoomerce, wordpress, joomla and other CMS - QT, C++, PHP/HTML/JS, SQL, WinAPI.
Павел ИгнатенкоИнженер Контроля Качестваот 300 руб. за час
In God we trust, everything else we test
Вероника Ворографический дизайн , версткацена договорная
http://illustrators.ru/users/id47668/portfolio http://www.arthero.ru/?veronica http://vkontakte.ru/#/albums137609737 Высокий уровень пользования : Adobe Photoschop, Illustrator, in Design, Corel, Lightroom, Flash (начальный уровень) Опыт работы в графическом дизайне и полиграфии. Профессиональная работа с печатной продукциеи. Профессиональное владение диджитайзером (планшет), рисование от руки. Роспись в технике аэрографии 2004-2012, дизайн тюнинга авто. Навык работы с фотографией и...
Богдан ЧайкаПрограммистот 500 руб. за час
I begin programming and earn money by it in may 2005 year. Now i'm a strong adept of Erlang. But my first language was C++ and Java. At first time i develop desktop application for Win32 : spying system and "work list reports" for building company. After that i took part in startUp project kupui.com and ukrmoney.com on perl - ukrainian analogs of ebay.com and paypal.com. This projects were unsuccessful. In 2007 i begin develop audit system for financianal bank also on perl. During this time i...
Андрей ПомазанДизайн игр и анимация.от 45 000 руб. за месяц
Привет! Я занимаюсь игровой графикой, анимацией и короткими мультфильмами. Последний подобный я рисовал для игрового портала, но делаю и для прочих проектов. Могу запилить и вам. Специализируюсь на работе во flash, но умею в фотошоп, и даже в его анимацию. У меня есть небольшое уютное портфолио. Моя почта — to.murlyka[at]gmail.com Мой ненужный linkedin — ru.linkedin.com/in/murlyka/
sergey shevtsovDeveloperот 600 руб. за час
My first plugin was written 6 years ago in AutoCAD 2000 by C++/VBA/delphi. Aftrer that i was researched .NET technology. Since that time i am CAD(AutoCAD, Navisworks, Revit, Microstation etc)/.NET(WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET) developer. - CAD systems: Expert in CAD programming and custom CAD application development for AutoCAD, creating custom entity/objects, cutomize AutoCAD, custom commands, using ObjectARX, VBA-scripts, Lisp. Developer Navisworks SDK (.NET, COM). Developer Revit SDK (.NET, COM)....
Николай ЛитвакВерстка, Wordpress, Magento,от 2 300 руб. за час
Over the last 6 years, I have developed a wide range of websites using HMTL, DHTML, PHP, and MySQL including sites for startup companies and small businesses. My core competency lies in complete end-end management of a new website development project, and I am seeking opportunities to build websites from the ground up for you or your business.
Volodimir DanilivВеб програмистот 200 руб. за час
For the past year and an half I have been working as a freelance programmer , HTML CSS, also I have skills in programming on SMARTY, PHP. Also I work with Content Manager System (CMS), Joomla, Wordpress, usually I work with Web design, I have skills in using software package Photoshop for my projects. Furthermore, I have useful skills in working with SVN and MySQL. Also I used to work as Virtual Service Administrator on Unix system.
Евгения ФилипповаGraphic, Web and 3D Designerот 30 000 руб. за месяц
Образование: Графический дизайн + художественное. Опыт работы в графике: 11 лет.I'm engaged in tattoo art, graphic, web and 3d interior design, visual art, painting, dream weaving :)Last job: Web Designer, The First Group - Dubai, UAE.Previous jobs: Graphic Designer, Molecules Events Management - Dubai, UAE.Freelance Designer, Dubai, Ukraine, Russia.
Rita GoldbergTranslation/Tutoringцена договорная
Внимание к мелочам и соблюдению сроков проекта. Переводы: Деловая переписка. Юридическая тематика. Американский английский. 19 лет в США. Образование: - Московский Лингвистический Университет (Институт Иностранных Языков им. Мориса Тореза) - Seton Hall School of Law - University of San Francisco/Certificate in Internet Marketing Опыт преподавания английского и русского через Skype. Корректирование/редактура Отредактирую текст, чтобы он звучал естественно...
Eugene ChernyavskyHTML Coderот 300 руб. за час
MIPT (МФТИ) Student, skilled in creating web-sites on Joomla, WordPress and pure PHP.
Надыр СаидмахмудовПрограммирование на PHPот 30 000 руб. за месяц
I'm a web developer with 3 years PHP development experience and currently I've been working with CodeIgniter PHP framework. I found many helpful things in CodeIgniter which make my work easier.
цена договорная
More than 5 years of experience in quality assurance for multi-level client-server systems; Solid teamwork experience, QA Leading included (for the last 4 years); Job responsibilities include creating and documenting test cases: • PQ/OQ Test Cases creation and implementing test cases on the all levels of testing, tests execution and documenting, analyze of the testing results; • Test specifications and creation of the description of a project lifecycle; • Detecting deviations and issues and...
Яков КурочкинСпециалист по тестированиюот 250 руб. за час
linkedin.com/in/YakovK Практический опыт тестирования Web, desktop и мобильных приложений(iOS, Android), есть возможность поднять свой Redmine для работы с клиентами. Для тестов имеются следующие устройства: iPhone 6s iPhone 5s iPad Air Sony xperia ZR Nexus 7
Андрей БелогорцевWEB-Developerот 300 руб. за час
I have 7 years experience in Web development. I have developed a wide range of websites using Html, CSS, and a little JS, php, also using CMS and Bulletin board (Joomla, Wordpress, PHPbb). Self-study and prepare graphics for the site using PhotoShop, FireWorks, CorelDRAW. I have deployed over 15 fully functional websites. I also have experience in SEO, social media and internet strategy. I am also a reseller of WebHosting Provider FreeHost.com.ua (I can offer you: Domain...
Яна КлимоваТестированиецена договорная
Qa Automation Engeneer - 1,7 years LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/yana-klimova-267b37140
от 1 200 руб. за час
vk.com/opensource linkedin.com/in/pogorzhelskiy habrahabr.ru/users/pogorzhelskiy
Zakir GВерстка сайтовот 300 руб. за час
Профессиональная HTML/CSS верстка: - блочно (in divs), - валидно (W3C), - кроссбраузерно (IE 6,7,8, Firefox 2+, Opera 9+, Google Chrome, Safari) Верстаю очень качественно – не важно фикс или резина.
Ряснов ВладимирWeb developerот 250 руб. за час
I'm an educated programmer, having a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I have 3 years of field experience working on various projects in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHPl) environment. I'm interested in new challenging projects.
Сергей ЖуковPHP программистот 700 руб. за час
PHP-development from 2005. The development of plug-ins, extensions for CMS, Web sites. In a photo (tone correction, restoration, installation, preparation for printing photos), layout of newspaper and magazine layouts: compliance with respect to indentation spacing, allowances for cutting, styling, creating a hardware dependent documents for printing (*. Ps), the use of color catalogs PONTONE . SEO-optimization; There are clear about: search engine ranking results, the preparation of the...