Работал в четырех проектах: - edparfum.ru - оптимизиация производительности сайта (test.edparfum.ru) - mmorpg.su - новый функционал, верстка, - 37re.ru - новый функционал, производительность - peropavlina.ru – поддержка проекта / новый функцонал frontend/backend
Андрей ПавловПрограммистот 400 руб. за час
Леонид ШвечиковВеб-разработчикот 600 руб. за час
Perfectionist with deadlines
Женя МаксименкоGO DEVцена договорная
I’m a solutions architect focused on building highly scalable native applications with a special in APIs, Microservices, containerized applications, and distributed systems. I’m passionate about building scalable backend systems and Microservices in Go. I’m pragmatic minimalist who focuses on realworld practices for architecting solutions. Worked with Erlang, Prolog, PHP and Java. Now Golang i my way.
Pavel DemyanenkoFront-endот 600 руб. за час
Hi there, I'm a professional web developer that pays attention to details, concentrating on quality-driven development. More than anything I working with cutting-edge technologies and web trends. I want to be involved in projects that I can be proud of, join an amazing team, and advance my design and development career. Take some time to look at my work, credentials, and if you're interested in helping me make this happen, let's get in touch.
Евгений ДороватовскийPython Expert Developerот 800 руб. за час
Interested in a long term Python programmer position where my skills can be used in designing, optimizing applications and their performance. Summary of Skills: • In the industry of software development since 2009; • Extremely good problem solving skills; • Great at working with complex challenge; Proficient in: • Web-applications (Flask, Django and others); • REST API (Flask, Django and others); • Desktop applications (PyQt4, PyQt5); • Socket's server (Tornado); • Telegram and...
Denis Rudovsoftware developerот 900 руб. за час
Разрабатываю Веб приложения на Javascript(ES6, Webpack, React etc) и на PHP. Хорошее знакомство с Yii и React.JS Люблю интересные задачи. Буду рад нашему с вами сотрудничеству. Development of the Web Applications by using of Javascript on the frontend side and PHP on the backend side. Strong PHP background. Experience in the frontend Web UI development with help of Javascript and CSS/HTML5 technologies and libraries. Good knowledge in relational databases such as MySQL and Sqlite, work with...
Сергей КаменчукWEB-разработчикот 250 руб. за час
Software Engineer
Артем КондрашовiOS / iPhone / iPad Developerцена договорная
Разрабатываю качественные мобильные приложения под iOS.
Мурат ОсмановИнженерот 1 000 руб. за час
обо мне
Максим Паунweb-разработчикот 200 руб. за час
DRINK COFFEE! Do stupid things faster with more energy!
Иван Г.Java программистот 1 500 руб. за час
Java программист: Java EE, Spring, JDBC/JPA/Hibernate, maven/ant, Web Services (SOAP, REST), XML, JNI, электронная подпись по ГОСТ
Dmitrijs VrublevskisWeb Developerот 700 руб. за час
In love with Ruby. Unhappy with PHP. Believe in Linux. Successfully using variety of technologies/languages to solve #real-world-problems. Some buzzwords - Linux, SQL, Redis, Ruby, PHP, Nginx, Unit testing, Selenium, PhantomJS, AngularJS and etc. Sometimes playing with fancy Data Science stuff (R language). With love, Your developer, that likes programming.
Ivan KluboffJava, Java EE разработчикот 400 руб. за час
Программист Java c опытом более 3-х лет.Участвовал в разработке нескольких проектов для госсектора в качестве Java EE разработчика.Реализовывал отдельные элементы систем и standalone-модули, также занимался допиливанием существующего функционала, баггфиксингом и рефакторингом.
Ксения БудлянскаяQA Automation Engineerот 650 руб. за час
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Automation Tools: Selenium WebDriver, Maven Languages/Frameworks: JAVA, TestNG, Junit Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, RedMine, fogBugz RDBMS: MS SQL Server 2012, MySQL Expertise in Selenium automation using Selenium WebDriver, JAVA. Designed and implemented different automation frameworks from such like: Page Objects frameworks. Executed automation scripts on different browsers/environments & reported defects/results to the team. Expertise in writing SQL Queries,...
Александр Азаровmanual web testingот 250 руб. за час
Занимаюсь тестированием более 3-х лет. В основном это ручное веб-тестирование приложений. В последнее время приходилось тестировать мобильные приложения.
Александра Калмыковатестированиеот 15 000 руб. за месяц
I have over 4 years of experience in IT industry as technical translator. I have been working with manuals and programming books including not only translation but also localization. I have finished an MQC (Manual Quality Control) course in SoftServe IT Academy. During this course as a Software Quality Engineer I have been working on several projects. I have carried out test planning, requirements analysis, technical specification development, test design (test cases, check lists),...
Ivan Lavlinskiweb designот 1 000 руб. за проект
I am a professional web designer with Russian and English customers, specializing in HTML5 designs and dynamic interaction with FLASH, Java, SQL, etc.
Александр КВеб программистот 1 500 руб. за час
Мой опыт работы с Python/Django более 3 лет. Я работал на многих проектах как в команде, так и один. Мои сильные стороны: - back-end разработка Python; - UI-разработка с xHTML/HTML5, JavaScript, CSS; - разработка со сложной архитектурой; - создание кросс-платформы API основываясь на RPC(json-rpc, SOAP) и REST. Так же у меня отличный опыт в следующих технологиях: - Python(Django, South, Celery, Scrapy, Tornado, PIL, Haystack) - PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, SQLAlchenemy -...
Erika AbreguJava Developerцена договорная
IT Professional specializing in systems analysis and development of web client / server with the latest environmental technologies. High capacity for integration and analysis, dynamic, organized and proactive, with sense of motivation to work in a team, supporting their goals, giving competitive advantage and providing added value
Станислав Астаховswiftцена договорная
Programming languages: Swift, T-SQL, 1C, HTML (basics), php (basics) Understanding: OOP, MVC, Multithreading Experienced with: Cocoapods, Realm, RESTful, Alamofire, iOS SDK, CoreData, CoreAnimation, PushNotification, Autolayout, MVC, pixel perfect UI implementation Tools: Git, Source Tree, Navicat, Xcode, Jira, SQLite Languages: Ukrainian (fluent), Russian (fluent), English (read intermediate, spoken pre-intermediate) Methodologies: Theory of Constraints, Scrum, Agile Personal and...
Александр ГрицайТестировщикот 230 000 руб. за месяц
программирую в свободное время
Aleksander MostovoySenior Web Developerот 450 руб. за час
I have a M.S. in Computer Science, and have worked the last 4 years as a Web Developer I have proficiency in all computer systems, software, and applications to include: PHP(Frameworks),JavaScript, Jquery,Ruby on Rails, SOAP,XML-RPC, CSS, HTML,NodeJS, and more. My main responsibilities over the past few years have been to design databases, ,develop social and e-commerce web applications, maintain the web server, update system requirements, and optimize web applications developments...
Juri TishkoSoftware and web developmentот 600 руб. за час
Спецаилизация: - Проекты с нуля- Back end - Front end- Работа с популярными CMS системами- Мобильные приложенияЦена и сроки разработки только после обсуждения ТЗ.
Ксения Петрунькокопирайтерот 50 руб. за час
Рерайтер, копирайтер, интересуют блоги, форумы и различные информационные ресурсы. Есть техническое образование, знание английского и немецкого, разносторонние интересы
Gregory Kovalchuk.net programmerот 320 руб. за час
work with SQL database LINQ, ADO.NET1+ years of PHP programming experience.3+ years of front-end development using JavaScript (JQuery, Angular,Knockout), HTML, CSS.3+ years of .NET development6+ month of Flax developerknowledge in MS SQL Server, MySQLExtensive experience in cross-browser HTML and CSS layout Extensive experience in architecture, design, development, and implementation of web-based applications