January 2013 — till now (9 months) Oversun-media (Dnepropetrovsk, — Information technology, system integration, internet Architect and team-lead of javascript client-side applications Developing architecture for online browser games (client-side), writing and maintenancing cores of applications, developing the javascript engine for similar games. Technologies: Javascript, (native,...
Владислав СидоренкоSenior Javascript Developerот 500 руб. за час
Yuliya VorontsovaSenior QA Automation Engineerот 43 000 руб. за месяц
·Work experience in IT industry - 5 years; ·Experience in developing of automated tests (web, mobile & stand-alone applications); ·Good programming skills using multiple technologies and integration (including frameworks creation) and support already developed scripts; ·Good knowledge of testing process metodologies; ·Good knowledge of defect tracking tools, version control tools and management process; ·Good written and spoken English in...
Сергей КапрановИнженер-дизайнерцена договорная
Профессиональное знание Photoshop and Light room. Обработка фотографий
Айдар ОмурбековRails, Django разработчикот 900 руб. за час
A passionate developer with experience writing and maintaining apps in Ruby on Rails. I have been developing and maintaining projects in Ruby on Rails including mobile applicatons in Java, Objective C. .
Игорь ГладунProject Managerот 450 руб. за час
Creating HTML5 / CSS3 web Front-end. Responsive web design for mobile or any display resolution. Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, SCSS, HAML. Always - across all popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE7-IE9, Safari, Opera) - pixel per pixel like a mockup - rightly structured and SEO friendly markup - HTML / CSS W3C valid - highest quality scalable CSS code Quality Guarantee - 5+ years experience with professional teams on real projects - perfect knowlege of...
Yanislav BPHP Programmerот 500 руб. за проект
I`m programmer in PHP and MySQL and i`m accepting only two projects
Денис СайкинСистемный администраторот 500 руб. за час
Родился и вырос в Москве. С детства увлекаюсь всем, что связано с IT. Не люблю заполнять поля "о себе", люблю мясо и мощные сервера. Еще жену люблю.
Oksana AndIT project managementот 100 руб. за тысячу знаков
copyright, reright, translation, project management
Александр Чепрасовweb-developerот 100 000 руб. за месяц
Web-программист. Ведущий back-end & front-end разработчик. Разработка и сопровождение: - веб-проектов, баз данных; - проектирование интерфейсов; - консультирование; Team Lead / web-developer / back-end and front-end developer / PHP / JavaScript / SQL / HTML / CSS / Java / Apache / Nginx / PhotoShop / Flash
Антон НауменкоПрограммист C#/Pythonот 700 руб. за час
Профессиональный программист. Специализируюсь на стеке технологий .NET (WPF, Silverlight, ASP.NET MVC etc) и Python (особенно Django). Делаю быстро и качественно. Легко разбираюсь в чужом коде. Код с комментариями, и, при желании заказчика, с юнит тестами.
Giorgi ChumburidzeWeb Designer and Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Web Designer and Developer
Денис ПулинецСоздание сайтовцена договорная
- Little experience with a Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3 RC. - Focused on building sites with 2009. Last my job is site - Also workes with different types of CMS(Content management system): Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla etc. - Have a basic knowledge aboutprogramming language Turbo Pascal and Delphi. - Experience with HTML, CSS, PHP
Олег ПоловинкинAutomation QA engineerот 550 руб. за час
2+ years of experience in Software Quality Assurance and Quality Control for web based software applications. Strong knowledge in automated testing (web applications, Selenium Web Driver / Java). Functional, regression testing. Good experience in supporting large test project, written by several automation testers, the ability to understand someone else's code. Solid knowledge and working experience in test plan development, test case creation, test execution and bug tracking.
Александр КоольГрафический дизайнот 65 000 руб. за проект
I'm Alexander and I am a brand designer with 7 years experience in the creative industry. After the studies in Germany I developed my skills in the most expert design companies in Germany, the Netherlands and Russia, such as Interbrand Moscow, BBDO, KMS Team Munich. Now I have a great possibility to applicate my experience in a freelance activity. I think that design should intersect with the world of customer, supplier, partner - the target audience, and not for the personal...
Валерий КотWeb Developerот 320 руб. за час
Более детально на
Igor TarasovSoftware Engineerцена договорная
Over 9 years of experience in software development. Highly skilled in Unix system programming. Experienced in cross-platform development and embedded systems programming. Wide experience at mobile devices programming, both system and application level.
Katherine CheTechnical translationот 160 руб. за тысячу знаков
I love my work and do it better than other!
Павел КимСистемный администраторот 1 500 руб. за час
Hello, I get work done. -- P. Keywords: CentOS Linux, KVM, LXC Bash, Python, Go, Perl Puppet, Jenkins nginx + lua Bacula, LDAP, MySQL, dnsmasq, PowerDNS Postfix, Dovecot, Exim Asterisk, mpd5, freeradius, git, gogs, gitolite Supermicro, Adaptec, 3com, HP, cisco, Mikrotik Verisign, Afilias, EPP, OT&E, Net::DRI, VNDS, TLD
Michael YushchenkoASP.NET/JavaScript Developerот 350 руб. за час
I like to work with new technologies. Especially mvc, JavaScript(OOP, Paterns), Durandal, knockoutJS,AnjularJs, html5 and so on
Владимир МясниченкоПрикладное ПОот 900 руб. за час
In 2008 graduated with honors from Altai State Technical University, majoring in Applied Mathematics. In 2008-2012 studied in postgraduate school with specialty in Condensed Matter Physics. Research fields: Condensed Matter Physics (Nanoclusters, Molecular dinamic computations, Monte Carlo simulation, Crystal structure prediction); Artificial intelligence, Image and Audio processing.
Serhio PascaleFront-End Разработчикот 60 000 руб. за месяц
Верстка сложных дизайнов. Разработка мобильных версий сайтов. Нативные web-приложения под iPhone, Android и другие платформы. P.S. Ниже текст для иностранных заказчиков. I work in the web industry since 2008. I have participated in many projects, mainly as a freelancer and started only with PHP. In those years, I realized that the development of friendly user interface for web sites and native applications will become an integral part of most services. Since 2010, I began to...
Дмитрий Золотаревphp, webот 640 руб. за час
ps. about me: I am web programmer, have about 10 years of expertise as freelancer and at outsource work. - developing custom sites from scratch, using different technologies, - have experience in creating php/mysql/flash sites with help of frameworks, sites with cms, e-shops, other different types of sites. You can check samples of my work and feedbacks from clients at my elance profile: My CV and skills...
Urban CatsWeb and motionот 100 000 руб. за проект
Дизайн студия. Мы создаем сайты и наполняем их продающим видео контентом.
Данил СтерховМоушн-дизайнцена договорная
Script-kiddie trying to make things right. Working at WOL Creative Studio as Motion Designer and Developer.
Дмитрий ВишняковHtml версткаот 450 руб. за час
Summary Front-end developer with 3+ years comprehensive experience in structuring, developing and implementing XHTML and HTML5 layouts, theming various sites and apps based on Ruby on Rails, Wordpress and Drupal. I have strong technical design background. Qualifications Web development Extensive experience with creating complicated html5/css3 layouts, implementing various graphical interfaces. Creating of JQuery based interfaces and animations. Developing html5 interfaces for...