Сборка, установка и настройка серверов на базе ОС: Unix /FreeBSD7.x-8.x./ (bind9, pf, apache22, nginx, mysql, php, proftpd, squid, openvpn, devecot, postfix, samba) Linux /MandrivaServerEnterprise5.2, CentOS6, UbuntuServer11/ (apache22, nginx, mysql, php, vsftpd, squid, iptables, openvpn, devecot, postfix, samba, backuppc, openfire) Windows / WinServer 2003 R2, WinServer 2008 R2/ (RAID 1, 0, 5, 10; DNS, DHCP, AD + GroupPolicy, файловый сервер, терминальный...
Глеб БогдановСистемный администраторот 100 руб. за час
Андрей СергеевДизайн полиграфии и сайтовот 250 руб. за час
Для полиграфии использую:Программы пакета Adobe: - Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesignА также Autodesc 3dsmax + Illustrate PluginДля кодинга:PHP 5.3, MySQL + SQLite, JQuery Apache, eAccelerator, memcached, Axon ORMGoogle Maps API, Google Calendar API, Yandex Money API, Vimeo APIЛюбимые фреймворки и CMS:FatFreeFramework (in Top 10 Lightweight) CMS GetSimple, Joomla CMS, Wordpress CMSЛюбимые CSS Frameworks:Twitter Bootstrap, 960gs, Google Plus UI И помогают мне в работе:Adminer (for DB) PHPStorm от...
Oleg AndrianovДизайнер интерфейсовот 100 000 руб. за час
I am a graphic, icons and interface designer, from Russia, Moscow. I'm always open for interesting projects, so if you have something, just let me know.
Dmitriy TenCG artistцена договорная
My name is Dmitriy. For now, I live andwork in Tajikistan. This fiel of activity is most interesting for me, and I want to be busy with it for the rest.
Сергей ТрейнисВеб-программистцена договорная
Software engineer with more than 10 years of experience. Skilled in Golang, PHP and several other programming languages, Linux, databases and many other related technologies. I have an experience of designing, building andmanaging complex highly-available applications which operate at high-load and meet industry's best standards. experience: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergeytreinis/ telegram: https://t.me/sergeytreinis
Александр SkyДизайнер интерфейсовот 400 руб. за час
Loves minimal. Works at maximum.
Надежда Недеждинскаяперевод анг-рус, рус-ангот 200 руб. за тысячу знаков
I have impeccable language skills (Russian and English), including excellent grammar and sense of style (business and general) in both languages. I 've been learning German in my University too. I can translate from English into Russian and from Russian into English; I have willingness to learn, positive attitude, ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines, detail-oriented, hard-working, organized, also i have communication skills, presentable appearance and Uni degree in...
Gleb TsyrulnikovSenior Web Developerот 2 000 руб. за проект
Hi, I'm Gabe. Well everybody calls me like this, don't even know why. :) About me: I'm a web developer with more than 3 years of experience. I was lucky to develop the new version of webtheory — the most popular website for learning HTML5, CSS3, Design and so on in Russia. I also wrote several articles about the Ruby language on the website. As a project of webtheory, I created a back-end structure of the game called Hackable, which we tried to develop in a hackathon mode. Currently I work...
Артём Коржукработа с microsoft offecцена договорная
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Даниил КуликовC++цена договорная
Профессиональный опыт: ОтсутствуетЛичностные качества: Экстремальная стрессоустойчивость, обучаемость, пунктуальность, умение работать в командеСпецифические умения: Стремление к максимальной универсализации программных решений при сохранении их лаконичности и при минимальном расхождениями с условиями задачи, умение оптимизировать решения при сохранении запрошенного функционала