Я разработчик и очень люблю свою работу. Мне нравится найти умные решения сложных задач. Я буду рад помочь вам. I am a developer and l like my job very much. I like to come up with clever solutions to difficult tasks. I will glad to help you.
Я разработчик и очень люблю свою работу. Мне нравится найти умные решения сложных задач. Я буду рад помочь вам. I am a developer and l like my job very much. I like to come up with clever solutions to difficult tasks. I will glad to help you.
Golang/Linux разработчик 20 лет опыта 7 лет - Golang * Языки программирования: Go/Golang, Python, C/C++, JS/Nodejs, Java/Kotlin, php, perl, lua, elixir, asm. * Ubuntu Linux и производные, Debian, RedHat/CentOS, OpenWRT, FreeBSD, FreeRTOS * Чистая архитектура и Чистый код * Приёмочное тестирование: BDD, формат требований Gherkin, на русском (или англ) * TDD - Test Driven Development - Разработка через тестирование * ООП, Принципы SOLID, Шаблоны проектирования (Design Patterns) ...
Приветствую! Меня зовут Вадим, Я фуллстек разработчик, трижды дипломированный и многократно сертифицированный специалист в области технологий, обладающий обширным опытом в разработке и реализации сложных проектов. Я стремлюсь к инновациям и качеству в каждом аспекте своей работы (Сейчас работаю в НИЦ). **Контактная информация** Telegram: https://t.me/Vadaim **Услуги** - **Разработка игр с использованием искусственного интеллекта**: Создание увлекательных игр, внедряя передовые технологии...
I am a fullstack developer with a focus on frontend technologies and growing experience in backend development. With over 4 years of commercial frontend experience, I have developed a wide range of applications, and recently, I have been expanding my skill set to backend development, including API design and microservices using Python and FastAPI. Additionally, I have hands-on experience building Telegram bots, automating tasks, and integrating external services. Technologies I use: Hard...
Здравствуйте. Мой стаж работы в веб - 8 лет. Основной стек это laravel + jquery/vuejs, postgres/mysql, css, html. Работал еще с typescript, phalcon, nestjs, nodejs. Мой лучший пример работы на этой бирже - https://freelance.habr.com/tasks/447327
Hi,my name is Hrach.I am a backend developer and I would be happy to help you with your tasks!
I’m Frontend-developer about of 3 years. I use Vue.js as framework. I can to programming on a clean JavaScript and I have an experience of using Typescript. I work with an Options API and with a Composition API. I use a Vite like bundle of projects. I have experience of using interworking methods between client and server. I use design patterns in developing. I improve my development skills and business communication skills constantly. I’m ready to be interviewed, do interesting tasks and...
Опыт работы 2 года: Сентябрь 2023 — Июль 2024 11 месяцев Программист-разработчик Работал удалённо по методологии Agile над проектами: https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/money-manager-expense-tracker/id1510997753 https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/budget-expense-tracker-money/id1584657093 https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/notes-notepad-and-lists/id1489717129 https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/notes-notepad-notebook/id1643871615 (Также есть в GooglePlay) А конкретнее: - Верстка по макету Figma - Доработка фич...
Frontend Web Developer с хорошим знанием JavaScript, в том числе - стандарта es2015+ 5+ лет опыта работы в больших коллективах над высоконагруженными проектами. Могу писать код как в ООП, так и в функциональном стиле. Предпочитаю функциональный. Люблю хуки. Давно использую TypeScript. Знаю React.js и понимаю как он работает. Понимаю Node.js, а соответственно - давно пользуюсь npm и Yarn и хорошо понимаю принципы REST Api. Использовал Appolo GraphQL на нескольких проектах. На стороне...
Hello my name is Dmitriy! I've worked at Astana IT University for 5 month in IT departament as junior software engineer. Stack: C++ 23, C++ STL, OpenCV, git, bash. Also able to make some tasks with Fast API, Flask, Django
Realtime p2p offline-first gasless dApp on Sapper/NuxtJS Bamboo / Solidity smart contracts Filecoin / IPFS / Textile / libp2p / Swarm / GunDB / OrbitDB / ThreadDB Backend on any Python framework Scrapy / BeautifulSoup scrapers Fullstack monolithic or microservice architecture on docker-compose (Redis, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Nginx, Caddy, Traefik, Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, CeleryBeat, CeleryWorker, Nodejs, Matomo, Haproxy, Varnish etc) DevOps / CI / CD hidden...
Здравствуйте. Пишу органический код на плюсах, но могу пригодиться и для наполнения таблиц, сайтов, и чего-то другого. Могу помочь с удалённой настройкой компьютера, макбука, сервера, и другого. В общем, готов рассмотреть варианты постоянной занятости без напряжения. У меня есть компьютер с FreeBSD и мощью Unix, есть коллосальный запас времени, творческого нереализованного потенциала, и масса идей. Пишите. С уважением, Дамир Викторович Радионов. Hello. I write organic code in...
Do you need a high-skilled Software Engineer or Backend Developer? For ongoing huge projects or simple tasks? Congratulations, you found me! I have 4 years experıence on development, so I will do everything possible and use all my skills to make you satisfied with my work. Looking forward to helping you realize your wonderful projects. Sincerely, Martirosyan Hayk.
I am a beginner developer on C# and Unity in particular. I am ready to do tasks for free, at least at first. I have basic editing skills in programs such as Premiere Pro, After Effects and Photoshop. If you need to edit something, I am also ready to do it for free. If the work is overshadowed or any other problems arise, please treat it with understanding, because such delays are primarily due to my inexperience. Я начинающий разработчик на С# и Unity в частности. Готов выполнять задачи за...
My name is Stevo Ilišković. I'm a Web Developer from Bosnia, currently working at a local e-commerce company. In my everyday work, for the past two years, I have mastered JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Figma, Git and ChatGPT. Some of my tasks include implementing new designs for company's webshops using cross-browser techniques, maintaining and upgrading wholesale web catalogues, preparing A/B tests for advertising campaigns, investigating and fixing bugs and others... Outside of work, I had the...
UI/UX дизайнер с опытом создания сайтов (для малого и среднего бизнеса) и веб/мобильных приложений (стартапы, мини-проекты от небольших компаний). — Знаю Figma и методологию разработки дизайна. — Полное ведение проекта от начала до конца. — Работаю с другими дизайнерами и профессионалами (это быстрее и качественнее) — Мои принципы: быть на связи, предлагать решения актуальные для бизнеса, функциональный и понятный дизайн Кейсы: — Лендинг для систем водоочистки:...
Hello! I am an experienced Flutter engineer with more than 2 years of experience in mobile application development. I actively use Flutter to develop powerful, intuitive, and adaptive applications for the Android and iOS mobile platforms. I have experience working with various libraries alongside Flutter to solve complex software problems. I am passionate about developing apps that provide real value to users and solve their problems and needs. I have achieved success in creating powerful,...
I am able to establish contacts with people from different fields. Highly organized and detail-oriented. Ability to find innovative solutions. Keep up-to-date with changes in the industry. The ability to solve tasks. I will be glad to work with you!
Hello, My name is Artsem, right now I'm working as a Front-end software developer with the main focus on SAPUI5 development. I also have experience with other programming languages such as Python and C++, as well as libraries and frameworks such as React or NodeJS. Summary: - Extensive expertise in JS, HTML5, CSS3. - Development experience with various JS libraries and frameworks. - Automation testing experience. - Server-side programming knoledges - Cloud and...
complete tasks on time
Основная экспертиза в области обработки сигналов и машинного обучения, но далее представлю описание областей с которыми работал: NLP: - Text sentiment analysis, binary classification of comments - Big data analysis was done for the audit and consulting projects Table data: - Machine learning algorithms (Random forest, Gradient boosting) were implemented for CRM systems WEB: - Web parsing using beatiful soap VK, Facebook, Twitter, Otzovik and other pages - Node.js application with...
My main programming language is python, I have been working with python for about 6 months. I have 3 projects under my belt such as ( 1. Control system of Projects and Contracts OOP principle, 2. TG Fitness-BOT with import csv file to Google Sheets and ORM. 3. Django site with ORM ) I consider any tasks of any complexity related to programming languages such as python and bash.
Time management - Ability to manage your time and meet deadlines.Self-discipline - Being able to work independently with minimal supervision.Communication - Strong written and verbal communication skills.Research skills - Able to find and analyze information efficiently.Planning & organizing - Can plan projects and tasks effectively.Problem-solving - Can identify issues and develop solutions.Marketing - Understands how to market and promote services.Financial management - Can create budgets,...
Hello, my name is Vladimir. I'm a skilled Senior-Full Stack Web Developer and CEO. I have 12-year experience in IT sphere. I have big experience in mobile development for Android and iOS, web (front-end and back-end), e-commerce, AI. I’m a fast learner, responsible, communicative and always achieve set goals. My interests are in technology, cars and travelling. As of now, I am a freelancer and traveler. I worked with large companies in the Russian and Belarusian market such as: LG, Philips,...
In my current position of a Chief Technology Officer of the company based in New Zealand I manage a team of 7 people from several countries. I work remotely and I am responsible for recruitment, planning sprints, evaluating and managing tasks. Our back-end is written on .Net and NodeJs, we use a micro-service architecture, front-end is written on React. All services are packed in Doсker and deployed in Kubernates. I am also in charge of environment deployment and setting CI. Furthermore, I have...