Предлагаю услуги профессионального перевода. Переводы статей, книг, документов, а также аудио и видео материалов ( английский, турецкий)
Фрилансеры (2)
Jasmin AliyevaПрофессиональный переводчикот 150 руб. за тысячу знаков
Andrey ErshovStar developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello, Thanks for visiting my profile. I'm an experienced mobile and desktop application. I am a senior desktop and mobile developer with 7+ years of experience working on web site. I always pay attention to the details and treat every project. I have developed the various applications such as social networking app, dating app, delivery app, e-commerce app and so on .. I wish that my effort will contribute a lot to achieving clients. many friend, I mean, Clients. Here are some of the...