Passioned Software Developer
Anton GubarenkoiOSот 1 500 руб. за час
Саргон ПираевFull Stack Software Engineerот 1 000 руб. за час
HTML: Jade, Haml, семантическая верстка CSS: Stylus, Sass, Less, PostCSS, CSS3, animation, transform, Bootstrap JS: Backbone, Marionette, React, Angular 1.x, Knockout, jQuery, Underscore, ES6, Babel, Require.js Tools: Webpack, Gulp, Grunt, Git, {PHP,Web}Storm Методологии разработки: Bem, {Git,Github} flow, mobile first, progressive enhancement, tdd, bdd Опыт работы с *nix системами Опыт работы с базами данных: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis Опыт написания хранимых процедур на PL/pgSQL и...
Yaroslav KodingovichiOS Developerот 500 руб. за час
Over the last 2 years, I have developed many kinds of iOS, including social networking, photo/video sharing & edition, music, financial, real-estate, etc. Also, so far I have delivered only high quality products and good services with right price and thus all clients found their satisfaction from my perfect products & good services and wanted to work with me again. As for my working style, it is very agile, creative, innovative and detail-oriented. Also, I enjoy building products from...
Макс КлимчукПрограммист PHP, SEOот 600 руб. за час
PHP, JS, jQuery, Ajax,Perl, Zend, Phalcon, CakePHP, Kohana, OsCommerce, Bootstrap, CSS3 HTML5, Wordpress. Redis, My(P)SQL, Doctrine. CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu. SVN, .git, SEO Опыт 13 лет