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Тестирование NuGet плагина для Ranorex Studio.

Добавлено 14 янв 2019 в 13:29
My client released a new Ranorex Studio plugin via NuGet for Bonsaih.

I perfom:

  • series of installation testing via NuGet and Ranorex Package Manager
  • compatibility testing (with different versions of Ranorex Studio)
  • integration testing (with Bonsaih)
  • documentation and smoke testing (write automation tests, usin plugin based on documentation instruction)
  • and usability testing.

As a result, I found and report some show stopper defects, bugs and usability issues.

Ranorex Studio — all in one test automation tool for desktop, web and mobile.
Bonsaih — browser like real-time log viewer for a number of tools.
NuGet is the package manager for .NET.

RB is a FREE Ranorex plugin which writes test results to an external file as the test is running. It outputs in BTML (Bonsaih Text Markup Language) format so it can be rendered and displayed in real-time by the Bonsaih tool.

Ranorex Studio — all in one test automation tool for desktop, web and mobile.

Bonsaih — browser like real-time log viewer for a number of tools.

NuGet is the package manager for .NET.

Стек технологий:
Ranorex Studio, Bonsaih, NuGet, C#