R50 f9d0f32c48e585894e509f18741d4949
Middle Full Stack

Restaurant Menu (In Progress)

Добавлено 09 дек 2022 в 12:44
  • Design:
    • Figma;
  • Backend:
    • Django (4.x.x):
      • SQLite (3.x.x);
      • JWT;
  • Frontend:
    • Vue.js (3.x.x):
      • PWA;
      • Vuex:
        • Modules;
      • LocalStorage;
      • Router;
      • JS;
      • Transitions;
      • SASS:
        • Rems;
        • Adaptive value;
      • KeyFrames;
      • CSS Variables;
Figma (Sources) - https://www.figma.com/file/bb16cXIsIAriQ2bFLvx7Vx/...
Github Repository (Sources) - https://github.com/RoseDeLaAnne/menu-1
To view this site, please use:
Video demonstration - https://vk.com/video384529743_456239044

Frontend is connected with Backend via API, for view the source code or run the project locally, please use dev branch.

Thanks to Artem for this design:
*Other parts modified by me.

Thanks to Pexels and the authors for the provided videos.
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