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Разработка ТЗ

Strategy plan (6 pages framework)

Добавлено 10 янв 2023 в 20:42
Пример разработки стратегического плана

Project description
A simple narrative structure for a six-page memo
Here is an example of a simple narrative structure that will really help in the development and understanding of a memo, assisting decision-makers to work out what might come next:

In the past it was like this …

Then something happened …

So now we should do this …

So the future might be like this …

Often, when people hear the term ‘story’ or ‘narrative’, they think it means something that lacks data. To the contrary, a story is strengthened with data. The most compelling stories are replete with facts and details. If you are interested, I have written a piece on data storytelling that provides specific techniques for combining story and data.
