This project work is a reflection of the improved version of the mesto project, which was rewritten from scratch, using the React framework and the BEM methodology for the front-end part of the web application, the concept remained the same Also, in addition to the front-end part of the application, the back-end part of the application was written from scratch and using node.js and the Express library. To store data about users and their cards, the MongoDB NoSQL database was chosen. Also, for the security of the application, request limits were set and using the limitter library When deploying this project, it can be a full-fledged completed project
Small animations using CSS, changing user data using JS, displaying data stored on the server using asynchronous API requests, user registration / authorization, pop-ups for displaying input fields or information
Creation of new documents in the database for users, as well as cards. Data changes for the user. Deleting cards, generating a password hash, as well as creating an authorization token and using it in a cookie. Its further use for authorization purposes